P. 22
Thursday 17 May 2018
Dreyer & Reinbold hopes Indy 500 leads to IndyCar return
"Being full-time last year,
you get used to showing up
at places and having it be
(good) right away, whether
you've been there recently
or not," Hildebrand said.
"I think with the new car,
everybody is dealing with
a lot of the same things
initially just to try to come
to grips with it, come to
grips with it in traffic. I think
we're all trying to wrap our
heads around it, but feel re-
ally good about this team's
ability to sort it out."
In expanding to two cars
for Indy this year, Reinbold
felt he put together the
best available pairing.
"It was kind of a no-brain-
er," he said. "Both guys
are exceptionally good
at this track. Our focus for
this year is this track, so we
wanted both these guys.
To have a partnership and
a teammate situation, it just
helps you to be better. We
wanted to get there."
He takes exception to the
idea that the DRR entries
could be at a disadvan-
JR Hildenbrand walks down pit road before a practice session for the IndyCar Indianapolis 500 auto race at Indianapolis Motor tage because the team
Speedway in Indianapolis, Wednesday, May 16, 2018. has not raced yet this year.
Associated Press Instead of trying to get on
the track earlier, the sole
By JENNA FRYER in the series. his battery failed in last Veteran Hildebrand also focus has been on building
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — "We wanted to gear up year's race. has only the Indy 500 on his the best cars possible for
Dreyer & Reinbold Racing in case we wanted to do He is back at Indy with DRR schedule. the Indy 500.
made a memorable debut some further races down for a fourth time, and it's Hildebrand was one turn After that? He doesn't
when Robbie Buhl won the the road," Reinbold said the only race so far on his away from winning the race know.
first IndyCar race the orga- Wednesday. "To do that, schedule this year. in 2011 until he smacked the "We don't really have a
nization entered. we had to have the equip- "We've had a couple rough wall exiting the final corner timeline," Reinbold said. "It's
That was at Disney in 2000, ment. We expanded our go's, some bad luck the last and coughed the victory just going to happen some-
and 18 seasons later DRR is equipment. When you do few years," Karam said of away. He's been back in what organically. We need
still seeking a second trip to that, we bought two new Indy since his debut. "We've good cars since, but with- the budget to go do that.
the winner's circle. chassis this year. There's always had really strong out a full-time ride this sea- That's the priority. That's go-
The task has become much new electronics involved, cars, but something kept us son, Hildebrand is adjusting ing to be what dictates our
more difficult since the tires, radios. I mean, it goes out of it." on the fly with Karam to a timeline if we're able to pull
team scaled back follow- on and on what you have Because of those issues, new model Indy car. that off or not."q
ing the 2013 Indianapolis to do to do that. Our main and what team owner Re-
500, which was DRR's final focus was we wanted to inbold hopes to grow the
race as a full-time IndyCar get two really strong drivers team into, Karam is feeling
team. The years since have for this race, then that way the pressure to deliver. But
been focused on running it does set us up for whatev- with 35 entries for just 33
just one event, "The Great- er we do in the future. That slots in the race, the team
est Spectacle in Racing," was our plan, pretty pure will be pressed to avoid be-
as team owner Dennis Re- and simple." ing bumped from the field.
inbold seeks a path back Karam made his Indy 500 "I feel like every year I feel
into the series. debut with DRR in 2014 more nervous," he said. "I
The road again runs and finished ninth, a result felt like my first year I came
through Indianapolis Mo- many believe should have in here, I didn't really know
tor Speedway, where the earned him rookie of the much of what to expect
team has expanded to race honors. The award and everything, so I wasn't
two entries for the May 27 instead went to NASCAR incredibly nervous. Then
race. Sage Karam and J.R. driver Kurt Busch, who fin- every year I come back,
Hildebrand will attempt to ished sixth as he competed I get more and more ner-
qualify for the Indy 500 in in both Indy and in the Co- vous because I know the
DRR entries and perhaps ca-Cola 600 in North Caro- magnitude of this place
open the door for the team lina. Karam was in a crash more, what it means to do
to consistently participate in 2016 driving for DRR, and well here."