P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 17 May 2018

            Fowler, Carpenter get going in Cardinals’ 7-5 win over Twins

            Continued from Page17

            Lynn (1-4) had control issues
            again, a surprising constant
            in  his  first  season  with  Min-
            nesota  after  six  years  with
            the Cardinals. He gave up
            three  runs,  four  hits  and
            four  walks  in  three  innings,
            throwing 82 pitches.
            “You  can  feel  like  you’re
            doing  what  you’re  sup-
            posed  to  do,  or  close,”
            Lynn  said.  “Just  doesn’t
            go your way, or something
            kind  of  snowballs  on  you.
            That’s kind of been how it’s
            been going since the sea-
            son started for me.”
            Jordan  Hicks  (2-1)  pitched
            a scoreless inning in relief for
            St. Louis. Bud Norris allowed
            an inherited run to score on
            a  wild  pitch  but  secured
            five outs for his ninth save in
            as many chances.
            After  declining  the  Cardi-
            nals’  $17.4  million  qualify-
            ing offer, Lynn was among
            many unsigned free agents
            as  spring  training  began.
            He  reached  a  $12  million,
            one-year contract with the
            Lynn  averaged  3.4  walks
            per nine innings in his time   St. Louis Cardinals’ Tommy Pham, right, is congratulated by Jedd Gyorko after Pham scored on a two-run single by Dexter Fowler off
            with the Cardinals, a num-   Minnesota Twins pitcher Lance Lynn in the first inning of a baseball game Wednesday, May 16, 2018, in Minneapolis.
            ber  that  has  crept  to  6.6                                                                                                  Associated Press
            per  nine  innings  entering  “I think there was just things  starts.                  der impingement, but Ma-     Thursday as St. Louis opens
            first start against St. Louis.  they  see  with  the  guys,  “Just  trying  to  see  what  theny  said  Gregerson  has  a home series against Phil-
            “He’s aware that it’s been  something     whether    it’s  I  had  in  my  bag  today,”  some “bark” in his throwing  adelphia. RHP Jake Arrieta
            a  struggle  so  far,”  Minne-  mechanically  or  that  feel  Mikolas  said.  “Didn’t  have  elbow  too.  ...  RHP  Carlos  (3-1, 2.59) takes the mound
            sota manager Paul Molitor  that  we’re  always  talking  my  best  stuff  out  there  to-  Martinez, on the DL with a  for the Phillies.
            said.  “Sometimes,  either  for, searching for,” St. Louis  day  and  just  tried  to  grind  right lat strain, will have an-  Twins:  RHP  Kyle  Gibson  (1-
            subconsciously   or   con-   manager  Mike  Matheny  through it and get outs and  other MRI this week to see  1, 3.43) is to start Friday at
            sciously, you’re trying a little  said. “They sense, especial-  do what I could.”      how the injury is healing.   home  against  Milwaukee.
            bit too hard to get it back  ly the guys who have been  CLIMBING THE CHARTS            Twins: C Jason Castro is out  The  Brewers  counter  with
            on track.”                   around a while, they sense  Joe  Mauer  had  two  hits  for  the  rest  of  the  season  LHP Brent Suter (2-3, 5.14).q
            Fowler, who entered hitting  when they’re getting close.  for  the  Twins  and  passed  after surgery on Tuesday re-
            .146,  had  a  two-run  single  Good time for it.”        Harmon Killebrew into sixth  vealed more extensive me-
            in the first. He made just his  Logan Morrison had an op-  on   the   Twins/Washing-   niscus  damage  in  his  right
            second start in five games  posite-field  solo  homer  for  ton  Senators  franchise  list  knee.  Castro  underwent
            and had two hits and two  Minnesota in the sixth.         with  2,025.  He  trails  Sam  surgery  to  trim  a  meniscus
            walks.                       MILES MISSING                Rice  (2,887),  Kirby  Puckett  injury and was expected to
            Hitting .140 coming in, Car-  Cardinals starter Miles Miko-  (2,304),  Joe  Judge  (2,291),  miss  four-to-six  weeks,  but
            penter started a game low-   las  allowed  two  runs,  two  Clyde  Milan  (2,100)  and  Dr. Richard Steadman went
            er than cleanup for the first  hits and two walks in 4 2/3  Rod Carew (2,085).         through with a full repair af-
            time since 2015. He had an  innings.  It  was  the  shortest  TRAINER’S ROOM           ter seeing the damage.
            RBI  double  in  the  seventh  start of the season for Miko-  Cardinals:  RHP  Luke  Gre-  UP NEXT
            and his first three-hit game  las, who had gone at least  gerson was placed on the  Cardinals: RHP Luke Weav-
            this season.                 6  2/3  innings  in  his  prior  six  10-day DL with a right shoul-  er  (3-2,  4.91  ERA)  starts
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