P. 24

                   Thursday 17 May 2018
            Cyber expert seeks to suppress statements in malware case

            MILWAUKEE (AP) — A British                                                                                          outbreak of the WannaCry
            cybersecurity expert credit-                                                                                        virus,  which  crippled  com-
            ed with stopping the world-                                                                                         puters worldwide, encrypt-
            wide WannaCry computer                                                                                              ing  files  and  making  them
            virus  was  headed  to  court                                                                                       inaccessible  unless  people
            Wednesday  for  a  hearing                                                                                          paid  a  ransom  ranging
            about    statements   pros-                                                                                         from $300 to $600.
            ecutors  say  he  made  in  a                                                                                       Hutchins'  attorney  Brian
            recorded  jailhouse  phone                                                                                          Klein  did  not  respond  to
            call  acknowledging  that                                                                                           an  email  Tuesday  seeking
            code  he  wrote  wound  up                                                                                          comment. Assistant U.S. At-
            in  malware.  A  grand  jury                                                                                        torney  Michael  Chmelar
            indictment  accuses  Mar-                                                                                           said he couldn't comment.
            cus  Hutchins  of  creating                                                                                         In the jailhouse call, which
            and  distributing  malware                                                                                          Hutchins  was  told  was  be-
            known as Kronos, designed                                                                                           ing  recorded,  he  said  he
            to steal banking passwords.                                                                                         "used  to  write  malware"
            Hutchins,  23,  has  pleaded                                                                                        years before.
            not guilty.                                                                                                         During  the  jailhouse  call,
            Federal  prosecutors  in  Mil-                                                                                      Hutchins also said he repaid
            waukee want to introduce                                                                                            a debt of about $5,000 by
            as  evidence  statements                                                                                            giving  someone  logs  that
            he  made  to  an  unidenti-                                                                                         had  the  compiled  binary
            fied  person  hours  after  FBI    This May 15, 2017, file photo shows British cybersecurity expert Marcus Hutchins during an inter-  of  the  code  he  created
            agents detained him in Las   view in Ilfracombe, England.                                                           for the person who used it
            Vegas before he boarded                                                                            Associated Press  for  banking  malware.  He
            a  flight  home  to  England                                                                                        said both happened when
            last  year.  The  statements  be  suppressed,  along  with  neys have argued Hutchins  Hutchins'  arrest  last  August  he was about 18."I knew it
            are included in a transcript  a two-hour FBI interview.   didn't  fully  understand  Mi-  came as a shock because  was always going to come
            filed  in  court  Tuesday,  on  Prosecutors   have   said  randa  warnings  because  only four months earlier he  back,"  Hutchins  said  on
            the  eve  of  the  hearing  Hutchins also made incrimi-   he's  a  foreigner  and  was  was  lauded  as  a  cyber-  the  call,  adding  that  he
            where  Hutchins  will  ask  for  nating  statements  during  also sleep-deprived after a  crime-fighting hero for find-  didn't "think it would be so
            the phone conversation to  the  FBI  interview.  His  attor-  week partying in Vegas.  ing a "kill switch" to slow the  soon."q
            Car data: Utah Tesla driver had hands off wheel before crash

                                                                      By JULIAN HATTEM             seconds  before  the  crash,  ers  of  semi-autonomous
                                                                      Associated Press             let  go  of  the  wheel  2  sec-  vehicles  must  remain  alert
                                                                      SALT  LAKE  CITY  (AP)  —  A  onds  later  and  then  didn't  and in control of the vehi-
                                                                      Utah  driver  turned  on  the  touch  the  wheel  again  cle at all times.
                                                                      semi-autonomous       func-  before  hitting  the  truck  at  Tesla's Autopilot relies on a
                                                                      tions  of  her  Tesla  vehicle  60  mph  (97  kph).  She  had  system  of  radar,  cameras
                                                                      and  then  didn't  touch  the  previously  told  police  that  with  360-degree  visibility
                                                                      steering wheel again for 80  she had engaged the sys-     and sensors to detect near-
                                                                      seconds  before  slamming  tem and was looking at her  by objects and perform ba-
                                                                      into  a  firetruck  stopped  phone  to  compare  route  sic  functions  such  as  park-
                                                                      at  a  red  light  last  week,  a  maps  when  the  accident  ing and steering.
                                                                      summary of data from the  occurred.                       The features include emer-
                                                                      car  released  Wednesday  The  driver,  who  suffered  gency braking, which Tesla
                                                                      showed. The National High-   a  broken  foot  in  the  acci-  advertises  as  being  able
                                                                      way Traffic Safety Adminis-  dent,  has  not  been  identi-  to "detect objects and au-
                                                                      tration  has  sent  its  special  fied. She was issued a traf-  tomatically  apply  brakes
                                                                      crash  investigations  team  fic  infraction  for  failing  to  to help avoid or lessen im-
                                                                      to  the  state,  the  agency  keep proper lookout.        pact." Tesla says the system
                                                                      said  as  details  about  the  The  driver  of  the  firetruck  is not designed to avoid a
                                                                      Friday  evening  crash  be-  was  checked  for  whiplash  collision  and  warns  drivers
                                                                      came public Wednesday.       injuries  but  did  not  go  to  not to rely on it entirely.
                                                                      According to South Jordan  the hospital.                  It's  unclear  if  that  system
                                                                      police's summary of techni-  In  a  statement  Wednes-    activated before the Utah
                                                                      cian  findings,  the  28-year-  day, Tesla said that drivers  crash.  According  to  the
                                                                      old  driver  had  repeatedly  are  repeatedly  warned  to  summary  released  by  po-
                                                                      enabled and disabled the  keep  their  hands  on  the  lice,  the  driver  pressed  on
                                                                      Autopilot  features  of  her  wheel  and  maintain  con-  the  brake  herself  "frac-
                                                                      Tesla  Model  S  throughout  trol  of  their  vehicle  at  all  tions  of  a  second  prior  to
                                                                      the  course  of  her  drive.  times.                      the crash" and the vehicle
                                                                      She took her hands off the  "Tesla  has  always  been  had not slowed down from
            In this Friday, May 11, 2018, photo released by the South Jor-  wheel  more  than  a  dozen  clear that Autopilot doesn't  the  speed  she  had  set  for
            dan Police Department shows a traffic collision involving a Tesla   times, twice for more than  make  the  car  impervious  cruise control.
            Model S sedan with a Fire Department mechanic truck stopped   a minute each.           to all accidents," the state-  The  NTSB  said  it  has  not
            at a red light in South Jordan, Utah.                     The  driver  re-enabled  Au-  ment  said.  South  Jordan  opened  an  investigation
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      topilot  1  minute  and  22  police  reiterated  that  driv-  into the Utah crash.q
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