P. 23
SPORTS Thursday 17 May 2018
Griezmann scores twice as Atletico wins Europa League final
By JEROME PUGMIRE bounced straight to Gabi.
AP Sports Writer "Griezmann took full ad-
LYON, France (AP) — Striker vantage," Marseille coach
Antoine Griezmann pun- Rudi Garcia said. "I think
ished sloppy Marseille with the blame can be shared,
two expertly-taken goals it's 50-50."
as Atletico Madrid won the The irrepressible Griezmann
Europa League for the third started and finished the
time with a resounding 3-0 move for his second, four
victory in Wednesday's fi- minutes into the second
nal. half.
Marseille was going for a He athletically won a high
second European trophy, ball in midfield and quickly
25 years after winning the swapped passes with Koke
Champions League, but before gliding into the pen-
had no answer to Griez- alty area unchallenged
mann's mobility and finish- and delicately clipping
ing. Captain Gabi capped the ball over the onrushing
off the victory with a fine Mandanda.
finish in the last minute after He celebrated both goals
being set up by Koke. with an energetic celebra-
"It's more than about win- tory dance from popular
ning the Europa League to- video game Fortnite, al-
night, it's about more than though he couldn't do it
a trophy," Atletico Madrid as well the second time
coach Diego Simeone said. around as he was quickly
"It represents the value of mobbed by teammates.
hard work, a steady hand Marseille began with ur-
and consistency, values to gency, but striker Valere
be successful in life. Keep- Germain wasted a great
ing at it, keep working hard chance to taken an early
and it will bear fruit." lead when shot over after
Several of Marseille's play- being played clear through
ers were in tears after the on goal by Dimitri Payet's
final whistle, undone by slick pass after three min-
a player who was turned utes. Center half Adil Rami
down by several French shot just wide moments Atletico players celebrate teammate Antoine Griezmann's opening goal during the Europa
clubs when he was a youth later as Marseille's positive League Final soccer match between Marseille and Atletico Madrid at the Stade de Lyon outside
because of his diminutive start initially upset Atletico's Lyon, France, Wednesday, May 16, 2018.
stature. rhythm in midfield. Associated Press
"This is a reward for me af- The French side's hopes
ter I left home aged 14, for faded after Payet went off public address system to League finals, one in the "The Kid" when he started
all the work I have put in, injured in the 31st minute, stop letting off flares and last minute and one on his career in 2000.
the suffering," Griezmann with what appeared to a firecrackers or the game penalties." "He leaves a legacy of nev-
said. "There has been joy recurrence of a thigh injury. would be stopped. They The comfortable lead al- er surrendering, never low-
and sadness, but I am so "We missed our chance carried on anyway, and so lowed Atletico to take off ering his guard," Simeone
happy and I hope to be in the first half," Garcia did the game, with sections Griezmann in the final mo- said. "He never gave up
able to live moments like said. "You can't fall behind of the stadium cloaked in ments and give veteran when I left him out."
this again." against a team like Atleti- thick pyrotechnic smoke. forward Fernando Torres a The night really belonged
Griezmann pounced in the co. In the second half they But nothing could disguise send-off, as he came on to Griezmann, whose stock
21st minute, slotting coolly raised their level and the Atletico's vast superiority, to a huge ovation from the will rise even further.
into the bottom left cor- best team won." as it added to the Europa red-and-white horde of At- Atletico's next challenge
ner after being set up by Marseille lost its third straight League trophies from 2010 letico fans. will be trying to stop a big-
midfielder Gabi's first-time European final after com- and 2012. It also lost Cham- The 34-year-old Torres, who ger club signing Griezmann,
pass. Marseille's woeful ing up short in the UEFA pions League finals to Real is leaving Atletico at the amid ongoing interest from
defending contributed, as Cup final — as the tourna- Madrid in 2014 and 2016 end of the season, finally Barcelona.
midfielder Zambo Anguissa ment was formerly known and the gulf in experience won a trophy with his be- "I don't think now is the time
failed to control a need- — in 1999 and 2004. was evident. loved club. He raised the to talk about my future. I
lessly casual pass out from Moments after Griezmann's "This shows the value of trophy aloft with his right want to enjoy the present,"
goalkeeper Steve Man- opener, Marseille fans were persistence," Simeone said. hand in front of adoring Griezmann said. "I want to
danda and the loose ball given a warning over the "We lost two Champions fans who nicknamed him enjoy this with the fans."q