P. 16

                   Thursday 17 May 2018

            The Craft and Passion for Coffee
            Barista Championship Aruba won by Abigail Wernet

                                                                      Janella  Werleman  (Star-    just pouring coffee and milk  this championship and also
                                                                      bucks  Paseo),  Mistika  Cork  in  a  cup.  The  jury  was  sur-  celebrates the craft of the
                                                                      (Starbucks    Renaissance  prised  to  see  what  effort  barista.  More  than  75  mil-
                                                                      Mall)  and  Abigail  Wernet  goes  into  the  making  of  a  lion  customers  around  the
                                                                      (Starbucks    Renaissance  beverage  and  how  essen-     world  are  weekly  being
                                                                      Marketplace)  each  repre-   tial  it  is  to  follow  the  right  served by the baristas and
                                                                      sented one of the Starbucks  procedures. “I never imag-   Starbucks sees them as true
                                                                      stores in Aruba and battled  ined  that  Starbucks  makes  artists.
            ORANJESTAD  —  Not  only  baristas to show what they  against  each  other  to  be  the  difference  by  making
            the milk was steaming last  got.  The  overall  winner  of  the  best  barista  on  the  is-  details  count  this  much”,  For  Abigail  the  evening
            Tuesday night at Starbucks  the  barista  Championship  land. Nikky was the partici-   was one of the jury’s com-   was  a  hit  when  she  heard
            Renaissance  Mall.  The  fa-  turned  out  to  be  Abigail  pant from Curacao and in  ments.  The  Aruban  winner  the  jury  calling  out  her
            natic  supporters  of  the  Wernet  who  will  represent  the  end  Aruba’s  winner,  of  last  year’s  competition,  name  as  winner,  she  was
            participants  in  the  Barista  the  islands  of  Aruba  and  Abigail,  had  to  compete  Shamiris  Ascanio,  experi-  visibly  overwhelmed  by
            Championship  Aruba/Cu-      Curacao in Costa Rica this  with Nikky which resulted in  enced in last year’s LATAM  emotions. Each participant
            racao made sure that they  year  for  the  Starbucks  LA-  Abigail  being  the  all-over  Championship  in  Mexico  could earn 44 points in total
            were  being  heard,  but  in  TAM Barista Championship.   winner.                      how the company sets their  and  she  did  get  them  all.
            the end it was up to the four                                                          standards high. “If you for-  What made the difference
                                                                      The four-headed jury (Alex-  get to put the milk back in  was  her  completion:  she
                                                                      andra Kuis - Director of Bars  the fridge immediately, you  connected  with  the  jury,
                                                                      and  Restaurants  Renais-    are  out.  Cleaning  the  ma-  worked  clean  and  con-
                                                                      sance Resort, Tineke Lenters  chine is a standard routine  centrated, had the perfect
                                                                      -  Manager  Renaissance  and can never be missed.  steamed milk and espresso
                                                                      Private Island, Maartje Dol-  During  the  championship  shots  and  finished  off  with
                                                                      phin - Manager Vela Sports  be  sure  to  focus  on  the  an  impeccable  heart  of
                                                                      and Linda Reijnders - Editor  details,  Starbucks  is  keen  milk  foam.  We  wish  her  all
                                                                      in Chief Aruba Today) had  on that.” The company el-      the luck in Costa Rica!q
                                                                      to  judge  the  presentation,  evates  their  partners  with
                                                                      the taste, the skills and the
                                                                      working  hygiene  of  the  la-
                                                                      dies.  Extra  points  were  to
                                                                      be earned by creating an
                                                                      art with the milk foam. The
                                                                      winner scored with the per-
                                                                      fect heart of milk foam on
                                                                      top of the latte macchiato.
                                                                      “This  was  their  change  to
                                                                      demonstrate  their  passion
                                                                      and pride for coffee”, com-
                                                                      ments the organization.

                                                                      Keen on Details
                                                                      Through this Barista Cham-
                                                                      pionship  Starbucks  recog-
                                                                      nizes baristas and their skills,
                                                                      they do so much more than
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