P. 15
LOCAL Thursday 17 May 2018
Peaking Pizza
PALM BEACH - When it ent and with the owners
comes to indulging in piz- and ourselves having a tie
za, we have become spoilt to Chicago, we went back
for choice as of late. But, to Chicago and found this
there is a new kid on the place called Bull’s Pizza.
block that has something There we ate a low fat, thin
different. Tomato Charlies crust pizza and the beau-
Pizza, part of the Brickell tiful part of it is that it is lit-
Bay Beach Club & resort is erally almost like cracker
a healthy choice. Yes, it is bread. It does not blow
possible to crave for piz- you up and is made with
za and not feel blown up low-gluten dough.” This is
afterwards. Juan Keyter, exact the pizza Tomato
General Manager of Brick- Charlies offers. “The flower
ell Bay Beach Club & Spa itself makes the difference
Hotel, explains us how and as it is an unbleached flow-
why. er. What that does is that it TOLL FREE 1 866 978 61 92
cannot rise. Same with the + 297 699 29 79
“It is not your regular fatty yeast, we use fresh yeast,
pizza that is oily and fat NO powder yeast. This all FOLLOW US ON: @arubaslife
with a lot of dough. We together makes a big dif- |
needed something differ- ference.” All vegetables
are fresh and cut every drop.” The red sauce To- one in Aruba that brings in
morning, nothing is canned mato Charlies uses has no prime steaks, every single
and the Italian sausage is sodium, again it does not steak on our menu is prime
brought in from Chicago as blow you up and is much steak, the best quality you
well as the pepperoni. The healthier. Another unique will find in Aruba”, Juan
mozzarella cheese comes detail is that this place does mentions on the sideline.
from Fabri, one of the larg- not put your cheese under Back to the pizza “Last
est suppliers out of Chica- the sausage, but on top of year we made the deci-
go and most of the top res- it. “Why: taste and flavor sion to open Tomato Char-
taurants buy their cheeses stay locked in the melted lies again, upon a lot of re-
here. “Our mozzarella is cheese, the sausage just quest from the public. We
a low-fat one and from a pops in your mouth. It fills chose for a take-out store,
very well-known quality.” the flavor between the right in the Brickell Bay Mall.
red tomato base and the On weekends people go
Cheese Tops sausage, together with the out and have a drink and
When it comes to the menu toppings you have a true we stay open till 12 PM at
we find a range of choices. pizza delight.” Besides the night. It is an enjoyable piz-
The pizza comes 9, 12 or signature pizza you can za and you can still have
14 inch. There are four sig- Build Your Own, choose something healthy. Also we
nature pizzas with three or Lasagna or one of the four do delivery at all high rise
four toppings. “We choose sandwiches or even BBQ hotels from RIU to Marriott,
not to overpower too many Chicken Wings. between 5 PM until 12 AM.
flavors, than it becomes just On the beach we deliver
one big pot of soup and Delivery on the Beach too! By sending a location
that would be too much. Tomato Charlies has been from what’s app, we will
But, our toppings are extra- here before, almost 14 find you and deliver to your
large toppings and there- years ago at the location sun bed.
fore we offer square slices of now Joe & Guisseppe For more information:
instead of the points, to Steakhouse. “An Italian Facebook Tomato Charlies
prevent the toppings to Steakhouse that is the only Aruba.q