P. 13

                                                                                                                           Thursday 17 May 2018

            For turtles nesting on Aruba, Eagle Beach is actually ‘Macho Beach’!

                                                                                                   As more turtle nesting sites  sand  dunes  and  beaches.
                                                                                                   are  rising  in  temperatures  Together  with  the  volun-
                                                                                                   this means that male turtles  teers   from   TurtugAruba
                                                                                                   will  become  rarer,  as  the  they urge visitors as well as
                                                                                                   colder  nesting  sites  dimin-  locals  to  keep  an  eye  out
            By Luis Anibal Villegas      the  help  of  the  minister  of  regards  to  turtles.  As  more   ish  in  quantity.    According  and think about the turtles
            ORANJESTAD-  While  it  is  spatial development, infra-   and more oceans become       to Mrs. van der Wal, Aruba  and  our  island’s  environ-
            widely  known  that  Aruba  structure  and  environment  warmer  through  climate      has  been  known  to  give  ment  in  general  when  vis-
            receives  many  tourists  ev-  to  spread  awareness  on  change,  Aruba’s  shores     shelter  and  help  give  birth  iting  our  beaches  or  any
            ery year that come for the  the  importance  of  caring  have remained consistently    to many male turtles, which  other nature area.
            white  sandy  beaches  and  for  the  environment  and  cold enough to make a dif-     is  something  coveted  al-
            the warm weather, as well  particularly  for  these  spe-  ference for turtle species in   ready  in  the  region,  from  This writer would ask of our
            as  people,  there  are  visi-  cial air breathing sea crea-  the region and around the   what  other  environmental  readers   additionally   to
            tors  that  find  their  way  to  tures.                  world.                       organisations  have  said  in  spread  the  word  of  how
            Aruba’s  shores  in  hopes                                                             conferences.                 important  it  is  to  respect
            to  spread  the  most  pre-  Fewer male turtles because  This has to do with the way                                turtles on Aruba, especially
            cious gift: life. 4 species of  of climate change         that turtles reproduce, Mrs.   Infamous sand tracks       seeing  Aruba’s  important
            turtle, or ‘turtuga’ as is their  Edith and Richard van der  van der Wal told us recently.   While these turtles are cer-  role  for  helping  a  large
            namesake in our local cre-   Wal  during a press  confer-  Unlike humans, turtles have   tainly  important,  the  minis-  amount of male turtles find
            ole  language  Papiamento  ence this week along with  no  predetermined  sex  be-      ter  through  the  new  local  their way in this world.
            have  been  visiting  our  is-  the  minister,  mentioned  fore birth. What determines   platform  InfrAruba  (where
            land  for  many  ages,  yet  a  a  fact  often  overlooked  if they will become female   citizens  can  report  distur-  Finally, like Mrs. van der Wal
            local organisation is hoping  about  the  shelled  travel-  or male is whether the tem-  bances  in  nature  or  in  in-  mentioned   humorously,
            to  spread  the  message  of  ers and their relation to our  perature  of  where  they’re   frastructure)  has  noticed  next  time  you  find  yourself
            respect for these often shy  island.  While  around  the  born  is  above  (warmer)  or   many  violations  of  the  on  Eagle  Beach,  remeber
            creatures.                   world  climates  are  chang-  below (colder), than a cer-  public  beach  law,  which  that Eagle Beach is ‘Macho
                                         ing,  with  that  changing  tain threshold.               outlaws driving vehicles on  Beach’!q
            Every year around this time  climate come changes for
            in  May,  the  many  people  all  the  animals  on  Earth,
            from all over the world that  including  us  humans.  But
            visit  Aruba  will  notice  bar-  while  this  may  mean  for
            ricades  springing  up  by  most  land  creatures  that
            several  beaches.  These  they  are  under  threat  of
            barricades,  set  up  by  the  diminishing  space  for  their
            public  works  department,  existence, this does not rule
            form  protection  for  the  out that sea creatures also
            turtle  eggs  layed  by  our  face struggles.
            visiting  reptile  friends.  Eggs
            which more and more are  Funnily enough, while most
            under duress by the devel-   tourists might come to Aru-
            opments on the island.       ba  for  the  warmth,  what
                                         makes Aruba attractive for
            While  in  the  middle  of  the species of turtle that vis-
            Leatherback  nesting  sea-   it seasonally to reproduce is
            son,  the  foundation  Tur-  precisely the opposite: the
            tugAruba,  an  amalgam  cold.  This  cold  is  precisely
            of  turtle  and  Aruba,  have  why  Aruba  is  playing  an
            set  forth  a  campaign  with  important role globally with
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