P. 14

                   Thursday 17 May 2018

            Kibrahacha Mother’s Day Lunch at Manchebo

            EAGLE  BEACH  —    Man-      their  annual  Mother’s  Day  &  Ike’s  Bistro  with  compli-
            chebo Beach Resort & Spa  Luncheon  at  the  resort’s  ments  of  the  Manchebo
            once again had the honor  beach  pavilion.  Over  200  Team. “All staff from house-
            to host a fine group of senior  mothers  joined  for  a  deli-  keeping,  gardeners,  wait-
            citizens  who  are  member  cious  lunch  prepared  by  ers,  bartenders  and  cooks
            of Club Kibrahacha 60+ for  the chefs of The Chophouse  worked  diligently  together

                                                                                                   to  host  the  Mother’s  Day  to  maintain  the  physical
                                                                                                   Luncheon  which  has  been  and  mental  health  of  the
                                                                                                   a tradition for over 20 years.  elderly  and  improves  their
                                                                                                   The Mother’s Day Luncheon  quality of life.
                                                                                                   for the 60+ is a longtime tra-  The center offers the elderly
                                                                                                   dition  once  introduced  by  a place to meet people of
                                                                                                   the  late  Ike  Cohen  which  their  same  age  and  enjoy
                                                                                                   we  are  happy  to  organize  a joyful day of recreational
                                                                                                   annually”  says  Edgar  Ro-  activity.
                                                                                                   elofs  the  resort’s  general  This  aids  in  avoiding  loneli-
                                                                                                   manager.                     ness  at  home  and  assists
                                                                                                                                them  in  maintaining  social
                                                                                                   Centro  Kibrahacha  helps  contacts.q
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