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              Saturday 28 OctOber 2017

            Pentagon:                                                                               Not just China: US seeks Russia’s

            Mattis stresses diplomacy in Korean crisis                                              help, too, with North Korea crisis
                                                                                                    By M. PENNINGTON
            By ROBERT BURNS              1953,  Mattis  quoted  Sec-  ficult times, and we stick to-  Associated Press
            AP National Security Writer  retary of State Rex Tillerson  gether  today,”  Mattis  said   WASHINGTON (AP) — China’s increasingly icy posture
            PANMUNJOM,  Korea  (AP)  as saying, “Our goal is not  inside a Demilitarized Zone       is  thrusting  Russia  forward  as  North  Korea’s  preferred
            —  On  his  first  visit  to  the  war.”  The  aim,  he  said,  is  of  craggy  terrain,  millions   diplomatic partner, forcing the Trump administration to
            tense but eerily quiet fron-  to  compel  the  North  to  of landmines and ghost-like   turn to Moscow for help in isolating the rogue, nuclear-
            tier  between  North  and  completely and irreversibly  reminders of the war.
                                                                                                    armed nation.
                                                                                                    Beijing’s  close  ties  to  Pyongyang  have  been  strained
                                                                                                    since leader Kim Jong Un ordered the 2013 execution
                                                                                                    of his uncle who had been the countries’ chief liaison.
                                                                                                    Since then, the allies once said to be as “close as lips
                                                                                                    and  teeth”  have  moved  further  apart  over  China’s
                                                                                                    adoption of U.N. sanctions designed to starve North Ko-
                                                                                                    rea of revenue for its nuclear and missile programs.
                                                                                                    But China isn’t North Korea’s only traditionally friendly
                                                                                                    neighbor. And for the United States, Russia’s increased
                                                                                                    importance comes at an uncomfortable time. The State
                                                                                                    Department on Friday warned countries and compa-
                                                                                                    nies around the world they risk being blacklisted if they
                                                                                                    do business with dozens of Russian firms. Investigations
                                                                                                    also  continue  into  allegations  Russia  interfered  in  last
                                                                                                    year’s U.S. presidential election.
                                                                                                    “Russia  could  play  a  useful  diplomatic  role,”  Joseph
                                                                                                    Yun, the U.S. envoy to North Korea, said in an Associat-
                                                                                                    ed Press interview. “If Russia delivers a unified message
                                                                                                    with the U.S., China, South Korea and Japan that the
                                                                                                    U.S.  is  not  interested  in  regime  change  but  rather  we
                                                                                                    want  to  resolve  the  WMD  issue,  they  can  help  better
                                                                                                    than anyone else to convince them of that.”
                                                                                                    Yun said he and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson want
            U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, center, and South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-moo,   Moscow  to  support  the  international  pressure  cam-
            left, visit Observation Post Ouellette in Paju near the truce village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized   paign against North Korea by implementing U.N sanc-
            Zone (DMZ) on the border between North and South Korea Friday, Oct. 27, 2017.           tions, and to urge the isolated, often inscrutable gov-
                                                                   (Jung Yeon-je/Pool Photo via AP)  ernment  to  engage  in  diplomatic  efforts.  Washington
                                                                                                    also wants to prevent transfers of weapons technology,
            South  Korea  as  U.S.  secre-  eliminate a nuclear weap-  The  U.S.  has  about  28,500   amid disputed assessments that North Korea may have
            tary  of  defense,  Jim  Mat-  ons  program  that  has  ac-  troops  based  in  South  Ko-  acquired a high-performance missile engine through il-
            tis  conveyed  the  message  celerated  since  President  rea  and  has  maintained     licit networks in Russia or Ukraine.
            he hopes will win the day:  Donald Trump took office.     a  military  presence  there   Like China, Russia has urged a peaceful resolution as
            Diplomacy  is  the  answer  Despite  unanimous  con-      since the Korean War end-     Kim and President Donald Trump trade personal insults
            to ending the nuclear crisis  demnation by the U.N. Se-   ed.  Mattis’s  counterpart,   and threats of war. CIA Director Mike Pompeo recently
            with the North, not war.     curity Council of the North’s  Song,  gave  the  former    said Pyongyang is only months away from a nuclear-
            He  made  the  point  over  missile launches and nucle-   four-star  Marine  general    tipped missile that could strike the United States, a time-
            and over - at the Panmun-    ar tests, “provocations con-  the  lay  of  the  land,  not-  line  that  has  raised  American  alarm  and  escalated
            jom  “truce  village”  where  tinue,” Mattis said.        ing  that  the  North  has  342   fears of a resumption of the 1950-53 Korean War.
            North literally  meets South;  As  Mattis  arrived  at  Pan-  long-range  artillery  pieces   In the meantime, Russia has cast itself as a potential go-
            at  a  military  observation  munjom  alongside  South  aimed  at  Seoul,  among        between.
            post  inside  the  Demilita-  Korean  Defense  Minister  other  weapons.  That’s  a     Choe  Son-hui,  director-general  of  the  North  America
            rized  Zone,  and  in  off-the  Song  Young-moo,  a  small  threat  that  cannot  be  de-  bureau  at  North  Korea’s  Foreign  Ministry,  has  visited
            cuff comments to U.S. and  group  of  apparent  tourists  fended against, Song said,    Moscow  twice  in  the  past  month  —  most  recently  to
            South Korean troops.         watched from the balcony  so  Washington  and  Seoul       attend a nonproliferation conference where she spoke
            “We’re  doing  everything  of  a  building  on  North  Ko-  must  come  up  with  “new   on  a  panel  alongside  a  nongovernmental  American
            we can to solve this diplo-  rea’s  side  of  the  line  that  offensive  concepts”  to  be   expert and a senior Russian diplomat. Russian Foreign
            matically  -  everything  we  marks   the   inter-Korean  able  to  eliminate  the  artil-  Minister  Sergey  Lavrov  opened  the  event.  Choe  also
            can,”  he  told  the  troops  border.  Uniformed  North  lery before it can be used,    met with Russia’s ambassador to North Korea in Pyong-
            after alighting from a Black  Korean  guards  watched  should war break out.            yang last month.
            Hawk  helicopter  that  had  silently  as  Mattis  and  Song  He  noted  that  earlier  this   “They seem to be communicating, which is good,” Yun
            ferried him to and from the  stood just yards away. Atop  week in the Philippines, he   said.
            border some 25 miles north  Observation Post Ouellette,  and Song joined Southeast      Suzanne  DiMaggio,  the  American  expert  who  sat  on
            of central Seoul.            where  he  could  see  deep  Asian  defense  ministers  in   the panel with Choe, said: “If you look at all the major
            “Ultimately,  our  diplomats  into North Korea and hear  committing to a diplomatic     players in this crisis, the only one with a working relation-
            have to be backed up by  their  broadcast  taunts  of  solution  to  the  North  Ko-    ship with Pyongyang is Moscow.”
            strong  soldiers  and  sailors,  the South, Mattis listened to  rea problem, even though   “Moscow  appears  to  be  positioning  itself  to  play  an
            airmen  and  Marines,”  he  Song  recount  some  of  the  Pyongyang  and  its  young    intermediary  role,”  she  said.  “Whether  that’s  looked
            added,  “so  they  speak  history of the 1950-53 Kore-    leader, Kim Jong Un, show     upon favorably by the U.S. administration remains to be
            from a position of strength,  an war in which thousands  no interest in negotiations.   seen.”
            of  combined  strength,  of  of Americans and perhaps  Two  other  developments         Choe told the conference that North Korea wants to
            alliance  strength,  shoulder  more  than  a  million  Kore-  Thursday  showed  the  U.S.   develop  its  nuclear  and  missile  capabilities  until  they
            to shoulder.”                ans  died  in  a  conflict  that  intention to continue build-  reach a “balance of power” with the United States. But
            At  Panmunjom,  where  the  remains officially unsettled.  ing  diplomatic  and  eco-   DiMaggio said it was also apparent the North Koreans
            armistice  ending  the  Ko-  “It  reminds  us  that  we  nomic  pressure  on  Pyong-
            rean war was signed in July  fought together in very dif-  yang. q                      want to keep channels of communication open.q
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