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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 28 OctOber 2017

            Sharks and lost hope: 2 women rescued after 5 months at sea

            By CALEB JONES               square  inch  of  your  boat  there and she said, ‘That’s  One  of  their  cellphones  a half into the voyage.
            Associated Press             with food, and if you think  OK, I’ve never sailed.’”     had  been  washed  over-     Still, as the months passed,
            HONOLULU  (AP)  —  Their  you need a month, pack six  The  two  set  sail  on  May  3  board early in the voyage,  Joyce Appel said she nev-
            engine  was  crippled,  their  months, because you have  and ran into trouble almost  and  they  were  out  of  cell  er  lost  hope  that  the  pair
            mast  was  damaged,  and  no  idea  what  could  pos-     immediately,  Appel  said,  range anyway.                 would be found.
            things  went  downhill  from
            there  for  two  women  who
            set out to sail the 2,700 miles
            from Hawaii to Tahiti.
            As  their  50-foot  sailboat
            drifted  helplessly  in  the
            middle  of  the  Pacific  for
            months, their water purifier
            conked  out,  sharks  started
            ramming  their  vessel,  and
            their  distress  calls  and  sig-
            nal flares went unanswered
            day after day.
            Some  nights  they  went  to
            sleep  wondering  if  they
            would  live  to  see  the  sun
            Then their fortunes changed
            on Tuesday: Five and a half
            months  after  Jennifer  Ap-
            pel  and  Tasha  Fuiava  em-
            barked  on  a  journey  that
            might normally take about
            three  weeks,  a  Taiwanese
            fishing  vessel  spotted  their
            boat  900  miles  off  Japan
            and  thousands  of  miles  in
            the  wrong  direction  from
            Tahiti.  The  U.S.  Navy  sent
            the USS Ashland to their res-
            “I  had  tears  in  my  eyes,”   In this Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017 photo, sailors from the USS Ashland approach a sailboat with two Honolulu women and their
            said   Appel,    the   Sea   dogs aboard as they are rescued after being lost at sea for several months while trying to sail from Hawaii to Tahiti. The U.S. Navy
                                         rescued the women on Wednesday after a Taiwanese fishing vessel spotted them about 900 miles southeast of Japan on Tuesday
            Nymph’s  48-year-old  cap-   and alerted the U.S. Coast Guard.
            tain,  who  blew  kisses  to                                                                                     (Jonathan Clay/U.S. Navy via AP)
            her rescuers as they pulled
            alongside. She and Fuiava  sibly  happen  out  there,”  hitting a storm that pound-    One night, a group of tiger  “She is very resourceful and
            quickly clambered aboard,  Appel  said.  “And  the  sail-  ed their vessel with 50 to 70  sharks began attacking the  she’s curious, and as things
            followed by their dogs Zeus  ors  in  Honolulu  really  gave  mph  winds  for  three  days  vessel, and the next morn-  break  she  tries  to  repair
            and  Valentine,  who  were  us  good  advice.  We’re  as they traveled the Hawai-      ing,  a  shark  returned  and  them.  She  doesn’t  sit  and
            hoisted up.                  here.”Appel, who has been  ian islands.                   rammed  the  boat  again,  wait  for  the  repairman  to
            “It was actually quite mind-  sailing the Hawaiian islands  Their  engine  went  out  to-  Appel  said,  adding,  “We  get there,” said Joyce Ap-
            blowing    and   incredibly  for  10  years,  said  she  had  ward the end of the month.  were  just  incredibly  lucky  pel,  75,  who  lives  in  Hous-
            humbling,” she told report-  been  planning  the  Tahiti  They  thought  they  could  that  our  hull  was  strong  ton.  “So  I  knew  the  same
            ers  during  a  conference  voyage for more than two.  continue  on  with  just  their  enough  to  withstand  the  thing would be true of the
            call from the ship.          But she acknowledged that  sails, but the rigging on the  onslaught.”                  boat.”
            All  four  looked  remarkably  perhaps she and Fuiava, a  57-foot mast was damaged  “There  is  a  true  humility  to  She  finally  got  a  call  from
            fit, and Appel credited that  novice  at  sea,  weren’t  as  and  they  were  unable  to  wondering  if  today  is  your  her  daughter  early  Thurs-
            to veteran sailors who had  ready  for  the  crossing  as  make any headway.           last  day,  if  tonight  is  your  day.
            warned  them  to  prepare  they could have been.          So they drifted, sending out  last night,” she said.      “She  said,  ‘Mom?’  and  I
            well  for  the  voyage.  They  “I had no idea what I was  distress  signals  every  day  Meanwhile,  loved  ones  said,  ‘Jennifer!?’  because
            had packed enough food  getting  myself  into,”  she  for  98  days  straight.  They  had  no  idea  where  they  I  hadn’t  heard  from  her
            for  a  year,  mostly  dried  said.                       said they also tried without  were.  Appel’s  mother  said  in  like  five  months,”  she
            goods  like  oatmeal  and  “When  I  asked  Natasha,  success to hail a number of  she  contacted  the  Coast  said.  “And  she  said,  ‘Yes,
            pasta.                       I  told  her  I  have  no  idea  ships and fired off 10 signal  Guard  when  she  hadn’t  Mom,’ and that was really
            “They  said  pack  every  what’s going to happen out  flares.                          heard from her a week and  exciting.”q
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