Page 10 - aruba-today-20171028
P. 10

              Saturday 28 OctOber 2017
            Iraq halts troops from retaking land from Kurds                                                                     UN official: Syria

                                                                                                                                siege ‘an outrage,’
                                                                                                                                wants aid access
                                                                                                   correct,  but  added  talks
                                                                                                   were   ongoing.    Escalat-  PHILIP ISSA
                                                                                                   ing  tensions  between  Irbil   Associated Press
                                                                                                   and  Baghdad  erupted  in    BEIRUT (AP) — The top hu-
                                                                                                   violence  earlier  this  month   man  rights  official  of  the
                                                                                                   following  a  controversial   United  Nations  called  the
                                                                                                   referendum  on  indepen-     Syrian  government’s  siege
                                                                                                   dence held by the Kurds in   of  the  capital’s  suburbs
                                                                                                   September.                   “an  outrage”  on  Friday
                                                                                                   Clashes  broke  out  when    and said food and medical
                                                                                                   federal  forces  retook  the   supplies  must  be  allowed
                                                                                                   disputed city of Kirkuk and   to reach civilians inside.
                                                                                                   other  areas  outside  the   Residents  of  the  Eastern
                                                                                                   autonomous  Kurdish  re-     Ghouta  suburbs  of  Da-
                                                                                                   gion  that  the  Kurds  had   mascus  are  facing  a  “hu-
                                                                                                   seized  from  the  Islamic   manitarian emergency” as
                                                                                                   State group. IS conquered    the  price  of  food  has  sky-
                                                                                                   those areas after sweeping   rocketed in the region un-
                                                                                                   across the country in 2014.   der siege, said Zeid Ra’ad
                                                                                                   Most  of  the  Kurdish  forces   al-Hussein  in  a  statement
                                                                                                   withdrew  without  a  fight   published by his office.
             Iraqi security forces gather outside the Kurdish-held city of Altun Kupri on the outskirts of Irbil,   after  Iraqi  troops  moved   Photos  of  children  gaunt
             Iraq. The U.S.-led coalition said Friday, Oct. 27, 2017 that a cease-fire has been reached between   in,  but  reports  of  low-level   from  hunger  drew  re-
             Baghdad and Iraq’s Kurdish minority.                                                  clashes continued and ten-   newed attention this week
                                                                      (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)   sions remained. The Kurdish   to  the  Ghouta  suburbs,
             By SUSANNAH GEORGE          der federal control.         from  the  U.S.-led  coali-  referendum  on  support  for   one of the hubs of the 2011
             Associated Press            The  order  was  given  to  tion  that  a  cease-fire  had  independence  was  held    uprising  against  President
             BAGHDAD  (AP)  —  Iraq’s  “prevent      clashes    and  been  reached  between  in  September  in  the  three      Bashar Assad’s rule.
             Prime  Minister  on  Friday  is-  bloodshed  between  the  Kurdish  forces  and  troops  provinces  that  make  up   The  Syrian  government
             sued  a  24-hour  suspension  sons of one nation,” Haider  deployed by Iraq’s central  the  Kurds’  autonomous     routinely  blocks  the  U.N.
             of the movement of troops  al-Abadi  said  in  a  written  government.                zone, as well as in a string of   from  delivering  aid  to  ar-
             who are deployed in Iraq’s  statement.                   After  initially  announcing  territories claimed by Bagh-  eas opposed to its rule. The
             north to bring territory held  The  announcement  fol-   a  cease-fire,  the  Coalition  dad,  but  at  the  time  con-  U.N. was last able to reach
             by Kurdish forces back un-  lows   conflicting   reports  said the statement was in-  trolled by Kurdish forces.q  Eastern  Ghouta  a  month
                                                                                                                                ago,  carrying  supplies  for
            Senior Hamas official hurt in Gaza car explosion                                                                    only  25,000  people  out  of
                                                                                                                                an  estimated  350,000  in
            By FARES AKRAM                                                                                                      The    government      has
            Associated Press                                                                                                    blocked  three-quarters  of
            GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP)                                                                                          the  U.N.’s  requests  to  de-
            — The head of Gaza secu-                                                                                            liver  aid  to  besieged  and
            rity  services  was  wounded                                                                                        hard-to-reach areas in Syr-
            when  an  explosion  ripped                                                                                         ia, according to the office
            through  his  car  Friday,  ac-                                                                                     of  the  U.N.  High  Commis-
            cording to the Islamic mili-                                                                                        sioner for Human Rights.
            tant  group  Hamas,  which                                                                                          The  Syrian  government’s
            rules the territory. The group                                                                                      backers  Russia  and  Iran,
            called the blast a failed as-                                                                                       as well as Turkey, brokered
            sassination attempt.                                                                                                a  truce  in  May  to  allow
            Hamas     said   a   bomb                                                                                           sorely  needed  humanitar-
            placed  under  Gen.  Tawfiq                                                                                         ian  aid  to  reach  eastern
            Abu  Naim’s  car  exploded                                                                                          Ghouta  after  nearly  four
            in central Gaza. It said Abu                                                                                        years  of  siege  and  bom-
            Naim  “survived  an  assas-                                                                                         bardment at the hands of
            sination attempt” and that                                                                                          government forces. But the
            an investigation was under-                                                                                         situation in the suburbs has
            way.                                                                                                                deteriorated since govern-
            Abu  Naim  was  transferred                                                                                         ment forces seized the Qa-
            to  Shifa  hospital  in  Gaza                                                                                       boun  and  Barzeh  neigh-
            City,  where  dozens  of                                                                                            borhoods  in  northeastern
            Hamas  officials  gathered   Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas political bureau, visits Gen. Tawfiq Abu Naim at Shifa Hospital   Damascus,  also  in  May.
            and  visited  him,  including   in Gaza City, Friday, Oct. 27, 2017. Hamas said in a statement Friday that Gen. Tawfiq Abu Naim   The  two  neighborhoods
            politburo  chief  Ismail  Hani-  “survived an assassination attempt”, after he was wounded in an explosion in his car.   were  the  main  points  for
            yeh.                                                                                        (M. Austaz, HMO via AP)  smuggling supplies into the
            “Those  who  think  that  this  injuries  on  his  arms  and  a  divided.              Fatah party. He is also work-  Ghouta  region  through
            criminal   operation   can  bandage on his head.          The  incident  comes  amid  ing with Egypt on securing    tunnels.  Residents  survive
            limit  our  determination  to  Hamas   has    controlled  reconciliation  efforts  be-  Gaza’s border with Sinai to   on  smuggled  goods,  pay-
            achieve  the  reconciliation  Gaza  since  2007  when  it  tween  the  two  Palestinian  block extremists like Islamic   ing extortion prices to war-
            are wrong,” Haniyeh said.    ousted  forces  of  Palestin-  groups.                    State  group  fighters  from   lords and local traders who
            Footage at hospital showed  ian  President  Mahmoud  Abu  Naim  supports  recon-       moving  between  the  two    control  the  routes  in  and
            Abu  Naim  with  shrapnel  Abbas, leaving Palestinians  ciliation efforts with Abbas’  territories.q                out of the enclave.q
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