Page 15 - aruba-today-20171028
P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 28 OctOber 2017

            Eman Points to Crew for Team Aruba Success Both On and Off the Track

            ORANJESTAD - Team Aruba                                                                                             chat.  What’s  even  cooler,
            has  proven  themselves  a                                                                                          though,  is  the  amount  of
            consistent  top  five  finisher                                                                                     people who notice we sup-
            in PDRA Extreme Pro Stock.                                                                                          port  Autism  Speaks  and
            This  year  was  no  different                                                                                      are  grateful  we’re  bring-
            as  Trevor  Eman  and  the                                                                                          ing  awareness.  “We  are
    Mustang  stand                                                                                           not only a team that races,
            in  third  place  in  national                                                                                      we are a group of people
            points standings. Team Aru-                                                                                         who use a race car as our
            ba had a win, a runner up,                                                                                          tool  to  promote  wonder-
            and  a  semi-final  finish  to                                                                                      ful products and important
            their credit this season.                                                                                           causes. To have a group a
                                                                                                                                guys  so  dedicated  to  do-
            “First and foremost, we are                                                                                         ing  this  together  with  my
            very grateful for the support                                                                                       father,  Ven  and  myself,
            of our partners, Aruba Tour-                                                                                        makes  the  crew  of  Team
            ism  Authority  and  Aruba                                                                                          Aruba  the  best  crew  out
            Airport Authority,” thanked                                                                                         in  the  PDRA.  For  that,  and
            Eman.  “I  believe  we  have                                                                                        the  desire  and  motivation
            a very unique combination                                                                                           to win and go fast, I would
            that allows us to a promote                                                                                         like to thank my guys, John,
            a product we all truly and                                                                                          Doug and Bruce. I look for-
            dearly love, which is our is-                                                                                       ward to racing many more
            land country, Aruba.”        year with the birth of Elana,  this year. Our crew worked  class  has  gained  strength  years with these guys.” Fol-
            Eman  had  a  great  season  is something we as a team  hard and it showed in what  this year with everyone rac-    low  Team  Aruba  on  Face-
            on  and  off  the  track.  He  are very happy and proud  we were able to achieve.      ing  together  in  one  series.  book and Twitter. Find race
            and his wife welcomed their  with. We would have liked  “We  are  also  thankful  for  The  staff  are  great  people  results,  team  updates,  vid-
            first child into the world. His  to finished even better, but  the  PDRA  for  welcoming  and the series continues to  eos and photos. Also leave
            daughter Elana was born in  we had a satisfying season  Pro  Stock  back  to  their  improve.  “And  finally,  we  your  comments  to  cheer
            March.                       earning  several  number  line  up.  The  PDRA  is  hav-  want to thank all the fans.  on  Team  Aruba!  For  more
            “Finishing third in points this  one  qualifiers,  winning  in  ing great car counts at the  It’s great when they come  on  your  Aruba  vacation
            year, together with the big  Darlington and carrying the  events, and they put on a  by  and  come  say  hello  visit  and
            changes  in  our  lives  this  record for most of the races  good variety of racing. Our  and  ask  questions  and
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