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              Saturday 28 OctOber 2017
            Staying in sight of Eagles the aim for Cowboys, Redskins

            By BARRY WILNER                                                                                                     best  with  the  ball  on  third
             AP Pro Football Writer                                                                                             downs.  San  Francisco  is
            Through    the   decades,                                                                                           one of the worst defending
            when  the  Cowboys  and                                                                                             third downs.
            Redskins  met,  it  often  was                                                                                      Pittsburgh  (5-2)  at  Detroit
            for  the  division  lead.  On                                                                                       (3-3)
            Sunday,  the  archrivals  go                                                                                        The Steelers have won four
            at  it  for  the  115th  time.  At                                                                                  straight in this series. In ad-
            stake: second place in the                                                                                          dition to the three-pronged
            NFC  East  behind  the  high-                                                                                       attack  of  Ben  Roethlis-
            flying Eagles.                                                                                                      berger, Antonio Brown and
            While  the  Eagles  host  the                                                                                       Le’Veon  Bell,  Pittsburgh  is
            winless  49ers  already  own-                                                                                       tied  for  second  in  the  NFL
            ing  a  2  1/2-game  edge  in                                                                                       with  24  sacks.  Detroit  has
            the  division,  the  winner  at                                                                                     allowed 23.
            FedEx Field at least can re-                                                                                        Fortunately  for  the  Lions,
            main in sight of Philly.                                                                                            they  come  off  a  bye,  al-
            So  even  though  neither                                                                                           lowing Matthew Stafford to
            Dallas   nor   Washington,                                                                                          heal up a bit before facing
            both 3-3, will have reached                                                                                         that emerging defense.
            the  halfway  mark  of  the                                                                                         Pittsburgh has had the dis-
            schedule,  this  is  a  critical                                                                                    traction  of  receiver  Mar-
            matchup.                                                                                                            tavis  Bryant,  who  was
            For  Washington,  the  chal-   In this Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017 file photo, Philadelphia Eagles’ Carson Wentz (11) aims a pass   suspended  for  last  sea-
            lenge  is  heightened  be-   against the Carolina Panthers during the second half of an NFL football game in Charlotte, N.C.   son,  complaining  publicly
            cause  it  lost  on  Monday                                                                        Associated Press  about his role. Coach Mike
            night    at   Philadelphia,  “And there are some things  and  expectations  of  the  San Francisco (0-7) at Phila-  Tomlin has said there are no
            though coach Jay Gruden  we can do as far as more  way  we  expect  to  move  delphia (6-1)                         plans to trade Bryant, who
            didn’t  see  the  short  week  walkthroughs   are   con-  the  ball,  the  way  we  ex-  Carson  Wentz  made  such  noted during the week that
            as too much of a problem.    cerned,    more    meeting  pect to get points. And it’s  a  strong  impression  on  he was being benched for
            “Yeah, I think that the one  time,  and  less  pounding  been going well.              Monday  night  that  he’s  Sunday’s game.
            thing that I’m pretty decent  and  running  and  physi-   “It’s hard to say there is one  surged in MVP talk. Yes, it’s  Denver (3-3) at Kansas City
            at is trying to get a gauge  cal  contact,  which,  really  thing  that  has  changed.  just  seven  weeks,  but  the  (5-2), Monday night
            for how our team is feeling,  about  Week  6  or  7  it  isn’t  If  anything  we  have  con-  Eagles  do  have  the  NFL’s  Like Cowboys-Redskins, this
            physically, No. 1,” he says.  the end of the world.”      tinued  to  keep  faith  and  best record. And Wentz has  is another classic rivalry.
            “The majority of these guys  Cowboys  fans  were  hav-    keep  confidence  in  our-   been superb. He leads the  Both teams have lost two in
            will run through a brick wall  ing  anxiety  attacks  with  selves  and  continue  with  league with 17 touchdown  a row. Denver’s offense has
            for  the  Washington  Red-   their  team  under  .500,  but  the  same  game  plan  we  passes,  including  11  in  the  disappeared;  the  Broncos
            skins,  that’s  for  sure,  that’s  a romp at the 49ers bright-  have  been  doing  early  in  past three games. And the  scored  42  points  over  the
            why I love this group. But I  ened the outlook.           the season. We are getting  way he uses his running skills  past four games and were
            also have to be smart and  “We  are  definitely  going  into a groove.”                has  Redskins  cornerback  shut  out  by  the  Chargers
            make  sure  I  understand  into  the  direction  that  we  Off this week are the Rams  Josh  Norman  comparing  last week. One player who
            that this is a long year and  want  to  go,”  quarterback  (5-2), Cardinals (3-4), Giants  Wentz to Houdini.        would love to have an im-
            I’ve got to make sure that  Dak Prescott says. “We are  (1-6),  Jaguars  (4-3),  Titans  A key element here: Phila-  pact on Denver’s offense is
            these guys are healthy.      playing up to our standards  (4-3) and Packers (4-3).     delphia is one of the NFL’s  Jamaal Charles.q

            Houston Texans CEO apologizes over ‘inmates’ comment

            HOUSTON (AP) — Bob Mc-                                                                 disrespectful,  I  think  it  was  The  comment  was  pub-
            Nair,  the  chairman  and                                                              ignorant, I think it was em-  lished in an ESPN The Maga-
            chief executive of the Hous-                                                           barrassing,”  Brown  said.  zine story about two recent
            ton Texans, apologized Fri-                                                            “I  think  it  angered  a  lot  of  days  of  meetings  among
            day  after  a  report  said  he                                                        players,  including  myself.  owners,  players  and  oth-
            declared  “we  can’t  have                                                             We  put  our  bodies  and  ers  to  discuss  the  protests
            the  inmates  running  the                                                             minds  every  time  we  step  that have drawn the ire of
            prison” during a meeting of                                                            on the field. To use an anal-  President  Donald  Trump.
            NFL owners over what to do                                                             ogy of inmates in a prison,  Players,  following  the  lead
            about players who kneel in                                                             I  would  say  they’re  disre-  of  former  NFL  quarterback
            protest during the national                                                            spectful.”                   Colin Kaepernick, say they
            anthem.                                                                                Coach  Bill  O’Brien  was  kneel to protest social injus-
            McNair  said  he  regretted                                                            asked  about  the  situation,  tices,  particularly  against
            using  the  expression  and                                                            but  wouldn’t  get  into  spe-  African-Americans.  Trump
            that  he  was  “not  referring                                                         cifics  about  it  as  his  team  has  sharply  criticized  the
            to our players.”                                                                       prepared  for  a  game  protests  and  even  called
            “I  used  a  figure  of  speech   In this Dec. 10, 2014 file photo Houston Texans owner Bob McNair   against the Seahawks.  on NFL owners to fire play-
            that  was  never  intended   speaks at an NFL press conference during an owners meeting,   “It’s  been  addressed,”  he  ers.
            to  be  taken  literally,”  Mc-  in Irving, Texas.                                     said. “I’m really here to talk  The  meetings  earlier  this
            Nair  said.  “I  would  never                                         Associated Press  about Seattle. I’m 100 per-  month  did  not  result  in  a
            characterize our players or  was offended by it.”         he was “sickened” by Mc-     cent with these players. Our  policy  change  that  would
            our league that way and I  Texans  left  tackle  Duane  Nair’s words.                  coaching  staff’s  100  per-  require players to stand for
            apologize  to  anyone  who  Brown  told  reporters  that  “I think the comments were  cent behind these players.”  the anthem.q
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