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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 28 OctOber 2017
            Horford, Irving lead Celtics

            past Bucks at UW-Milwaukee

            By The Associated Press      Cousins took the crowd at  4-0  is  one  of  two  unbeat-
            MILWAUKEE (AP) — Al Hor-     Golden  1  Center  on  a  trip  en teams remaining in the
            ford had 27 points and nine  down  memory  lane,  then  NBA.  Danilo  Gallinari  and
            rebounds,  and  the  Boston  left them with some heart-   Austin Rivers had 16 points
            Celtics beat the Milwaukee  ache  after  a  spectacular  apiece for the Clippers.
            Bucks  96-89  on  Thursday  performance. He waved to  Damian  Lillard  scored  14
            night. Kyrie Irving added 24  his supportive former home  of  his  25  points  during  the
            points and seven assists for  fans  as  highlights  showed  third  quarter  for  Portland
            Boston,  which  avenged  a  of  his  time  in  California’s  (3-2).  C.J.  McCollum  had
            loss to Milwaukee in Boston  capital.                     23  points,  but  missed  one
            earlier this month.          He hit a go-ahead 3-point-   of two free throws with five
            The  game  was  played  at  er  with  2:21  to  play  for  a  seconds  remaining  that
            the UW-Milwaukee Panther  108-106  lead  and  the  Peli-  could have given the Blaz-
            Arena,  formerly  known  as  cans  held  on  without  in-  ers a three-point lead.
            the  MECCA,  which  served  jured  star  Anthony  Davis.  BULLS 91, HAWKS 86
            as  the  Bucks’  home  from  Jameer Nelson contributed  CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Lauri
            1968 until the team moved  18 points with four 3-point-   Markkanen scored 11 of his
            into  the  Bradley  Center  in  ers with Davis sidelined with  14 points in the second half,
            1988.                        a left knee injury sustained  including  a  key  3-pointer
            The  Bucks  chose  to  play  at Portland on Tuesday.      with 48.5 seconds left, and
            one  game  this  season  at  De’Aaron  Fox  scored  14  Chicago  beat  Atlanta  for    New Orleans Pelicans forward DeMarcus Cousins, right, is fouled
            the  11,000-seat  arena  to  points  off  the  bench  to  its first win of the season.  by  Sacramento  Kings  guard  Buddy  Hield  during  the  second
            mark  the  franchise’s  50th  lead seven Kings in double  Markkanen  also  grabbed     half  of  an  NBA  basketball  game  Thursday,  Oct.  26,  2017,  in
            anniversary.  The  team  will  figures.                   12  rebounds,  leading  a    Sacramento, Calif. The Pelicans won 114-106.
            move  into  a  new  arena  CLIPPERS  104,  TRAIL  BLAZ-   dominant  rebounding  ef-                                             Associated Press
            next season.                 ERS 103                      fort  for  Chicago.  Robin  an  86-85  lead  with  about  the  lead  behind  Wesley
            Giannis    Antetokounmpo  PORTLAND,         Ore.    (AP)  Lopez  had  16  points  and  1:50  left,  but  the  Hawks  Matthews,  who  finished
            had  28  points  for  Milwau-  —  Blake  Griffin  made  a  eight rebounds and reserve  never scored again. Lopez  with  18  points  and  made
            kee.  Khris  Middleton  and  3-pointer  as  time  expired  David Nwaba finished with  passed to Justin Holiday for  four  3-pointers  in  the  pe-
            Malcolm  Brogdon  added  and Los Angeles remained  15  points  and  11  boards,  a reverse layup and Jerian  riod.
            15 apiece.                   unbeaten by beating Port-    helping the Bulls to a whop-  Grant found Markkanen for  A fourth-quarter push gave
            PELICANS 114, KINGS 106      land.                        ping  62-40  advantage  on  his big 3 in the final minute,  the  Mavericks  an  86-84
            SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)  Griffin, who scored 16 of his  the  glass.Marco  Belinelli  making it 90-86.             lead with 3:56 left when J.J.
            —  DeMarcus  Cousins  im-    25  points  during  the  fourth  made five 3-pointers on his  GRIZZLIES 96, MAVERICKS 91  Barea converted three free
            mediately    scored   after  quarter, got the ball on the  way to 23 points for Atlanta,  MEMPHIS,  Tenn.  (AP)  —  throws,  capping  an  18-8
            winning  the  opening  tip  left side of the floor and hit  which closed out a 1-4 trip  Marc  Gasol  had  25  points  run to open the quarter.
            and never stopped on the  the 3-pointer just inside the  —  the  franchise’s  longest  and  13  rebounds,  Mike  That  was  the  last  lead  for
            way to 41 points and 23 re-  line,  the  game’s  sixth  lead  road  trip  to  begin  a  sea-  Conley  added  22  points  Dallas,  as  Conley  scored
            bounds, and the emotional  change  during  the  final  son. Kent Bazemore scored  and  Memphis  held  on  to  the  next  five  points  and
            big man dominated his old  two minutes.                   16  points  and  Mike  Mus-  beat Dallas.                 had nine of the Grizzlies’ fi-
            team  to  rally  New  Orleans  DeAndre  Jordan  had  sev-  cala finished with 14 points  Memphis  held  a  20-point  nal  10.  Harrison  Barnes  led
            past  Sacramento  in  his  en points and 18 rebounds  and  10  boards.  Belinelli  lead  in  the  third  quarter,  Dallas  with  22  points.  Dirk
            highly anticipated return.   for  Los  Angeles,  which  at  made  a  3  to  give  Atlanta  but  the  Mavericks  cut  into  Nowitzki added 14.q

            Bulls exercise options on Portis, 4 other players

            CHICAGO (AP) — The Chi-      tice on Oct. 17. Mirotic suf-                                                          mer  first-round  picks.  Portis
            cago  Bulls  have  exercised  fered  broken  bones  in  his                                                         and Valentine were select-
            their  fourth-year  option  on  face  as  well  as  a  concus-                                                      ed by the Bulls, while Dunn,
            Bobby  Portis  after  the  for-  sion. He likely will need sur-                                                     Grant and Payne were ac-
            ward  was  suspended  for  gery.                                                                                    quired via trade.
            eight  games  for  injuring  Portis  publicly  apologized                                                           Dunn  came  over  in  the
            teammate  Nikola  Mirotic  to  Mirotic  last  Saturday.                                                             draft-night deal that moved
            during a fight at practice.  He said at the time that he                                                            Jimmy Butler to Minnesota.
            The  Bulls  also  picked  up  had reached out to Mirot-                                                             He could make his Bulls de-
            third-year   options    on  ic, but had not received a                                                              but Saturday against Okla-
            guards Kris Dunn and Den-    response. It’s unclear if the                                                          homa City after he missed
            zel  Valentine  and  fourth-  two will be able to play to-                                                          the start of the season to re-
            year options on guards Je-   gether again.                                                                          hab a dislocated left index
            rian  Grant  and  Cameron  “I feel like I let my fans, the                                                          finger.
            Payne. The moves were an-    Bulls organization and most                                                            Valentine, who turns 24 on
            nounced on Friday, mean-     importantly my teammates                                                               Nov.  16,  is  averaging  10
            ing  the  players  are  under  down,”  Portis  said  last                                                           points  through  four  games
            contract  for  the  2018-19  weekend.  “This  is  not  who   Chicago Bulls guard Denzel Valentine celebrates his three-point   this season.
            season.                      Bobby Portis is.”            play during the second half of an NBA basketball game against   He was the 14th pick in last
            Portis  and  Mirotic  got  into  Portis,   Dunn,   Valentine,   the Atlanta Hawks Thursday, Oct. 26, 2017, in Chicago. The Bulls   year’s  draft  out  of  Michi-
                                                                      won 91-86.
            an altercation during prac-  Grant  and  Payne  are  for-                                          Associated Press  gan State. q
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