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BUSINESS                 Saturday 28 OctOber 2017

            Profit soars at Exxon and Chevron on higher oil prices

            By DAVID KOENIG              cent higher than the same  lost $497 million last year —  prices by being more selec-  pumped more oil and gas
            AP Business Writer           quarter last year.           appear to be in their rear-  tive in their search for new  than a year ago, but both
            DALLAS (AP) — Buoyed by  When the year is done, an-       view mirror.                 sources of energy.           still fell short of analysts’ ex-
            higher oil prices, profits are  alysts expect both compa-  “We’re  a  pretty  resilient  Spot prices  for benchmark  pectations  for  production.
            soaring at Exxon Mobil and  nies to far surpass their 2016  bunch  in  this  business,”  U.S. crude ended the third  In  midday  trading,  shares
            Chevron. Exxon said Friday  results and keep on earning  Chevron CEO John Watson  quarter  more  than  10  per-     of  Exxon  Mobil  Corp.  rose
            that it earned nearly $4 bil-  big  profits  next  year.  The  said on a call with analysts.  cent higher than they were  62  cents  to  $84.09,  while
            lion in the third quarter, and  relatively  small  profits  that  Watson said the companies  a year earlier, according to  shares  of  Chevron  Corp.
            Chevron  made  $2  billion.  followed the crash in crude  have bounced back partly  Energy Department figures.      dropped  $3.95,  or  3.3  per-
            Both  were  about  50  per-  prices — Chevron actually  by  responding  to  lower  oil  Exxon  and  Chevron  both  cent, to $114.49.q

            Tech giants lead rally as stocks near records; Amazon surges

            By MARLEY JAY                Other  stocks  were  mixed:
            AP Markets Writer            retailers  fell  after  J.C.  Pen-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Some of  ney cut its annual forecasts.
            the  biggest  companies  in  Drugstores,    drugmakers,
            the world had their best day  health  care  suppliers  and
            in years Friday as Microsoft  pharmaceutical distributors
            and  Alphabet  soared  fol-  and retailers fell.
            lowing  strong  third-quarter  The Standard & Poor’s 500
            reports, as did online retail  index  rose  20.67  points,  or
            giant  Amazon.  U.S.  stocks  0.8  percent,  to  2,581.07.
            set  more  records  as  their  The  Dow  Jones  industrial
            winning streak extended to  average  made  a  com-
            a seventh week.              paratively  modest  gain  of
            Intel  made  its  biggest  33.33 points, or 0.1 percent,
            gains  in  three  years,  while  to  23,434.19  as  drugmaker
            Microsoft  had  its  biggest  Merck  and  oil  company
            jump  in  two  years  and  Al-  Chevron skidded after their
            phabet,  Google’s  parent  third-quarter  reports.  The
            company, made its largest  Nasdaq  composite  made
            move in more than a year  its  biggest  gain  since  No-
            after  each  company’s  re-  vember as it soared 144.49
            sults were better than Wall  points,  or  2.2  percent,  to
            Street  expected.  Amazon  6,701.26.  The  Russell  2000
            jumped 13 percent, its big-  index  of  smaller-compa-    Trader Joseph Dente works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Some of the biggest
            gest  move  in  two  and  a  ny  stocks  picked  up  10.86   companies  in  the  world  had  their best  day  in  years  Friday  as  Microsoft  and  Alphabet  soared
            half years, after it got a big  points,  or  0.7  percent,  to   following strong third-quarter reports, as did online retail giant Amazon.
            boost from its latest “Prime  1,508.32.  The  S&P  500  and                                                             (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
            Day”  promotion  and  the  Nasdaq finished at all-time  August  2015.  Apple  ad-      economic data. The Com-      percent, to $3.12. Other re-
            purchase  of  the  Whole  highs.  The  S&P  500  also  vanced  $5.64,  or  3.6  per-   merce  Department  esti-     tailers like Macy’s and Foot
            Foods grocery store chain.   rose  for  the  seventh  con-  cent, to $163.05.          mated  that  the  U.S.  econ-  Locker  tumbled  as  well.
            “The  transition  to  cloud  secutive  week,  something  Amazon  posted  strong  re-   omy  grew  3  percent  be-   The  stock  lost  $1.37,  or  8.9
            computing really played a  that     hadn’t   happened  sults  and  gave  an  optimis-  tween July and September  percent, to $14. Drugstores
            role in all of those tech re-  since  late  2014.  Alphabet  tic  outlook  for  the  holiday  even  though  the  country  and  prescription  drug  dis-
            sults  to  some  extent,”  said  climbed $42.25, or 4.3 per-  season.  Its  stock  jumped  was hit by two major hurri-  tributors  fell  for  a  second
            Brad Sorensen, the director  cent,  to  $1,033.67  and  Mi-  $128.52,  or  13.2  percent,  canes. That was better than  day  following  reports  that
            of market and sector anal-   crosoft soared $5.05, or 6.4  to $1,100.95. Apple, Alpha-  analysts  had  anticipated.  Amazon  is  receiving  state
            ysis  for  the  Schwab  Cen-  percent,  to  $83.81.  Intel,  bet,  Microsoft,  Amazon  Aside  from  those  giant  licenses  allowing  it  to  do
            ter  for  Financial  Research.  the  world’s  biggest  chip-  and Facebook are the five  companies,  stocks  were  business  as  a  prescription
            Technology companies get  maker, jumped $3.05, or 7.4  most  valuable  companies  mixed.  J.C.  Penney  fell  to  drug wholesaler. Walgreens
            a lot of their profits outside  percent,  to  $44.40  after  a  on  the  S&P  500,  and  with  an  all-time  low  after  it  cut  Boots Alliance lost $2.63, or
            the U.S. compared to other  positive  fourth-quarter  esti-  investors clamoring to send  its profit forecast, saying it’s  3.9 percent, to $64.48 and
            industries, so the improving  mate. Elsewhere Facebook  them  higher,  Wall  Street  been lowering prices to try  pharmaceutical  distributor
            global economy is helping  rose  $7.25,  or  4.2  percent,  didn’t  pay  quite  as  much  clearing out unsold goods.  McKesson lost $7.92, or 5.5
            them more.                   to  $177.88,  its  largest  gain  attention  to  some  strong  Its stock lost 54 cents, or 14.8  percent, to $135.62.q

             Merck swings to 3Q loss on big charge but raises forecast

             By LINDA JOHNSON            The  Kenilworth,  New  Jer-  Januvia  and  Janumet  still  Adjusted  for  non-recurring  ing  cancer  drugs  and  de-
             AP Medical Writer           sey,  company  noted  that  raised  its  financial  outlook  costs,  earnings  amounted  velop  new  ones.  Merck’s
             Lower  sales  for  multiple  a  June  cyberattack  that  for  the  year,  but  its  shares  to $1.11 per share, 8 cents  key  medicine  portfolio  re-
             medicines and a whopping  shut  down  some  factories  fell $2.43, or 3.9 percent, to  better  than  industry  ana-  volves  around  Keytruda,
             charge  for  a  big  cancer  temporarily cost it $310 mil-  $59.56 in morning trading.  lysts expected.            an immuno-oncology drug
             drug  collaboration  drove  lion  due  to  lost  sales  and  Merck on Friday reported a  The  latest  results  included  approved for treating lung,
             Merck  &  Co.  to  a  third-  recovery  expenses,  and  it  loss of 2 cents per share, af-  a one-time charge of $2.35  skin  and  other  cancers
             quarter  loss  of  $56  million,  expects  a  similar  impact  ter posting a profit of $2.18  billion for a new partnership  that works by enabling the
             but  it  still  beat  the  muted  this  quarter.    The  maker  billion, or 78 cents per share,  with  Britain’s  AstraZeneca  immune  system  to  better
             expectations of Wall Street.  of  Type  2  diabetes  drugs  in 2016’s third quarter.  PLC  to  market  their  exist-  spot and kill cancer cells.q
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