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Saturday 28 OctOber 2017 TECHNOLOGY

            Being Bing: Microsoft’s overlooked AI tool

            By MATT O’BRIEN                                                                                                     ries,  but  they  don’t  have
             AP Technology Writer                                                                                               all the other queries where
            Microsoft’s   Bing   search                                                                                         people  are  asking  every-
            engine  has  long  been  a                                                                                          day things,” Cornett said.
            punch  line  in  the  tech  in-                                                                                     PRACTICAL EFFECTS
            dustry,  an  also-ran  that                                                                                         Neither Bing nor Microsoft’s
            never came close to chal-                                                                                           AI  efforts  have  yet  made
            lenging Google’s dominant                                                                                           significant   contributions
            position.                                                                                                           to  the  company’s  overall
            But  Microsoft  could  still                                                                                        earnings, though the com-
            have the last laugh, since its                                                                                      pany repeatedly points out
            service has helped lay the                                                                                          “we  are  infusing  AI  into  all
            groundwork for its burgeon-                                                                                         our  products,”  including
            ing artificial intelligence ef-                                                                                     the workplace applications
            fort,  which  is  helping  keep                                                                                     it sells to corporate custom-
            the  company  competitive                                                                                           ers.
            as  it  builds  out  its  post-PC                                                                                   The company on Thursday
            future.                                                                                                             reported  fiscal  first-quarter
            Bing probably never stood    In  this  Wednesday,  Nov.  30,  2016,  file  photo,  Microsoft  CEO  Satya  Nadella,  center,  answers  a   profit  of  $6.6  billion,  up  16
            a  chance  at  surpassing    question  from  the  audience  at  the  annual  Microsoft  shareholders  meeting  as  Brad  Smith,  left,   percent from a year earlier,
            Google,  but  its  2nd-place   president and chief legal officer, and Amy Hood, chief financial officer, look on, in Bellevue, Wash.  on revenue of $24.5 billion,
            spot is worth far more than                                                                        Associated Press  up 12 percent. Meanwhile,
            the  advertising  dollars  it  of  which  range  from  its  nett,  a  former  executive  crosoft  better  understand  Bing-driven  search  adver-
            pulls in with every click. Bil-  voice  assistant  Cortana  to  for Yahoo’s search engine.  language, images and text  tising revenue increased by
            lions of searches over time  email-sorting  features  and  “Whether it was intentional  at a large scale, said Steve  $210 million, or 15 percent,
            have  given  Microsoft  a  the machine-learning algo-     or not, having hundreds of  Clayton, who as Microsoft’s  to $1.6 billion — or roughly 7
            massive  repository  of  ev-  rithms  used  by  businesses  millions  of  queries  a  day  is  chief storyteller helps com-  percent of Microsoft’s over-
            eryday  questions  people  that pay for its cloud plat-   exactly  what  you  need  to  municate  the  company’s  all business.
            ask about their health, the  form Azure.                  power  huge  artificial  intel-  AI strategy.             That’s  OK  by  current  Mi-
            weather,  store  hours  or  di-  It’s  been  stepping  up  its  ligence systems.”      “It’s so much more than a  crosoft  current  CEO  Satya
            rections.                    overt  efforts  recently,  such  Bing launched in 2009 as a  search  engine  for  Micro-  Nadella.  He  doesn’t  look
            “The  way  machines  learn  as  with  this  year’s  acqui-  rebranding  of  Microsoft’s  soft,” he said. “It’s fuel that  back  to  talk  much  about
            is  by  looking  for  patterns  sition  of  Montreal-based  earlier search engines. Just  helps build other things.”  Bing,  but  he  knows  plenty
            in  data,”  said  former  Mi-  Maluuba , a company aim-   weeks  later,  Yahoo  and  Bing  serves  dual  purposes,  about it. Nearly a decade
            crosoft CEO Steve Ballmer,  ing to create “literate ma-   Microsoft  signed  a  deal  he said, as a source of data  ago, he was the executive
            when asked earlier this year  chines”  that  can  process  for  Bing  to  power  Yahoo’s  to train artificial intelligence  tapped by Ballmer to head
            about  the  relationship  be-  and  communicate  infor-   search  engine,  giving  Mi-  and a vehicle to be able to  Bing’s engineering efforts.
            tween Microsoft’s AI efforts  mation  more  like  humans  crosoft  access  to  Yahoo’s  deliver smarter services.   In  his  recent  autobiogra-
            and Bing, which he helped  do.                            greater  search  share,  said  While Google also has the  phy , Nadella describes the
            launch  nearly  a  decade  Some see Bing as the over-     Cornett,  who  worked  for  advantage  of  a  powerful  search engine as a “great
            ago.  “It  takes  large  data  looked foundation to those  Yahoo  at  the  time.  Similar  search engine, other com-  training  ground  for  build-
            sets to make that happen.”   efforts.                     deals  have  infused  Bing  panies  making  big  invest-  ing the hyper-scale, cloud-
            HIDDEN FOUNDATION            “They’re  getting  a  huge  into the search features for  ments in the AI race — such  first  services”  that  have
            Microsoft  has  spent  de-   amount  of  data  across  a  Amazon  tablets  and,  until  as  IBM  or  Amazon  —  do  allowed  the  company  to
            cades  investing  in  various  lot  of  different  contexts  recently, Apple’s Siri.   not.                         pivot  to  new  technologies
            forms  of  artificial  intelli-  —  mobile  devices,  image  DUAL PURPOSES             “Amazon  has  access  to  a  as its old PC-software busi-
            gence  research,  the  fruits  searches,”  said  Larry  Cor-  All  of  this  has  helped  Mi-  ton  of  e-commerce  que-  ness wanes.q

            G7 backs internet industry effort to detect, blunt extremism

            By  PAOLO  SANTALUCIA  try as a whole to do more.                                                                   ingly  been  used  to  recruit
            and NICOLE WINFIELD          “Internet  companies  will                                                             jihadis,  radicalize  young
             Associated Press            continue to take a proac-                                                              people,  share  fake  news
            ISCHIA,  Italy  (AP)  —  The  tive  role  and  ensure  deci-                                                        and incite extremism, they
            Group  of  Seven  industrial-  sive  action in  making their                                                        have  come  under  pres-
            ized nations threw their sup-  platforms  more  hostile  to                                                         sure  from  governments  to
            port behind a new technol-   terrorism,  and  will  support                                                         take  action.  Facebook,
            ogy industry alliance aimed  actions  aimed  at  empow-                                                             Google,  Twitter  and  You-
            at  detecting  and  blunting  ering  civil  society  partners                                                       Tube  in  June  created  the
            online propaganda, saying  in  the  development  of  al-                                                            Global  Internet  Forum  to
            Friday it had a “major role”  ternative narratives online,”                                                         Combat  Terrorism,  which
            to  play  in  combatting  ex-  the statement said.                                                                  got  an  early  boost  when
            tremism on the internet. G7  Social  media  companies                                                               British  Prime  Minister  The-
            interior ministers meeting in  have long seen themselves                                                            resa  May  used  a  speech
            Italy invited representatives  as neutral platforms for oth-                                                        to the UN General Assem-
            from  Google,  Microsoft,  er people to share informa-    From left, European Commissioner for Security Union Julian King,   bly  to  applaud  the  initia-
            Facebook and Twitter to a  tion, and have traditionally   United  States’  Secretary  of  Homeland  Security  Elaine  Duke,   tive  and  demand  internet
            session Friday dedicated to  been  cautious  about  tak-  Canada’s Minister of Public Safety Ralph Edward Goodale and   companies  develop  tech-
            the  fight  against  terrorism.  ing  down  objectionable   Italy’s Minister of Interior Marco Minniti attend the G7 Ministers of   nology  to  more  quickly
            In a final communique, the  material. But as social me-   the Interiors meeting on the island of Ischia, near Naples, Friday,   identify and remove terror-
                                                                      Oct. 20, 2017.
            ministers pressed the indus-  dia platforms have increas-                                          Associated Press  ist content..q
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