Page 28 - aruba-today-20171028
P. 28

              Saturday 28 OctOber 2017

            Agency gave bad data to senator trying to stop shark finning

            By PATRICK WHITTLE           fice  of  Law  Enforcement.
             Associated Press            He  said  the  number  of  re-
            A  federal  agency  said  on  ports  that  led  to  charges
            Thursday  that  it  made  a  was 26.
            mistake  with  a  key  piece  “Shark  finning  has  been
            of data it gave to U.S. Sen.  and will remain a priority for
            Cory  Booker  as  he  was  NOAA’s  Office  of  Law  En-
            building  a  case  to  shut  forcement,”  Brennan  said.
            down  America’s  shark  fin  “It’s  absolutely  something
            trade.                       we  investigate  and  take
            Booker, a New Jersey Dem-    seriously.”
            ocrat, has cited more than  Booker  has  introduced  a
            500    incidents   involving  bill,  approved  by  a  com-
            complaints of shark finning  merce  and  science  com-
            in the U.S., dating back to  mittee  and  endorsed  by
            January  2010,  as  cause  to  more  than  100  scientists,
            support  shutting  down  the  that  would  make  it  illegal
            trade.  But  the  number  is  for any person to “possess,
            actually 85.                 transport, offer for sale, sell,
            Booker reached out to the  or  purchase  shark  fins  or
            National  Oceanic  and  At-  products  containing  shark
            mospheric  Administration  fins,” essentially ending the   In his July 25, 2016 file photo, Sen. Cory Booker, D-NJ., speaks during the first day of the Democratic
            months  ago  to  find  out  American  fin  industry.  His   National Convention in Philadelphia.                                Associated Press
            how often it investigates al-  office  didn’t  immediately
            legations  of  shark  finning,  return a phone call seeking   sharks during processing on  groups  and  fishing  inter-  the Garden State Seafood
            an illegal practice in which  comment on Thursday.        land.                        ests about the fin business.  Association,  which  repre-
            a shark’s fins are removed  Some  commercial  fishing     Saving  Seafood,  a  fishing  Activist  groups,  including  sents some shark fishermen.
            and  the  shark  is  dumped  groups have pushed back      industry trade group, asked  Washington,    D.C.-based  “The industry has been ma-
            back into the water, some-   against  Booker’s  idea  of   the  NOAA  to  clarify  the  Oceana,  have  used  the  ligned,  and  they’re  doing
            times while it’s still alive.  shutting  down  the  Ameri-  figures  about  shark  finning  higher  figure  to  illustrate  it  to  pass  legislation  that
            An NOAA worker’s error in-   can  fin  trade.  They  draw   incidents after seeing con-  why  Booker’s  legislation  harms  people  economi-
            volving  a  new  case  man-  a  key  distinction  between   flicting  data  on  the  agen-  should  pass.  On  Thursday,  cally,” he said.
            agement  system  caused  illegal  finning,  which  ani-   cy’s website.                Oceana said it was sticking  The  U.S.  is  a  minor  player
            the mistake in the number  mal welfare and conserva-      “Shark  finning  is  a  repre-  by the bill.              in the worldwide fin trade,
            of  finning  incident  reports,  tion groups deride as cruel,   hensible  activity  that  has  The Shark Fin Trade Elimina-  which  centers  on  Hong
            said  Casey  Brennan,  chief  and  the  legal  removal  of   been  outlawed  in  the  U.S.  tion  Act  would  “reinforce  Kong.  The  fins  are  used  to
            of staff for the NOAA’s Of-  fins from sustainably fished   and is opposed by partici-  the  status  of  the  United  make  shark  fin  soup,  an
                                                                      pants in the sustainable U.S.  States as a leader in shark  Asian delicacy.
                                                                      shark  fishery,”  said  Robert  conservation  and  remove  More  than  a  dozen  U.S.
                                                                      Vanasse,  executive  direc-  our  participation  in  the  states  and  territories  have
                                                                      tor of the group. “Members  global  fin  market  that  kills  bans  on  the  sale  of  fins,
                                                                      of our coalition do not be-  millions  of  sharks  every  but  the  country  still  has
                                                                      lieve there is any need for  year,”  group  spokeswom-    hundreds  of  shark  fisher-
                                                                      Booker’s bill.”              an Amelia Vorpahl said.      men,  and  they’re  allowed
                                                                      The NOAA’s statement that  Fishermen  think  it’s  disin-  to  have  a  shark’s  fins  re-
              Tour to the Red Light    the  information  about  fin-  genuous to stick by a pro-  moved for sale during pro-
              District with a Private                                 ning  incidents  was  incor-  posal  based  on  flawed  cessing on land. Sharks are
              Guide & a FREE bottle      (297) 630-5329               rect  underscored  tensions  data, said Greg DiDomeni-    valuable for their fins as well
              of wine...
                                                                      between       conservation  co,  executive  director  of  as their meat.q
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