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PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 28 OctOber 2017
Jermaine Fowler says starring in ‘Superior Donuts’ is sweet
By FRAZIER MOORE bomb was one of the fun-
AP Television Writer niest things he’d ever seen.
NEW YORK (AP) — Jermaine So I never stopped.”
Fowler is plenty pleased Fowler was the first person
with his new CBS sitcom, in his family to get into col-
“Superior Donuts.” lege. Then he dropped out.
A midseason entry last Feb- “I got sick of it,” he says.
ruary, it starts its first full sea- “I realized I didn’t want to
son Monday (9 p.m. East- do it. I only went because I
ern), and Fowler is jazzed to thought I was supposed to
be back. go. But I wanted to go do
On the show, he plays a standup and figure life out.
young go-getter reluctant- I knew I had to.”
ly hired by a pastry chef He describes his standup
who, after a half-century style as “topical, goofy, au-
in business, still sells the best tobiographical — wearing
doughnuts in Chicago but my heart on my sleeve. I
whose marketing style (Wi- always try to stay the same
Fi and Yelp are not terms person I was before I did
he’s familiar with) is pretty standup. It’s still me, just
stale. with a microphone and a
“The show’s about these little more selective. You
two guys coming together This image released by CBS shows Judd Hirsch, left, and Jermaine Fowler in a scene from the new want to stay that person,
for one common cause: to comedy series, “Superior Donuts,” beginning its second season on Monday. and not shave away things
keep the doughnut shop Associated Press that made you you off-
alive,” says Fowler. But they So is another seasoned co- down, when I hear Katey’s It was pretty tumultuous at stage, so you’re no longer
don’t exactly get along: star: Katey Sagal, who plays voice, I know everything’s times. Humor was how I got you ONSTAGE. I’ve always
Fowler’s character, Franco, a Chicago cop who’s been gonna be OK.” through everything in my tried to be as Jermaine as
is impetuous and burst- coming to Superior Donuts So far, so good. At 29, life. I used to find a funny I can.” (Or did he say “ger-
ing with new ideas; Arthur, since she was a child. Fowler is already an expe- way to get out of situations. mane”?)
played by Judd Hirsch, is, “This,” confides Fowler, rienced stand-up comic That’s who I was. That’s He says performing as Fran-
um, rather crusty, not to “is going to sound weird. with a Showtime comedy who I AM!” co on “Superior Donuts”
mention stuck in his ways. I grew up hearing Katey special under his belt as Then, in 12th grade, he dis- isn’t too far afield from
“Franco represents the on ‘Futurama’” — the ani- well as a sketch-comedy covered Eddie Murphy’s standup for him. He identi-
change that Arthur is so mated series where Sagal series, “Friends of the Peo- comedy genius. It inspired fies with his character, who
afraid of,” Fowler says. voices sexy, one-eyed alien ple,” that aired for two sea- him to do a standup rou- likewise is an aspiring art-
On the other hand, Fowl- Leela. “I used to record ‘Fu- sons on truTV. tine at his high school talent ist — Franco wants to be
er says that working with turama’ episodes on my He grew up in suburban show. a painter — and who, this
Hirsch, a comedy veteran cassette player and play Washington, D.C., and de- “It was horrific,” he recalls. season, will wrestle with
at 82 who starred in the it to help me go to sleep. scribes his family as “funny” “But my best friend Tra- whether to attend college
classic sitcom “Taxi,” is a Now, like when babies hear but also “pretty damn loud. vis told me to keep doing or, as with Fowler, decide
blast. their mama and they calm My parents argued a lot. it. He said watching me it’s not for him. q
RedOne releases Latin-flavored ‘Boom Boom’ with Daddy Yankee
By SIGAL RATNER-ARIAS Yankee no matter what, by noon Friday.
Associated Press I don’t care how but I will RedOne, who was born
NEW YORK (AP) — Gram- do it’. ... Thank God it hap- in Morocco, seemed es-
my-winning producer Re- pened. He loved the idea, pecially proud to show his
dOne says that what the he loved the song. We native country to his col-
world needs now is positive went in the studio and the leagues. “The whole expe-
music, and he’s teamed up chemistry between me rience was very, very, very
with Latin superstar Daddy and him was so on point. ... special,” he said.
Yankee to deliver it. I was blown away. We just To Daddy Yankee, the
RedOne on Friday released connected as we always best part of working with
“Boom Boom,” a new single knew each other.” RedOne was their instant
featuring French Montana, RedOne, who has pro- chemistry. “It seemed like
Fifth Harmony’s Dinah Jane duced Lady Gaga and we had worked together
and Daddy Yankee, whom Nicki Minaj, calls the song forever. The energy was
he credits with taking it to “an explosion of positive genuine and I knew I had a
the next level. energy the world needs new ally and friend in mu-
“I had the song first, I had at this time.” He wrote sic,” the Puerto Rican star
French Montana in it, I had and produced it, and also of Reggaeton told the AP In this Oct. 8, 2015, file photo, Daddy Yankee poses backstage
Dinah Jane in it, and ... I felt sings on the track, which in an email. at the Latin American Music Awards in Los Angeles. Daddy
the song was almost there samples “Lady (Hear Me Daddy Yankee added: Yankee performs on the new single “Boom Boom,” released
but needed that extra Tonight)” by French house “I take with me beautiful Friday, Oct. 27. Associated Press
thing,” RedOne said Thurs- duo Modjo. memories of Morocco. It Associated Press
day in an interview with The A video, filmed in Los Ange- has so many exotic places could camp in the desert pez, Pitbull, Enrique Iglesias
Associated Press. les, various locations in Mo- that impress you. The expe- and have all the luxuries and Marc Anthony. “Span-
“After thinking about Dad- rocco and different parts rience in the Sahara Desert available to you.” ish music and Latin music
dy Yankee I was like, ‘I’m of the Saharan Desert, had was definitely unforget- RedOne is also known for always have been in me,”
going to try to get Daddy more than 8 million views table. I didn’t know you his work with Jennifer Lo- he said.q