Page 13 - aruba-today-20171028
P. 13

                                                                                                                           Saturday 28 OctOber 2017

            At the Children’s Book Festival:

            Stories from Everywhere, the Past and Present

            ORANJESTAD  -  Loekie  Mo-   tory.  In  1998  she  finalized                                                        ‘Kids  Night  Out’  (Storytell-
            rales visits Aruba to partici-  the  post  Technical  school                                                        ing  evening  for  Kids)  and
            pate in the Children’s Book  for  Environmental  Science                                                            the ‘Caribbean Living Stat-
            Festival this November. She  (HTS) and after that she ob-                                                           ues Festival’, the first one of
            will tell children stories from  tained her Master’s degree                                                         its  kind  in  the  Caribbean.
            her books, her past and her  in  Environmental  Geogra-                                                             Since  2002  Loekie  Morales
            grandmother  who  told  her  phy (1993) at the University                                                           participates   in   children
            many stories.                of  Nijmegen.  She  moved                                                              book festivals in Aruba, Cu-
                                         back  to  Sint  Maarten  in                                                            racao,  Bonaire,  Saba,  Sint
            Loekie is excited to contrib-  2000.  Besides  her  profes-                                                         Eustatius, Sint Maarten and
            ute  once  more  to  the  fes-  sional  career  Loekie  Mo-                                                         Surinam.
            tival  and  looks  forward  to  rales has a passion for writ-                                                       The Children’s Book Festival
            visiting  many  schools  and  ing  and  promotes  reading                                                           is the local library’s annual
            interaction  with  schoolchil-  for children. This is why she                                                       project  to  promote  read-
            dren.  Biblioteca  Nacional  started the Beyond Writing                                                             ing  amongst  children  and
            Aruba  is  proud  to  present  Foundation in 2003.                                                                  is  in  full  motion  all  through
            the 25th edition of the Chil-  Loekie  Morales  writes  chil-                                                       the first week of November.
            dren’s  book  festival  and  dren  stories  and  has  pub-                                                          The activities take place in
            hopes  to  reach  as  many  lished  9  children  books.                                                             schools  all  over  the  island
            children  as  possible  and  ‘Zonnesproetjes’,    ‘Over-                                                            as  well  as  at  the  library  in
            boost reading and the love  seas    Bloodline’,   ‘Papito                                                           Oranjestad  and  the  San
            for books. The library has in-  and  the  Story  Telling  Tree’,                                                    Nicolas branch.
            vited writers and illustrators  ‘Selina  and  the  Obeah                                                            The  Children’s  Book  Fes-
            and storytellers from the is-  Woman’, ‘Bonte Boel’, ‘Tro-                                                          tival  opens  with  an  open
            land and abroad to reach  pisch  Nestje’,  ‘The  Magic                                                              air grand fiesta for children
            this goal.                   Wedding Cake’, ‘Mina Ma-                                                               and  their  parents  on  Fri-
            Loekie  Morales  was  born  rina’  and  ‘Freedom  Salsa’,                                                           day, November 3, at 6pm,
            in  Curacao.  After  finishing  to mention a few. As presi-                                                         behind the library in Oran-
            high school, she moved to  dent of the ‘Beyond Kultura                                                              jestad.  The  public  Library
            Holland where she studied  Events  Foundation’,  she                                                                offers  fun  activities  in  the
            to  become  a  high  school  has  also  been  proactive                                                             afternoon  from  November
            teacher in 1986 in the sub-  in  creating  and  executing                                                           6 to 9 from 3pm to 4pm for
            jects  Geography  and  His-  innovative  events  like  the                                                          all children. q

            Love4Art Studio Exhibits New Works at Bureau Sostenemi

            TANKI FLIP - The members of the Love4Art Studio opened
            their new exposition at Bureau Sostenemi in Tanki Flip 53A.
            This is a group exposition of a rich variety of new color-
            ful works. The opening took place last Thursday evening,
            October 26.

                                                                      Bureau Sostenemi is the call point for child abuse and neglect on the island. Bureau
                                                                      Sostenemi recently moved from Wayaca to Tanki Flip and now has a larger and more
                                                                      comfortable space. To give the interior a lift Love4Art Studio was approached to help
                                                                      out. This is the second exposition for Love4Art Studio in an office space of an organiza-
                                                                      tion. There is also a collection of artworks in the CEDE office (Margrietsraat).q
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