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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 28 OctOber 2017
            Icelanders focus on trust in third election in 4 years

            By EGILL BJARNASON           analysts say the most likely
            Associated Press             outcome of the election is
            REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) —  a coalition government led
            Words  like  “stability”  and  by  Katrin  Jakobsdottir  of
            “trust”  compete  for  at-   the Left Green Movement,
            tention  on  campaign  bill-  who  says  she  would  em-
            boards in Iceland’s capital  phasize  stability  and  con-
            as  politicians  seek  to  at-  sensus decision-making.
            tract  voters  weary  of  po-  “That may be the most rad-
            litical and economic chaos  ical  approach  in  today’s
            in  this  island  nation  that  political climate - stability,”
            became  a  symbol  of  the  Jakobsdottir, 41, said in an
            global financial crisis.     interview  with  The  Associ-
            Icelanders  go  to  the  polls  ated Press.
            for  the  third  time  in  four  Ahead  of  the  election,
            years  Saturday,  six  weeks  voters  on  this  wind-lashed
            after  the  ruling  coalition  island  of  330,000  people
            collapsed amid revelations  have taken to social media
            that  the  prime  minister’s  to express a sense of déjà
            father backed an effort to  vu after new leaks focused
            aid  the  job  prospects  of  on  Benediktsson’s  assets,
            a  convicted  pedophile.  further weakening his cen-
            Bjarni  Benediktsson’s  gov-  ter-right   Independence
            ernment  came  to  power  Party.                          In this Oct. 30, 2016 photo, Katrin Jakobsdottir of the Left-Green Movement party sits in a TV studio
            only  last  year  after  leaked  Iceland’s  post-crash  elec-  in Reykjavik, Iceland. In an interview Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017, Jakobsdottir said a government
                                                                      under her lead would stress stability and consensus decision-making.
            documents  linked  his  pre-  tions  have  been  defined                                                               (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
            decessor to bank accounts  by rapidly fluctuating party   liament.  The  turnover  rate  promoting  direct  democ-  Fewer than five of the mem-
            in offshore tax havens.      support,  with  voters  more   peaked  at  51  percent  last  racy  and  anti-corruption  bers of parliament seeking
            A  series  of  scandals  that  prone  to  back  anti-Estab-  year, when the Pirate Party  efforts.  Polls  show  support  re-election this year served
            began  with  the  collapse  lishment  upstarts  from  all   became the third-largest in  for  the  party  has  dropped  in  the  Althingi  before  the
            of  Iceland’s  three  major  parts of the political spec-  parliament  on  a  platform  by almost half.             crash.q
            banks in 2008 has triggered  trum.
            a rapid turnover in the na-  In every election since the
            tion’s parliament, the Alth-  crash, first-time candidates
            ingi, and a sense of fatigue  have  won  around  40  per-
            among     voters.   Political  cent of the 63 seats in par-

            Scottish leader asks May for

            ‘urgent clarity’ on Brexit plan

            LONDON  (AP)  —  Scottish  Scottish voters backed re-
            leader Nicola Sturgeon on  maining  in  the  28-nation
            Friday demanded that Brit-   bloc.
            ish  Prime  Minister  Theresa  Sturgeon,  Scotland’s  pro-
            May provide “urgent clar-    independence  first  min-
            ity” on plans for a transition  ister,  has  criticized  May’s
            period  after  Britain  leaves  plans to take Britain out of
            the  European  Union,  say-  the bloc’s tariff-free single
            ing  she  is  concerned  the  market  and  its  customs
            country  is  heading  for  a  union.
            “no-deal” Brexit.            In a letter to the prime min-
            Britain is due to leave the  ister  released  Friday,  Stur-
            EU in March 2019, but May  geon said May must offer
            suggested last month that  “absolute clarity” that she
            the  U.K.  could  keep  pay-  is urgently seeking a transi-
            ing  the  bloc  in  order  to  tion agreement.
            keep  relations  largely  un-  Sturgeon  said  was  “in-
            changed  during  a  two-     creasingly  concerned  by
            year  “implementation  pe-   the possibility that your ne-
            riod.”                       gotiations  may  result  in  a
            This  week,  however,  May  ‘no deal’ scenario.”
            suggested there could not  She said the Scottish Parlia-
            be a transition agreement  ment would try to stop that
            with the EU until there is a  from  happening  because
            deal  on  future  trade  rela-  “no Brexit would be prefer-
            tions  —  a  discussion  that  able to no deal.”
            has yet to start, and could  May’s  office  confirmed  it
            take years.                  had  received  the  letter
            Britons voted in June 2016  and  would  respond  “in
            to  leave  the  EU,  but  most  due course.” q
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