Page 19 - KPA 21 SEPT 2015
P. 19

                                                                                                                                        Monday 21 September 2015

Phoenix freeway shooting suspect: ‘I’m the wrong guy’ 

Leslie Allen Merritt Jr., makes his way to appear before a judge  in the suburb of Glendale.     and similar statements
at the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office on Saturday, Sept. 19,    Minutes later, Arizona Gov.    made by his family.
2015, in Phoenix. The landscaper is the suspect in a series of    Doug Ducey proclaimed          “The evidence as you’ll see
Phoenix freeway shootings and was arrested Friday after trying    on Twitter, “We got him!”      in the next couple of days
to sell a gun at a pawn shop.                                     Arizona Department of          speaks for itself,” Graves
                                                                  Public Safety spokesman        said. “We’re not going to
              (Rob Schumacher/The Arizona Republic via AP, Pool)  Bart Graves said the break     get in a debate about
                                                                  in the case was the result     that.”
TERRY TANG                      said Ed Leiter of the Mari-       of exhaustive investiga-       Tom Mangan, a special
BRIAN SKOLOFF                   copa County attorney’s            tive work in which weap-       agent with the Bureau of
Associated Press                office.                           ons from local pawn shops      Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
PHOENIX (AP) — A land-          Superior Court Commis-            were test-fired at the state   arms and Explosives, which
scaper arrested in a series     sioner Lisa Roberts set bail      crime lab.                     has been assisting in the
of Phoenix freeway shoot-       at $1 million, and Merritt,       Graves said evidence from      investigation, said the evi-
ings told a judge that au-      who had remained quiet            shell casings and bullet       dence gathered by DPS
thorities have “the wrong       during the proceedings,           fragments determined that      leaves “no doubt” the gun
guy” as investigators stood     asked in a soft-spoken            a gun Merritt pawned was       used was the one owned
by their detective work         voice to address the court.       used in four of the shoot-     and pawned by Merritt.
that traced the gun to the      “All I have to say is I’m the     ings on Aug. 29 and 30. A      The charging document
suspect after he took it to a   wrong guy. I tried telling        tour bus, SUV and two cars     released Saturday night
pawn shop.                      the detectives that. My           were hit by bullets on Inter-  said that investigators de-
Leslie Allen Merritt Jr. was    gun’s been in the pawn            state 10 on those days.        termined by testing that
charged Saturday with           shop the last two months.         Graves declined to com-        the bullets and the bullet
counts including aggra-         I haven’t even had access         ment on Merritt’s state-       fragments from four inci-
vated assault, criminal         to a weapon,” he said as          ment in court that his gun     dents came from a gun
damage, disorderly con-         he stood handcuffed in a          was in the pawn shop at        that was owned by the
duct, carrying out a drive-     black and white striped jail      the time of the shootings      suspect.q
by shooting and intention-      uniform.
al acts of terrorism.           But a charging document
In a brief court appear-        released late Saturday
ance, a prosecutor said         night by Maricopa Supe-
the 21-year-old should          rior Court said that investi-
face a high bail after driv-    gators determined Merritt
ers spent the last three        had not pawned his gun at
weeks on edge.                  the time of the incidents.
“The suspect presents a         Merritt was arrested Friday
dramatic and profound           evening after a SWAT team
threat to the community,”       swarmed him at a Wal-Mart

3 people hurt in church shooting

EAST SELMA, Alabama             was Minter’s girlfriend and
(AP) — A man has been           that the shooting stemmed
charged with three counts       from a domestic situation.
of attempted murder after       Witnesses told police that
shooting his girlfriend, their  Minter entered the church
baby and a clergyman at         and sat in the front row
a church in Alabama, au-        between his girlfriend and
thorities said Sunday.          the baby, according to
James Junior Minter, 26, of     a statement released by
Selma, Alabama, was ar-         the Selma Police Depart-
rested after opening fire       ment. Minter then pulled
during services at the Oasis    out a handgun and start-
Tabernacle Church in East       ed shooting, the statement
Selma, Alabama, accord-         said. The girlfriend fell to the
ing to Dallas County District   ground, and Minter fired at
Attorney Michael Jackson.       her, striking her in the jaw
Jackson said the woman          and shoulder.q
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