Page 27 - MIN VOS 7 SEPT 2015
P. 27


LOCALMonday 7 September 2015

Sail, Snorkel, Swim and Swing with Jolly Pirates!

MALMOK - Jolly Pirates,       vorite activity among Aru-
well known for infectious     ba visitors. Word-of-mouth
fun during sail and snorkel   approval has translated
cruises, has long been a fa-  into online praise, and has

                                                           brought Jolly Pirates and its  circulates, takes your or-      Pirates trajectory, offering
                                                           crew recognition from Trip     der, and brings your drinks     an informal evening at sea
                                                           Advisor ranking Jolly Pirates  to you while you relax and      for a price that won’t have
                                                           among the top performing       enjoy the ride. “You will       you walking the plank!
                                                           establishments from around     enjoy their mast-climbing       Jolly Pirates Cruises will
                                                           the world.                     antics followed by an acro-     Board by the Hadicurari
                                                           Friendly, athletic deck-       batic swing into the sea—       Pier at Moomba Beach be-
                                                           hands will ‘wow’ you           think Tarzan meets “marine      tween the Holiday Inn and
                                                           aboard Jolly Pirates Cruises   boy.” When it’s your turn       Marriott.
                                                           with their hospitality. Once   grab hold of the rope and       Enjoy savings on your ex-
                                                           aboard the gleaming teak       let loose with your best can-   cursion by redeeming the
                                                           decks of the twin 85ft teak    nonball and remember to         Value-Added Tear-Out
                                                           schooners, the crew will       grab hold of your swimsuit      Coupon featured on Page
                                                           charm you with their inter-    before you hit the water!       6 in the Aruba Today News-
                                                           active hijinks throughout      Frommer’s guide recom-          paper! 
                                                           the day.                       mends “Lucky ladies dou-        Check out www.jolly-pi-
                                                           Aruba’s most popular           ble up with Tarzan-boys for or give the pi-
                                                           cruises feature sailing,       a tandem piggyback swing        rates a shout by calling
                                                           snorkeling, tasty BBQ with     that would make Jane jeal-      586-8107 (after hours at
                                                           full-service Open bar and      ous”.                           592-7858) for more informa-
                                                           rope-swinging good times.      Daily sunset sails from 5:30 –  tion and reservations for
                                                           Jolly Pirates cruises embark   7:30pm with open bar have       Aruba’s most entertaining
                                                           daily with a bartender who     recently been added to the      sea-bound adventure.q
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