P. 28

28                                                               AWEMainta                                                  Diaranson, 10 Januari 2018

 Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada; den    The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie                            “1 Corinthians 13:
 cunucu di yerba berde, e ta pone mi sosega. E ta     down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. He     Tres kos ta keda: fe, speransa y amor; pero esun di
 hiba mi na fuente di awa trankil pa mi bolbe haya    restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
                                                      for his name’s sake. Psalm 23                                                            mas grandi ta amor.”
                            forsa.                    With great sorrow but greatful for everything he did for us, we             Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, pero
    Conforme cu boluntad di Dios y cu inmenso         announce the passing of our loving father and Dr. :                      conforme cu boluntad di Dios nos ta participa
 tristesa, nos ta participa fayecimento di nos tata,
                                                      Dr. Roberto                                                                                 fayecimento di:
        welo, bisawelo, ruman y suegro stima.         B. Bryson
                                                                                                                             “ Richard Martinus Jansen”
      SR. JOSE ERASMUS                                widower of Mrs.Christa Bryson                                                          Mihor conoci como: “Chaco”
                                                      *23-10-1941 - †03-01-2018                                                               *29-01-1963 - †31-12-2017
           mihor conoci como ‘Jossy’ of ‘Joe’                                                                               Na nomber di su esposa stima:
               *12-03-1934 †07-01-2018                Left to mourn are:                                                    Morela C. Jansen-Dirkz
                                                      Daughter:               Charlene Bryson & Gregory Rasmijn             Yiunan stima:
Na nomber di su                                       Sisters: †Eunice Bryson                                               Shaëdimir Jansen
Esposa: †Catharina Erasmus Luidens                               †Josita Lake Bryson                                        Rishair Jansen
Yiunan: Judith Erasmus y Hendrik Tromp                Nephews & Nieces: Minolva Doran & Family in The Netherlands           Luis Henriquez y Ingris Tarra
                                                                              Bernice Lake & Family                         Mama Stima: Runa Jacobs
            Maritza Erasmus y yiu                                             Charles Lake & Family in The Netherlands      Tata: †Eligio (Bubu) Jansen
            Mitchell Erasmus                                                  Rafael Bryson & Bernice Dennis                Ruman nan:
            Natalie Erasmus y Roberto Davids y yiu                            Errol Bryson & Indra Busby                    †Julieta Jansen y yiunan na Aruba y Hulanda
Nieta:                                                                        Ruben Bryson                                  Eligio (Juni) Jansen y Marcia Kock y yiunan na Aruba y
    Joseina Donato y Louimar Jarzagaray y famia       Cousins: Marjorie Hamlet Bryson & Family in the USA                   Hulanda
Bisanietonan: Michael-Joe Arends                                 Cynthia Martinez Bryson & Family in the USA                Sonia Jansen y yiunan na Corsow
                                                                 Belinda Bryson & Family in the Netherlands                 Glenda Jansen y yiunan na Corsow y Hulanda
                        Julian Arends                            Olivia Bryson & Family in the Netherlands                  André (Pico) Jansen y Silvana Jansen y yiunan
                        Louis Jarzagaray                         Mabel Maduro Bryson & Family                               Suegra Stima: Lucila Iglesia
                        Louiselle Jarzagaray                     Edgard Bryson & Family                                     Suegro: Ronald Dirkz
Rumanan: †Hyacintho Erasmus y †Chita y famia                     Roberto C. Bryson & Family                                 Swa nan:
  †Emilia Erasmus y †Leonardo Hernandez y famia                  Felicita Bryson & Family                                   Omar Iglesia
  †Eugenia Erasmus y †Luis Tromp y famia                         Patricia Paul Bryson & Family                              Richinel Iglesia na Hulanda
  †Felipe Erasmus y †Julieta Trimon y famia                      James Bryson & Family in the Netherlands                   Michael Winklaar y Alimar Marquez
†Catharina Erasmus y †Rogelio Maldonado y famia                  Rose-Marie Nedd Bryson & Family                            Tantanan:
  †Juan Erasmus                                                  Gloria Passape Bryson & Family in Guadaloupe               Carmen Pop-Jacobs, esposo y yiunan na Corsow y
  †Seferina Erasmus y †Juan Kelly y famia                        Roland Bryson                                              Aruba
   Theresita Erasmus y †Joao Gil y famia                         †Francisco Bryson in St. Maarten                           Gloria Jansen y yiunan na Corsow
   Maximo Erasmus y Ika Donker y famia                           Roberto A. Bryson & Family in St. Maarten                  Ivonne Jansen na Hulanda
  Petra Erasmus y †Luis Giel y famia                             Grace Bryson in St. Maarten                                Baby Jansen y yiunan
  Agatha Erasmus y Reno Pieters y famia                          Antonio Bryson & Family                                    Defna Jansen y yiunan
  Tharcicio Erasmus y famia                                      Mercedes Brooks and Family in Curacao                      Omonan:
  Antonio Erasmus y †Maria Dirksz y famia                        Charlise Vialle Bryson & Family in The Netherlands         Felix Jacobs, esposa y yiu na Hulanda
Swa y Cuñanan: Meme Luidens y †Abraham                           Laurencia Duzant Bryson & Family in the USA                Godfried (Yu) Jansen y yiunan na Colombia
                     Donker y famia                              Oleana Bryson & Family in the USA                          Steve Jansen y yiunan na Hulanda
      †Fernando Luidens y Carola Daniz y famia                   Thaddeus Bryson & Family in the USA                        Su bon amigo y amiga nan mucho hopi menciona,
      †Cesar Luidens y Tina y famia                              Hyacynth Richardson Bryson & Family in the USA             pero sa cu Chaco a aprecia y stima cada un di bosonan.
   Tomasita Luidens y †Anselmo Eckmeyer y famia                  Ruth Bryson in the USA                                     Su prima y primonan, ihanan, comper y comer nan,
   †Aureliano Luidens y †Shonrita Arends y famia                 Inez Bryson in the USA                                     bisiña nan di Dakota y Pos Abao.
   †Cecilio Luidens y famia                                      Gloria Bryson & Famila                                     Demas famianan:
Omonan, tantanan, sobrino y sobrinanan, ihanan,                  Antonio Bryson & Family                                    Jansen, Dirkz, Jacobs, Iglesia, Winklaar, Cornelie, Odor,
prima y primonan, comer y compernan, demas                       Olivia Bryson & Family                                     Feliciano, Maduro, Rasmijn, Croes, Ridderstap, Esser,
famianan, bisinjanan, amigonan, ex coleganan,                    Gerardo Bryson & Family                                    Tromp, Manuela, Vries, Stamper, Pop, Henriquez, Farro,
personal y companjenan di Huize Maristella                       Norma Jacobs & Family                                      Provence, Leanez, Kock, Decamps, Atimadora, Lar,
Nos ta invita tur famia, amigo y conocirnan pa                   Theresita Bryson & Family                                  Michel, Marquez, Tara, Wiersma, Loopstok.
asisti na e acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar                   Maria van Valderen & Spouse                                Acto di Condolencia y Entiero lo wordo anuncia
diabierna 12 di Januari 2018 pa 11’or di mainta                  Irma Bryson & Family                                       despues
saliendo for di Misa Santa Anna pa Santana            Related Families:       Arrindell, Barry, Blijden, Brooks, Brown,     Nos disculpa si den tristesa nos por a lubida un of otro
Catolico na Noord.                                    Bryson, Brison, Carty,                                                famia
Nos difunto tata Jose lo reposa for di 9’or pa 11’or  Davis, Every, Flanders, Gomez, Hassell, Hazel, Milton, Nedd,          Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero
di mainta na Misa Santa Anna na Noord.                                        Romney, Peters, Sommerville, Mathew,          nos no ta ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas.
Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos no ta        Chittick and Rasmijn.
ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas.
Disculpa nos si den nos tristesa nos a lubida un of   Close friends: Dr. Francis de Windt, Sheldon Toppenberg, Myrna,
otro famia.                                           Ramphis and Myrlene Tromp, Steven Valois Smith, Anselmo
                                                      Mathew, Yubi Toppenberg, Family Toppenberg, Sylvester Paul &
                                                      Family, Peter Simmons, Family Martijn, Harold Jackson and
                                                      Spouse, Dr. Sykes, Erwin Tujeehut, Basil Schmidt, Aldrick Arends &
                                                      Ilse de Cuba, Roderick & Yvonne Lee, Dr. Rajnherc and Spouse, Dr.
                                                      Petronilia, Dr. Reuben Tjon-Sie-Fat & Spouse, Family Murray,
                                                      Family Kelly, Rupert Richards, Mr. Henson, Marlene George-
                                                      Gumbs & Family, Ralph Yarzagaray, Evelyn Brown, Edwin Lopez.

                                                      Special thanks to: his Godchild Jurima Bryson, Dr. van Trigt, Dr.
                                                      Romeo Kock, Dr. Choudhry, Dr. Fingal, Dr. Lacle, Dr. Ponson, Dr.
                                                      Wills, Dr. Garcia, Dr. Cheng and his pediatrician colleagues, Nurses
                                                      of the 2nd Floor, Nurses of the 4th Floor, Nurses of the CCU,
                                                      Nurses of the Kinderafdeling, Verloskamer & Kraamafdeling,
                                                      Rona Coster, Bishop Brooks and members of the Holy Cross
                                                      Anglican Church, members of the Rotary Club of Aruba and
                                                      members of the Rotaract Club of Aruba

                                                      There is opportunity for condolences and viewing on Tuesday
                                                      January 9th 2018 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Aurora Funeral

                                                      The funeral will take place on Wednesday January 10th from 1:00
                                                      pm to 3:00 pm followed by a memorial service at Aurora Funeral
                                                      Home. The burial will proceed at Cemetery in Sabana Basora.

                                                      Please accept our apologies, if in this time of sorrow we have
                                                      omitted some one.
                                                      Instead of owers there will be a donation box for the restoration
                                                      of the rectory of the Holy Cross Anglican Church.
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