Page 10 - KPA 10 April'15
P. 10
Cuerpo Policial di Aruba tin e tristo deber di participa e
fayecimiento di nos colega:
sr. Andre Eusene Solagnier
Nos ta desea hopi forza na su yiunan, mayornan,
demas famia y conocirnan den e momento doloroso aki.
Cuerpo PolicialCdui AArnudbrae tsionseegtraisntao di participa e
fayecimiento di nos colega:
Na nomber di staf y personal di Cuerpo Policial di
sr. Andre EuArsuebna. e Solagnier
Nos ta desea hopi forza na su yiunan, mayornan,
demas famia y conocirnan den e momento doloroso aki.
Cu Andre sosega na paz.
Na nombeYrodui gsatavfeynpoeornsoenaaladsit CfaurerwpeollP, olicial di
Nor everAsrauidbag.ood-bye.
You were gone before we know it,
and only God knows why.
A million times we miss you.
A million times we will cry.
In life we loved you dearly.
In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place,
no one else can fill.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
but you didn’t go alone,
Yofuorgpaavret noof uosnwe eanltaswtiftahreywoue,ll,
thNe odrayevGeordsatiodokgoyoodu-bhyoem. e.
YouWwe ewreillgmoneeetbaegfoairne swoemkendoawy. it,
I thanankdGoondlyHGe omdakdneoywosu wouhry.sister
A Wmihlliiloenyotiumweserweeomn iesasrtyho.u.
A million times we will cry.
It is with dIeneplifreegwreetlwoveeadnynoouundceeartlhye. passing of
In death we love you still.
MrsI.n Couar rheoalrtPs yeoruahlotlad-aJpalarcaev, ata
no one else can fill.
SisIttebrroofkoeuoruAr shseoacritastetos lRoosye yPoeura,lta
but you didn’t go alone,
Staff and PeforsropnanretlooffuHsywaettnRt wegiethncyyouA,ruba extend
their deepest tchoenddoaylenGcoeds taonodkoyuoruthhooumghe.ts are with the
bereaved famWielywdiullrimnegetthaisgatiimn esoomf elodsasy.and sadness.
I thank God He made you our sister
While you were on earth.
It is with deep regret we announce the passing of
Mrs. Carol Peralta-Jaravata
Sister of our Associates Roy Peralta
Staff and Personnel of Hyatt Regency Aruba extend
their deepest condolences and our thoughts are with the
bereaved family during this time of loss and sadness.
Cuerpo Policial di Aruba tin e tristo deber di participa e
fayecimiento di nos colega:
sr. Andre Eusene Solagnier
Nos ta desea hopi forza na su yiunan, mayornan,
demas famia y conocirnan den e momento doloroso aki.
Cuerpo PolicialCdui AArnudbrae tsionseegtraisntao di participa e
fayecimiento di nos colega:
Na nomber di staf y personal di Cuerpo Policial di
sr. Andre EuArsuebna. e Solagnier
Nos ta desea hopi forza na su yiunan, mayornan,
demas famia y conocirnan den e momento doloroso aki.
Cu Andre sosega na paz.
Na nombeYrodui gsatavfeynpoeornsoenaaladsit CfaurerwpeollP, olicial di
Nor everAsrauidbag.ood-bye.
You were gone before we know it,
and only God knows why.
A million times we miss you.
A million times we will cry.
In life we loved you dearly.
In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place,
no one else can fill.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
but you didn’t go alone,
Yofuorgpaavret noof uosnwe eanltaswtiftahreywoue,ll,
thNe odrayevGeordsatiodokgoyoodu-bhyoem. e.
YouWwe ewreillgmoneeetbaegfoairne swoemkendoawy. it,
I thanankdGoondlyHGe omdakdneoywosu wouhry.sister
A Wmihlliiloenyotiumweserweeomn iesasrtyho.u.
A million times we will cry.
It is with dIeneplifreegwreetlwoveeadnynoouundceeartlhye. passing of
In death we love you still.
MrsI.n Couar rheoalrtPs yeoruahlotlad-aJpalarcaev, ata
no one else can fill.
SisIttebrroofkoeuoruAr shseoacritastetos lRoosye yPoeura,lta
but you didn’t go alone,
Staff and PeforsropnanretlooffuHsywaettnRt wegiethncyyouA,ruba extend
their deepest tchoenddoaylenGcoeds taonodkoyuoruthhooumghe.ts are with the
bereaved famWielywdiullrimnegetthaisgatiimn esoomf elodsasy.and sadness.
I thank God He made you our sister
While you were on earth.
It is with deep regret we announce the passing of
Mrs. Carol Peralta-Jaravata
Sister of our Associates Roy Peralta
Staff and Personnel of Hyatt Regency Aruba extend
their deepest condolences and our thoughts are with the
bereaved family during this time of loss and sadness.