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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 12 November 2020

                           Eta weakens to a tropical storm as Florida prepares for hit

            (AP)  —  Eta  weakened                                                                 A  coronavirus  testing  site  Mexico  early  Monday  near
            again  to  a  tropical  storm                                                          at  Tropicana  Field  was  also  where  the  Everglades  meet
            Wednesday afternoon just                                                               closed Wednesday.            the sea, with maximum sus-
            hours after regaining hur-                                                             Eta  was  centered  about  115  tained winds of 50 mph (85
            ricane strength as Florida                                                             miles (180 kilometers) south-  kph).
            braced  for  a  second  hit                                                            west of Tampa on Wednesday
            from the storm along the                                                               and  moving  north-northeast  There  was  nowhere  for  the
            Gulf of Mexico coast near                                                              near 10 mph (17 kph).        water  to  go  across  much  of
            the   heavily   populated                                                              The  hurricane  center  said  South Florida, which had al-
            Tampa Bay region.                                                                      “life-threatening    storm  ready  experienced  nearly  14
                                                                                                   surge"  is  possible  early  inches  (35  centimeters)  of
            The  storm's  maximum  sus-                                                            Thursday,  and  forecasters  rain in October.
            tained  winds  decreased  to  shelters  to  protect  people  high  winds.  Tampa  Interna-  advised  residents  to  heed  Eta  hit  land  late  Sunday  as
            around 70 mph (110 kph) off  from  the  coronavirus,  such  tional Airport tweeted that it  warnings from local officials.  it  blew  over  Lower  Mate-
            Florida's southwest coast as it  as social distancing, and sug-  would suspend operations at  Tropical  storm-force  winds  cumbe, in the middle of the
            moved northward. Addition-   gested  people  bring  their  3 p.m. Wednesday.           are  expected  in  the  area  by  chain  of  small  islands  that
            al weakening was expected as  own masks.                                               late Wednesday.              form the Keys, but the heav-
            Eta approaches the coast.    “Everything  will  be  done  to  In Pasco County, officials set                        ily populated areas of Miami-
            Forecasters  at  the  National  make sure all of our residents  up  four  do-it-yourself  loca-  Forecasts  call  for  more  rain  Dade and Broward Counties
            Hurricane  Center  in  Miami  are safe," Castor said.     tions for people to fill sand-  from  the  storm  system  over  bore the brunt of the fury.
            issued a hurricane watch for  The  latest  hurricane  watch  bags.  In  Tampa,  the  Busch  parts  of  already  drenched  It was the 28th named storm
            a  120-mile  (193-kilometer)  extends  from  Anna  Maria  Gardens  theme  park  an-    South Florida.               of  a  busy  Atlantic  hurricane
            stretch  that  includes  Tam-  Island, which is south of St.  nounced it is closed Wednes-  “Never seen this, never, not  season, tying the 2005 record
            pa  and  St.  Petersburg.  The  Petersburg, to Yankeetown.  day and several Veterans Day  this deep,” said Anthony Lyas,  for  named  storms.  And  late
            storm  has  been  in  the  Gulf  The forecast prompted school  events in the area were can-  who  has  lived  in  his  now-  Monday,  it  was  followed  by
            of Mexico since crossing over  officials in Pinellas and Pasco  celed.                 waterlogged Fort Lauderdale  the 29th storm — Theta.
            South Florida on Sunday.     counties,  which  includes  St.  Florida  Gov.  Ron  DeSantis  neighborhood  since  1996.  The U.S. National Hurricane
            The  Tampa  Bay  region  is  Petersburg,  to  send  students  issued  an  expanded  emer-  He  described  hearing  water  Center in Miami said Theta
            home to more than 3.5 mil-   home early Wednesday. Both  gency  declaration  to  include  and debris slamming against  broke the record of 28 named
            lion people across five coastal  counties  announced  schools  13 counties along or near the  his shuttered home overnight  storms  in  2005.  Theta  was
            counties.  No  mandatory  would remain closed Thurs-      Gulf  coast,  adding  them  to  as the storm crossed Florida.  centered  Wednesday  after-
            evacuations  were  immedi-   day, as did neighboring Hills-  South  Florida  counties.  De-  The storm first hit Nicaragua  noon about 670 miles (1,080
            ately ordered but authorities  borough County.            Santis also asked for an early  as a Category 4 hurricane and  kilometers) southwest of the
            began  opening  shelters  for  The Florida Highway Patrol  emergency  order  from  the  killed  at  least  120  people  in  Azores, bearing top sustained
            anyone needing them.         closed the Sunshine Skyway  Federal Emergency Manage-     Central America and Mexico,  winds  of  60  mph  (95  kph)
            Tampa  Mayor  Jane  Castor  Bridge that links Pinellas and  ment Agency to free resourc-  with scores more missing. It  as  that  system  moved  east-
            said  special  care  is  taken  at  Manatee counties because of  es needed to tackle the storm.  then moved into the Gulf of  northeast at 10 mph (17 kph).
                           NYC woman gets ill swan to clinic via foot, car and subway

            (AP)  —  Ariel  Cordova-
            Rojas went to New York's
            Jamaica Bay Wildlife Ref-
            uge last week to celebrate
            her 30th birthday.

            She ended up rescuing a swan
            with lead poisoning, taking it
            to  a  wildlife  clinic  by  foot,
            car and subway with the help
            of  both  friends  and  strang-
            ers. Cordova-Rojas is trained
            in  identifying  and  rescuing
            wildlife, the New York Times
            reported,  having  worked  at
            the Wild Bird Fund clinic in
            Manhattan for five years.
                                         couple persuaded yet another  ing strength and mobility.
                                         friend with a car to help get
            She got to the Queens wild-  Cardova-Rojas, her bike and  It could take three weeks or
            life  refuge  on  Nov.  5  and   the swan to a subway station.)  up to two months before Bae  to look around. The wildlife  have  swan-removal  policies
            spotted  a  swan  alone  in  the   An  employee  of  Wild  Bird  returns to the refuge, Cordo-
                                                                                                   are just as much New Yorkers  that  range  from  egg-shaking
            grass on the side of the water.   Fund met them at the Nos-  va-Rojas said. The tale of the  as we are, and it is our duty to  to  shooting  or  gassing  adult
            She approached it and saw it   trand station in Brooklyn and  swan's rescue saga inspired an  keep each other safe."
            was unable to walk or fly. She   helped them get to the orga-  outpouring of affection.                             birds.
            wrapped the 17-pound bird,   nization’s  clinic  on  the  Up-  ‘
            which she says is named Bae,   per  West  Side.  Photos  show  “I think it just shows the im-  The  mute  swan,  which  has  New York had its own anti-
                                                                                                   an  orange  bill  and  holds  its  swan proposals that brought
            in her jacket and carried it a   the swan nestled in an orange  mense  compassion  of  New  neck  in  a  graceful  S-curve,  a deluge of protest, but Dem-
            mile  to  the  refuge  entrance,   jacket on a seat in a train car.  Yorkers. People always think  isn't native to North Ameri-
                                                                                                                                ocratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo
            the newspaper reported.                                   that  we  are  rude  and  heart-  ca. It has multiplied in New  eventually  signed  a  bill  in
                                         Cordova-Rojas told the Asso-  less,  but  we  are  just  busy  York, the upper Midwest and  2016. It allowed for the kill-
            Calls  to  various  animal  res-  ciated Press the swan was be-  and have places to go, so we  along the Atlantic coast since  ing  of  swans  upstate  if  the
            cue  services  and  the  ranger   ing treated for lead poisoning  move  fast,"  Cordova-Rojas  it was imported in the 1800s  birds  can’t  be  captured  and
            stations  yielded  no  immedi-  and with antifungals and an-  said. “Even though we live in  to  adorn  parks  and  opulent  relocated to facilities. Down-
            ate assistance. Then a couple   tibacterial  medications.  She  a concrete jungle, we are sur-
            with a car agreed to drive the   has made a friend of another  rounded by nature and wild-  estates. Citing threats to na-  state,  it  emphasized  popu-
                                                                                                                                lation  control  by  damaging
                                                                                                   tive  wildlife,  plants  and  un-
            swan and Cordova-Rojas to a   swan at the clinic and is gain-  life if you just take a second  wary humans, six states now  eggs.
            nearby subway station. (The
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