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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 12 November 2020

                          EU says looking forward to better ties with US under Biden

            (AP)  —  The  European  “It  is  not  a  secret,  (either),  Borrell  said.  But  he  also  al-
            Union on Wednesday said  that in the past 4 years things  luded  to  the  political  prob-
            it looked forward to better  have  become  complicated,"  lems  remaining  in  the  U.S.
            relations  with  the  United  Borrell told legislators at the  where Trump has yet to con-
            States  under  the  leader-  European  Parliament.  Both  cede  defeat.  Biden  is  stead-
            ship of President-elect Joe  sides,  despite  being  long-  fastly  pushing  forward  with
            Biden, and expressed hope  standing allies, disagreed over  preparations  for  his  presi-
            the presidential transition  key topics from trade and se-  dency.
            will not be “bumpy."         curity to the fight against cli-  “We  still  have  to  wait  until
                                         mate change.                 (the) 20th of January because
            EU foreign affairs chief Josep  The  EU  is  expected  to  in-  as you know very well it is a
            Borrell warmly congratulated  vite Biden soon to videocon-  quite  long  transition  ahead.
            “Biden  and  Vice  President-  ference  talks  in  an  attempt  Let’s hope it is not going to
            elect Kamala Harris for their  to  give  new  impetus  to  the  be a bumpy transition," Bor-
            historic victory" and said the  trans-Atlantic alliance.  rell said.
            27-nation  bloc  looked  for-
            ward to better relations than  “You can rest assured that we  Trump has variously stunned  bers  of  the  NATO  military  exports and pulling out of the
            under    President   Donald  are ready to engage fast with  and  disappointed  the  Euro-  alliance  that  America  leads  Paris  climate  agreement  and
            Trump.                       the  new  administration,"  peans — most of them mem-     — by slapping tariffs on EU  the Iran nuclear deal.

                               Clashes at Poland’s Independence Day far-right march

            (AP) — Polish police used                                                              ably a (case of) arson, this is  tightening of an already strict
            tear  gas  and  rubber  bul-                                                           how  the  far-right,  overin-  abortion law last month. The
            lets  in  clashes  with  far-                                                          dulged  by  the  ruling  team,  protesters  are  also  demand-
            right  supporters  Wednes-                                                             is  observing  Independence  ing  more  rights  for  LGBT
            day  during  an  annual  In-                                                           Day,"  Trzaskowski  said  on  people and want the govern-
            dependence  Day  march                                                                 Facebook.                    ment to resign.
            attended  by  thousands  in                                                            Warsaw  police  reported  a  Organized    by    far-right
            Warsaw  that  went  ahead                                                              number  of  arrests  and  also  groups,  massive  Indepen-
            despite  a  ban  on  public                                                            said some injured police were  dence  Day  marches  have
            gatherings due to the pan-                                                             hospitalized. Details are to be  often led to clashes with lef-
            demic.                                                                                 released Thursday.           twing groups and the police.
                                                                                                                                The Nov. 11 national holiday
            Many participants turned up                                                            Warsaw    authorities   had  marks  Poland’s  regaining  of
            in  cars  and  on  motorbikes                                                          banned  the  march,  which  a  sovereignty  after  World  War
            to  observe  social  distancing.                                                       court also declared illegal, cit-  I.
            But  a  few  thousand  others                                                          ing the ban on gatherings of  Other  Independence  Day
            marched on foot, holding up  went on fire, but firefighters  groups  ever  since  it  took  over five people intended to  observances  on  Wednesday
            downtown traffic for hours.  put it out. No one was hurt.  power in 2015.              stop  the  accelerating  spread  included  President  Andrzej
            Some  threw  firecrackers,                                Warsaw  Mayor  Rafal  Trza-  of the coronavirus.          Duda  and  other  leaders  at-
            stones  and  bottles  at  police  Poland's  right-wing  govern-  skowski  said  the  cost  of  the  The  march  came  at  a  time  tending  a  Catholic  Mass  in
            in riot gear and into windows  ment  has  been  promoting  damage  would  be  known  when  thousands  of  Poles  Warsaw  and  a  ceremonial
            with  LGBT  rainbow  flags  and  sometimes  even  joining  Thursday.                   have  been  holding  daily  na-  changing of the guard at the
            or  signs  of  anti-government  the  march  and  has  shown  “Clashes  with  the  police,  tionwide protests against the  Tomb of the Unknown Sol-
            sentiment.  An  apartment  acceptance  of  the  far-right  damage, trains held up, prob-  government  that  backed  the  dier.

                       German court OKs police cadet's expulsion over Nazi concerns

            (AP) — A German appeals court  According to the Berlin-Brandenburg  He  was  expelled  from  the  academy  In its Nov. 5 decision, the court said
            has  upheld  the  decision  of  the  Administrative  Court,  the  cadet  after  the  April  2019  incident  due  the  police  department  in  the  state
            state  of  Brandenburg  to  expel  a  phonetically  spelled  the  last  name  to  “doubts  about  his  loyalty  to  the  that  surrounds  Berlin  was  justified
            police  academy  cadet  for  using  Jung  with  the  German  words  constitution  and  character,”  the  in  throwing  the  cadet  out  of  the
            Nazi-related terminology during  “Jude,”  “untermensch,”  Nazi  and  court said. The cadet was not named  academy.  It  said  there  was  other
            a  class  exercise  on  using  the  “gaskammer”  or  “genozid”:  Jew,  publicly in line with German privacy  evidence  in  addition  to  “the  serious
            phonetic  alphabet  during  radio  subhuman, Nazi and gas chamber or  laws.                                 misconduct  during  the  radio  traffic
            calls, authorities said Wednesday.  genocide.                                                               exercise.”

                            Chinese shoppers spend over $100 billion in shopping fest

            (AP)  -  Chinese  consum-    bao  and  Tmall,  the  e-com-  On  rival  platform,  from  small  online  stores  to  has become the world’s larg-
            ers  spent  over  a  hundred  merce platforms operated by  consumers  racked  up  271.5  international brands like Ap-  est, regularly dwarfing Black
            billion dollars during this  Alibaba,  China’s  largest  e-  billion yuan ($40.9 billion) in  ple, Nike and L’Oreal, partic-  Friday  and  Cyber  Monday
            year’s  Singles’  Day  shop-  commerce company.           sales over the same period.  ipate in the festival by slash-  sales in the U.S.
            ping  festival,  signaling  a                                                          ing prices on their products.
            rebound  in  consumption  The final sales figure exceed-  The  annual  Singles’  Day                                The  Singles’  Day  festival  is
            as  China  recovers  from  ed  last  year’s  $38.4  billion  shopping festival, the world’s  The annual shopping festival  named  as  such  because  the
            the  coronavirus  pandem-    over  24  hours,  after  Alibaba  largest  of  its  kind,  offers  is  closely  watched  as  a  ba-  main  shopping  day  falls  on
            ic  and  a  battering  of  the  extended its sales period this  shoppers generous discounts  rometer  for  consumption  in  Nov. 11, which when written
            economy.                     year  for  the  first  time  as  it  on  a  variety  of  products,  China.  Alibaba,  which  pio-  numerically  as  11.11  resem-
                                         sought  to  help  boost  sales  from fresh produce to luxury  neered the shopping festival,  bles “bare branches”, a Chi-
            From  Nov.  1  to  Nov.  11,  for merchants affected by the  items.                    held its first Singles’ Day sale  nese expression for the single
            shoppers  spent  498.2  billion  coronavirus pandemic.                                 in  2009.  Over  the  past  de-  and unattached.
            yuan ($75.1 billion) on Tao-                              Merchants  big  and  small,  cade,  the  shopping  bonanza
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