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A30    world news
               Diahuebs 12 November 2020

                                 Bahrain's long-serving prime minister dies at age 84

                                                                      remained a British protector-  Those corruption allegations  security  forces  beating  de-
                                                                      ate.                         fueled  discontent,  particu-  tainees  and  forcing  them  to
                                                                                                   larly among Bahrain’s Shiite  kiss pictures of King Hamad
                                                                      Prince   Khalifa’s   brother,  majority who still today com-  and Prince Khalifa.
                                                                      Sheikh  Isa  bin  Salman  Al  plain of discrimination by the
                                                                      Khalifa,  took  power  in  1961  government.  In  February  Low-level  unrest  continued
                                                                      and served as monarch when  2011,  protesters  inspired  by  in  the  years  that  followed,
                                                                      Bahrain  gained  its  indepen-  Arab  Spring  demonstrations  with  Shiite  protesters  fre-
                                                                      dence  from  Britain  in  1971.  across the Mideast filled the  quently  clashing  with  riot
                                                                      Under  an  informal  arrange-  streets and occupied the capi-  police. Shiite militant groups,
                                                                      ment, Sheikh Isa handled the  tal  Manama’s  Pearl  Round-  whom Bahrain’s government
                                                                      island’s  diplomacy  and  cer-  about to demand political re-  allege  receive  support  from
                                                                      emonial  duties  while  Prince  forms and a greater say in the  Iran,  planted  bombs  that
                                                                      Khalifa  ran  the  government  country’s future.          killed  and  wounded  several
                                                                      and economy.                                              members of the country’s se-
                                                                      The years that followed saw  While some called for a con-  curity forces.
            (AP)  —  Bahrain’s  Prince  rooted in royal privilege and   Bahrain develop rapidly as it  stitutional  monarchy,  many  But  while  other  hard-line
                                                                                                                                members  of  the  Al  Khalifa
            Khalifa  bin  Salman  Al  expressed  through  personal    sought  to  move  beyond  its  others pressed for the remov-
            Khalifa, one of the world’s  patronage.”  Bahrain's  Royal   dependence  on  dwindling  al  of  the  long-ruling  prime  family  actively  pushed  for  a
            longest-serving      prime  Court  announced  a  week     oil reserves. Manama at that  minister and other members  confrontation  with  Shiites,
            ministers  who  led  his  is-  of  official  mourning,  with  a   time  served  as  what  Dubai  of the Sunni royal family al-  Prince  Khalifa  maintained
            land nation’s government  burial coming after the return   in  the  United  Arab  Emir-  together, including King Ha-  contacts with those the gov-
            for  decades  and  survived  of  his  body.  State  television   ates ultimately became, a re-  mad.                ernment opposed. Even with
            the 2011 Arab Spring pro-    aired a recitation of Quranic   gional  financial,  service  and                       his  influence  waning,  he
            tests  that  demanded  his  verses, showing a black-and-  tourism  hub.  The  opening  At  one  point  during  the  called  Qatar’s  ruling  emir,
            ouster over corruption al-   white image of the prince.   of  the  King  Fahd  Causeway  height of the unrest in March  Sheikh  Tamim  bin  Hamad
            legations, died on Wednes-                                in  1986  gave  the  island  na-  2011,  thousands  of  protest-  Al Thani, in 2019 during the
            day. He was 84.              Late  on  Wednesday,  au-    tion its first land link with its  ers besieged the prime min-  holy month of Ramadan de-
                                         thorities  announced  Crown   rich  and  powerful  neighbor,  ister’s  office  while  officials  spite  Bahrain  being  one  of
            Bahrain's  state-run  news  Prince Salman bin Hamad Al    Saudi Arabia, and offered an  met  inside,  demanding  that  four Arab nations boycotting
            agency announced his death,  Khalifa would lead the Coun-  escape for Westerners in the  Prince  Khalifa  step  down  Doha in a political dispute.
            saying he had been receiving  cil of Ministers, typically the   kingdom who wanted to en-  over  corruption  allegations
            treatment at the Mayo Clinic  job of the island’s prime min-  joy Bahrain’s alcohol-soaked  and  an earlier,  deadly crack-  “Khalifa  bin  Salman  could
            in the United States, without  ister. The succession process   nightclubs and beaches.  down on the demonstrations.  and did work with both Sunni
            elaborating. The Mayo Clin-  however wasn’t immediately                                Protesters  also  took  to  wav-  and  Shia,  especially  through
            ic declined to comment.      clear as Prince Khalifa’s death   But  Prince  Khalifa  increas-  ing one Bahraini dinar notes  his  relations  with  Bahrain’s
                                         means the country would get   ingly saw his name entangled  over allegations Prince Khal-  business  community,”  Di-
            Prince  Khalifa’s  power  and  only its second premier since   in  corruption  allegations,  ifa bought the land on which  wan  said.  “He  brought  this
            wealth  could  be  seen  every-  its 1971 independence.   such as a major foreign cor-  Bahrain’s  Financial  Harbour  same  personalistic  approach
            where  in  this  small  nation                            ruption practices case against  development  sits  for  just  a  to  relations  with  other  Gulf
            off  the  coast  of  Saudi  Ara-  The  crown  prince  had  been   aluminum  producer  Alcoa  single dinar.          monarchs, and was genuinely
            bia that is home to the U.S.  trying  to  strip  away  Prince   over  using  a  London-based                        uncomfortable with the new
            Navy’s 5th Fleet. His official  Khalifa’s control of Bahrain’s   middleman to facilitate bribes  Robert Gates, a former U.S.  politics exemplified by coarse
            portrait hung for decades on  economy for years prior, with   for  Bahraini  officials.  Alcoa  secretary  of  defense  under  attacks on the Qatari leader-
            walls alongside the country’s  the  apparent  approval  of  his   agreed to pay $384 million in  President  Barack  Obama,  ship.”
            ruler. He had his own private  father,  King  Hamad  bin  Isa   fines to the U.S. government  wrote in his memoirs that he
            island where he met foreign  Al Khalifa.                  to settle the case in 2014.  urged the king at the time to  Slowly though, Prince Khal-
            dignitaries,  complete  with  a  Prince Khalifa was born into                          force Prince Khalifa from the  ifa’s  influence  waned  as  he
            marina  and  a  park  that  had  the Al Khalifa dynasty that for   The U.S. Embassy in Mana-  premiership,  describing  him  faced  unexplained  health
            peacocks and gazelle roam its  more than two centuries has   ma similarly had its own sus-  as “disliked by nearly every-  problems.  He  was  admit-
            grounds.                     ruled  Bahrain,  an  island  in   picions about Prince Khalifa.  one but especially the Shia.”  ted to hospital in November
            The  prince  represented  an  the Persian Gulf whose name   “I believe that Shaikh Khalifa                          2015  but  was  later  released.
            older style of Gulf leadership,  in  Arabic  means  the  “two   is not wholly a negative influ-  Bahraini   officials   soon  He also traveled to southeast
            one  that  granted  patronage  seas.”  The  son  of  Bahrain’s   ence,”  former  U.S.  Ambas-  crushed  the  protests  with  Asia  for  medical  appoint-
            and favors for support of the  former ruler, Sheikh Salman   sador  Ronald  E.  Neumann  the  backing  of  troops  from  ments.  In  late  November
            Sunni Al Khalifa family. That  bin  Hamad  Al  Khalifa  who   wrote in a 2004 cable released  neighboring Saudi Arabia and  2019, he traveled to Germa-
            style  would  be  challenged  ruled from 1942 to 1961, the   by  WikiLeaks.  “While  cer-  the United Arab Emirates. A  ny  for  undisclosed  medical
            in  the  2011  protests  by  the  prince learned governance at   tainly  corrupt  he  has  built  government-sponsored  re-  treatments,  remaining  there
            island’s  Shiite  majority  and  his father’s side as the island   much of modern Bahrain.”  port  into  the  protests  and  for months.
            others,  who  demonstrated                                                             crackdown  later  described
            against  him  over  long-run-                                                                                       In  September,  a  U.S.  Air
            ning  corruption  allegations                                                                                       Force  C-17  flying  hospital
            surrounding his rule.                                                                                               flew from Germany to Roch-
                                                                                                                                ester,  Minnesota,  following
            Though  less  powerful  and                                                                                         by  a  royal  Bahraini  aircraft.
            frailer  in  recent  years,  his                                                                                    While U.S. and Bahraini of-
                                                                                                                                ficials  declined  to  comment
            machinations still drew atten-
            tion in the kingdom as a new                                                                                        on the flights, it came just af-
                                                                                                                                ter America offered the same
            generation  now  jostles  for
            power.  “Khalifa  bin  Salman                                                                                       care  to  Kuwait's  ruling  emir
                                                                                                                                just before his death.
            represented  the  old  guard
            in  more  ways  than  just  age                                                                                     Prince  Khalifa  was  married
            and  seniority,”  said  Kristin
            Smith  Diwan,  a  senior  resi-                                                                                     and has three surviving chil-
                                                                                                                                dren,  sons  Ali  and  Salman
            dent scholar at the Washing-
            ton-based  Arab  Gulf  States                                                                                       and daughter Lulwa. Another
                                                                                                                                son, Mohammed, died previ-
            Institute.  “He  represented
            an  old  social  understanding                                                                                      ously.
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