Page 12 - aruba-today-20170617
P. 12

                   Saturday 17 June 2017

               Brazilian sale of tear gas angers Venezuela opposition

                                                                                                   crackdown  on  protests,  non-deadly  products  to
                                                                                                   to  block  delivery  of  the  Venezuela.
                                                                                                   gas. So far they haven’t  “We  don’t  make  value
                                                                                                   received a response.         judgments  about  the
                                                                                                   “People  are  dying  of  policies adopted by our
                                                                                                   hunger.  The  last  thing  clients,”  Condor  said.
                                                                                                   Venezuela  needs  is  to  “But we understand that
                                                                                                   buy  riot-control  prod-     suspending  the  supply
                                                                                                   ucts,”  said  Eudoro  Gon-   of  equipment  such  as
                                                                                                   zalez,  a  deputy  law-      tear  gas,  pepper  spray
                                                                                                   maker  for  the  Justice  and rubber bullets could
                                                                                                   First  party.  “The  Brazilian  have   dramatic   con-
                                                                                                   government  should  ad-      sequences  because  it
                                                                                                   here to its foreign policy  would     leave    security
                                                                                                   fundamentals of respect  forces  with  no  other  al-
                                                                                                   for human rights.”           ternative than to use fire-
                                                                                                   More  than  70  people  arms.”
                                                                                                   have  been  killed  and  Brazilian President Michel
                                                                                                   1,300  injured  in  more  Temer has been among
                                                                                                   than two months of pro-      Maduro’s  harshest  crit-

            An anti-government demonstrator carries a Venezuelan flag as he walks in the midst of a cloud of   tests  seeking  Maduro’s  ics and last year led an
            tear gas during protests in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, June 14, 2017. A Brazilian company   removal. A few of those  effort  to  expel  Venezu-
            acknowledged on Friday that it is supplying Venezuela’s security forces with large amounts of tear   killed  have died as the  ela’s  government  from
            gas to control anti-government protests — prompting outrage from the Venezuelan opposition.  result of injuries from tear  the Mercosur trade bloc.
                                                                         (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)  gas  canisters  fired  onto  Maduro in turn has called
            By JOSHUA GOODMAN            protests  —  prompting  was  a  document  show-           protesters at close range  Temer,  who  took  over
            Associated Press             outrage  from  the  Ven-     ing  the  armed  forces      or  from  excessive  expo-   from the impeached Dil-
            CARACAS,       Venezuela  ezuelan opposition.             had  purchased  almost       sure to the toxic fumes.     ma Rousseff, a “political
            (AP)  —  A  Brazilian  com-  Rio  de  Janeiro-based  78,000 tear gas canisters         Condor, in its statement,  assassin.”
            pany      acknowledged  Condor              Non-Lethal  in April.                      said  that  since  2012  it  Calls  and  emails  to  the
            on  Friday  that  it  is  sup-  Technologies  confirmed  Opponents  of  President      has  faced  fewer  restric-  Brazilian     presidency,
            plying  Venezuela’s  se-     that it is fulfilling two con-  Nicolas   Maduro    say   tions on exporting to se-    foreign  ministry  and  de-
            curity  forces  with  large  tracts in Venezuela after  they’ve  asked  Brazil’s       curity forces around the  fense  ministry  seeking
            amounts  of  tear  gas  to  opposition  leaders  pre-     government,  which  has      world  and  that  there  is  comment  were  not  im-
            control  anti-government  sented  what  they  said  been highly critical of the        no embargo on sales of  mediately returned.q
              Guyana allows ExxonMobil, partners to start drilling for oil

            By BERT WILKINSON            Oil  extraction  is  expected  has come up dry, a discov-  Venezuela,  which  has  re-  line.  The  government  also
            Associated Press             to start in 2020 at an initial  ery that has attracted doz-  jected  planned  develop-  has  said  it  would  invest  in
            GEORGETOWN,        Guyana  rate  of  100,000  barrels  per  ens of other oil companies  ment  of  oil  fields  because  its military and build a 350-
            (AP) — The South American  day,  Trotman  said.  Exxon-   to Guyana.                   they are allegedly in waters  mile  (565-kilometer)  jungle
            country  of  Guyana  has  is-  Mobil  will  obtain  a  royalty  London-based  Tullow  Oil  claimed by both countries.  road  from  the  capital  of
            sued  its  first  oil  and  gas  li-  of 2 percent on gross earn-  and  Toronto-based  Eco  The United Nations will send  Georgetown  to  northeast-
            cense to ExxonMobil, which  ings and 50 percent of prof-  (Atlantic)  Oil  &  Gas  said  the  matter  to  the  World  ern Brazil, opening up Guy-
            has  said  it  made  “signifi-  its, while the government of  this  month  that  they  will  Court  by  year’s  end  if  the  ana’s  rugged,  mineral-rich
            cant” oil discoveries off the  Guyana  has  estimated  it  start surveying concessions  two  countries  cannot  re-  interior.
            Atlantic coast.              could receive up to $5 bil-  by  late  June  and  expect  solve their dispute.         Guyana  currently  relies  on
            Resources Minister Raphael  lion a year in revenue.       to  drill  a  first  well  in  2018.  The U.S. Geological Survey  products like gold, rice sug-
            Trotman said late Thursday  The  oil  will  be  stored  in  a  Several  other  companies  had  long  estimated  that  ar, bauxite and timber.
            that  the  company  and  its  massive  floating  platform  including   Spanish-owned  offshore  Guyana  was  rich  To  prepare  for  a  poten-
            partners,  Hess  Guyana  Ex-  under  construction  since  Repsol and Mid Atlantic Oil  in gas and oil, and the tiny  tial surge in oil production,
            ploration Ltd. and CNOOC  the  field  is  more  than  100  and Gas also are exploring  country  of  750,000  people  Guyana  is  updating  legis-
            Nexen,  also  received  an  miles  (160  kilometers)  off-  the area.                  hopes  to  receive  enough  lation  to  address  potential
            environmental  permit  and  shore.                        ExxonMobil’s discovery also  of  a  windfall  to  provide  spills  and  other  issues  and
            can now drill in an area be-  ExxonMobil has drilled more  reignited  a  decades-old  free education and supply  has sent professionals over-
            lieved  to  contain  at  least  than  half  a  dozen  wells  border  dispute  between  households with free cook-   seas to qualify as petroleum
            two billion barrels of oil.  since  2015  and  only  one  Guyana  and  neighboring  ing  gas  and  cheap  gaso-     attorneys and engineers. q
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