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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 17 June 2017

              Greece dodges new crisis but austerity remains part of life

            By ELENA BECATOROS                                                                                                  main   sketchy,   investors
            PAN PYLAS                                                                                                           breathed  were  relieved
            Associated Press                                                                                                    if  only  because  a  deal
            ATHENS,  Greece  (AP)  —                                                                                            wasn’t  postponed,  as  has
            Greek stocks rallied to two-                                                                                        occurred  so  many  times
            year highs on Friday, after                                                                                         previously. The main Athens
            the  government  struck  a                                                                                          stock  index  hit  a  two-year
            deal  with  European  credi-                                                                                        high,  later  closing  up  0.8
            tors that means the coun-                                                                                           percent on the day. Yields
            try  won’t  face  another                                                                                           on both the two-year and
            brush   with   bankruptcy                                                                                           10-year  Greek  bonds  fell,
            anytime  soon.  However,                                                                                            reflecting diminished inves-
            for  austerity-weary  Greeks                                                                                        tor fears of bankruptcy.
            the  deal  does  little  to  lift                                                                                   “While  the  deal  might
            the pall from years of belt-                                                                                        have proved the usual ex-
            tightening.                                                                                                         ercise  in  issue  avoidance,
            After  months  of  haggling                                                                                         the fact is that it’s now un-
            that raised fears of anoth-                                                                                         likely  that  a  fresh  crisis  will
            er  escalation  in  Greece’s                                                                                        emerge in Greece in July,”
            nearly   eight-year   debt                                                                                          said  Simon  Derrick,  chief
            crisis,  the  19-country  euro-                                                                                     markets  strategist  at  BNY
            zone agreed late Thursday    Greek pensioners chant anti-austerity slogans during a protest in central Athens. Greek stocks   Mellon.
            to release a further 8.5 bil-  rallied to two-year highs on Friday, after the government struck a deal with European creditors   Greece’s  left-led  coali-
            lion euros ($9.5 billion) from   that means the country won’t face another brush with bankruptcy anytime soon. However, for   tion  government  sought
            its current, third bailout af-  austerity-weary Greeks the deal does little to lift the pall from years of belt-tightening.  to  present  the  deal  as  fa-
                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)
            ter the Greek government                                                                                            vorably  as  possible,  even
            delivered on an array of re-  tors  also  made  clear  they  Fund may also get involved  agreement  we’ve  had  for   though the precise nature
            forms.  Getting  the  money   are ready to ease the bur-  financially, with up to $2 bil-  quite  a  while,”  said  Pierre   of the debt relief has to still
            was becoming increasing-     den  of  Greece’s  debt  re-  lion,  but  only  if  and  when  Moscovici, the top econo-  be ironed out.
            ly urgent as Greece has a    payments  when  its  bailout  it  sees  the  specifics  of  the  my official for the European   “Yesterday  was  a  good
            big debt repayment hump      program  ends  next  year,  debt  relief  and  agrees  it  Union, the 28-country bloc   day for Greece, after some
            next month.                  possibly  by  extending  re-  can  make  Greece’s  debt  that  includes  the  19  states   time,” Prime Minister Alexis
            With an eye to the longer    payments by up to 15 years.  bearable.                    using the euro.              Tsipras  said  in  a  televised
            term,  the  eurozone  credi-  The International Monetary  “I think that’s really the best  Though  some  details  re-  address to the nation. q
               Anger erupts over possible flaws at burned London tower

            By DANICA KIRKA              that ended in May 2016.      The Grenfell Tower housed  Khan said in an open letter  come  accusations  that
            Associated Press             Tensions  were  high  Friday  about  600  people  in  120  to  Prime  Minister  Theresa  she  lacked  compassion
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Grief  two  days  after  the  over-      apartments.  Britain’s  Press  May.                       because she had failed to
            turned  to  outrage  Friday  night  fire  gutted  the  huge  Association  reported  that  After meeting with Grenfell  meet  with  victims  on  her
            over  a  deadly  high-rise  housing  block,  killing  at  some  70  people  are  still  survivors on Friday, May an-  first  visit  to  the  devastated
            tower  fire  in  London  amid  least  30  people  and  leav-  missing after the fire.  nounced a 5 million pound  site. Police surrounded May
            reports that materials used  ing  dozens  missing  and  London Mayor Sadiq Khan  ($6.4  million)  fund  to  help  as she left a church Friday
            in the building’s renovation  hundreds homeless.          said  people  were  frustrat-  them and expressed sorrow  following the meeting with
            could  have  fueled  the  in-  Scuffles broke out near the  ed by the lack of informa-  for their plight.           survivors   and   protesters
            ferno that left dozens dead  Kensington  and  Chelsea  tion about the missing and  The  package  includes  a  shouted  “Shame  on  you!”
            and missing as it decimated  town hall offices as demon-  the dead as well as a lack  guarantee to rehouse peo-     and “Coward!”
            the public housing block.    strators chanting “We want  of  coordination  between  ple  as  close  as  possible  to  Using  drones  and  sniffer
            Engineering  experts  say  justice!” surged toward the  support  services.  Residents  where they previously lived  dogs, firefighters continued
            outside insulation panels in-  doors.                     who  survived  the  tower  —  a  poor  neighborhood  to  search  the  burned-out
            stalled on the 24-story Gren-  London has a chronic hous-  blaze  lost  everything  and  surrounded  by  extreme  housing  block  that  looms
            fell Tower may have helped  ing  shortage  even  in  the  have  no  idea  where  they  wealth.                      over the low-income com-
            the fire spread rapidly from  best  of  times,  and  those  are  going  to  live  or  how  “(This aims) to give the vic-  munity in west London.
            one  floor  to  the  next.  The  left homeless by the fire —  they will get back on their  tims  the  immediate  sup-  The  fire,  which  started  just
            Guardian  newspaper  re-     already  angry  over  what  feet.                         port they need to care for  before 1 a.m. Wednesday,
            ported Friday that contrac-  they see as government in-   “The  scale  of  this  tragedy  themselves  and  for  loved  surprised  many  as  they
            tors  installed  a  cheaper,  equity  and  incompetence  is clearly proving too much  ones,” May said.              slept  and  the  speed  with
            less  flame-resistant  type  of  — fear being forced out of  for  the  local  authority  to  But the Conservative lead-  which  it  spread  shocked
            paneling in the renovation  the British capital.          cope  with  on  their  own,”  er  still  struggled  to  over-  fire experts. q
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