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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 17 June 2017

                  Scalise doctor hopes for ‘excellent recovery’ despite risk

             By ERICA WERNER                                                                                                    which  can  affect  clotting,
             LAURAN NEERGAARD                                                                                                   something    doctors   will
             Associated Press                                                                                                   monitor  closely.  Infection
             WASHINGTON (AP) — Con-                                                                                             also is a risk, especially if the
             gressman Steve Scalise can                                                                                         intestines were perforated.
             hope  to  make  an  “excel-                                                                                        Scalise was wounded when
             lent  recovery,”  his  trauma                                                                                      a  gunman  opened  fire  at
             surgeon  said  Friday,  even                                                                                       a  GOP  lawmaker  base-
             though    the   lawmaker                                                                                           ball  practice  Wednesday
             arrived  at  the  hospital                                                                                         morning.  The  fact  that  his
             Wednesday  at  imminent                                                                                            injuries  brought  him  close
             risk  of  death  after  getting                                                                                    to  death  was  not  widely
             shot  at  a  congressional                                                                                         known initially.
             baseball practice.                                                                                                 Sava said Friday that there
             In his first public comments                                                                                       are hundreds of bullet frag-
             since the shooting, Dr. Jack                                                                                       ments in Scalise’s body, but
             Sava  of  MedStar  Washing-                                                                                        “we  have  no  intention  to
             ton Hospital Center said it’s                                                                                      try and remove all the bul-
             a “good possibility” that the                                                                                      let fragments at this point.”
             Louisiana  Republican  will                                                                                        Damage from a bullet oc-
             be able to return to work in                                                                                       curs  when  it’s  traveling.
             his full capacity.                                                                                                 Once it has lodged in bone
             Sava  declined  to  put  a                                                                                         or  muscle,  “it’s  not  going
             timeline  on  when  that                                                                                           to  do  anything.  All  you’re
             would  happen  or  when                                                                                            doing  is  stirring  up  more
             Scalise,  51,  would  be  able   MedStar Washington Hospital Center Director of Trauma Dr. Jack Sava speaks during a news con-  trouble”  by  making  an-
             to  leave  the  hospital.  The   ference in Washington, Friday, June 16, 2017, about the condition of House Majority Whip Steve   other  incision  larger  than
                                         Scalise of La. who was shot in Alexandria, Va., Wednesday, June 14, 2017, during a congressional
             doctor  described  how  a   baseball practice.                                                                     the  fragment  to  try  to  get
             bullet  from  an  assault  rifle                                                       (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)  it out, explained Dr. Debo-
             entered  Scalise’s  hip  and   pital’s intensive care unit.  said.                    brought  out  of  sedation   rah  Stein,  trauma  chief  at
             traversed  his  pelvis,  shat-  Scalise,  the  No.  3  House  Since  then,  the  lawmaker  periodically and been able   the University of Maryland’s
             tering blood vessels, bones   Republican,  arrived  at  the  has  undergone  multiple  to  recognize  and  commu-  Shock Trauma Center.
             and  internal  organs  along   hospital  via  helicopter  in  surgeries  and  procedures  nicate with his family, Sava   Nonetheless,  said  Sava,
             the way.                    shock,  with  intense  inter-  to  stop  the  bleeding  and  said.                     “We fully expect him to be
             For now, Scalise remains in   nal  bleeding  and  “an  im-  repair  bone.  He  has  been  Scalise  has  received  mul-  able  to  walk”  and  “hope-
             critical condition in the hos-  minent risk of death,” Sava  sedated,  but  has  been  tiple  blood  transfusions,   fully run.”q

              Tennessee “hero” says Georgia fugitives surrendered to him

             By ERIK SCHELZIG            enforcement     who    had  quickly  loaded  his  guns.  He  said  he  never  had  to  Rowe  and  Ricky  Dubose
             KATE BRUMBACK               nothing  to  lose  and  for  Moments  later,  he  saw  pull out his weapon — but  suddenly  focused  on  Ten-
             Associated Press            some  reason  they  surren-  them  climb  over  his  fence  the  wait  was  agonizing,  in  nessee  Thursday  evening
             SHELBYVILLE,  Tenn.  (AP)  —  dered  and  laid  down  on  and  approach  his  home,  part  because  he  realized  after  the  fugitives  invaded
             The  man  credited  by  law  the  concrete  in  my  drive-  where  he  was  alone  with  that  he  had  left  a  loaded  a  home  in  Shelbyville  and
             enforcement  with  holding  way,” Patrick Hale said. “If  his little girl.            shotgun in his pickup truck  held  a  man  and  his  wife
             two Georgia prison escap-   that doesn’t make you be-    He decided to flee — get-    in  front  of  his  house,  possi-  hostage for several hours.
             ees at gunpoint until police  lieve in Jesus Christ, I don’t  ting into his car with his girl.  bly within their reach.  That  couple  “are  lucky
             arrived rejected the “hero”  know what does.”            Then,  just  as  he  prepared  More than 45 police officers  they’re   alive,”   Bedford
             label  on  Friday,  and  said  Hale  said  friends  had  just  for  the  worst,  the  inmates  began  showing  up  within  County Sheriff Austin Swing
             credit  should  go  to  forces  alerted  him  that  the  fugi-  took  off  their  shirts  and  three minutes, he said.  said.  The  fugitives  “  told
             well beyond his control.    tives wanted in the slayings  waved them in the air in a  “I  cannot  tell  you  how  them that they would prob-
             “I  realized  I  had  two  ex-  of  two  prison  guards  had  sign of surrender. He thinks  grateful I was to see them  ably  be  dead  in  24  hours
             cons  wanted  for  murder  been  spotted  in  his  area  they  mistook  his  car  for  a  arrive,” Hale said.      and they didn’t have any-
             who  had  just  shot  at  law  of  rural  Tennessee,  so  he  law enforcement vehicle.  The  manhunt  for  Donnie  thing to lose.”q
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