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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 17 June 2017
             Trump thrusts US, Cuba back toward hostile relations

               Continued from Front                                                                                             Trump’s  declaration  in  a
                                                                                                                                crowded,  sweltering  audi-
            Embassies  in  Havana  and                                                                                          torium was a direct rebuke
            Washington  will  remain                                                                                            to  Obama,  for  whom  the
            open.  U.S.  airlines  and                                                                                          diplomatic  opening  with
            cruise  ships  will  still  be  al-                                                                                 Cuba  was  a  central  ac-
            lowed  to  serve  the  island                                                                                       complishment  of  his  presi-
            90  miles  south  of  Florida.                                                                                      dency.
            The  “wet  foot,  dry  foot”                                                                                        Yet  it  also  exposed  the
            policy, which once let most                                                                                         shortcomings  in  Obama’s
            Cuban migrants stay if they                                                                                         approach.
            made it to U.S. soil but was                                                                                        Unable  to  persuade  Con-
            terminated under Obama,                                                                                             gress to lift the decades-old
            will remain terminated. Re-                                                                                         trade  embargo,  Obama
            mittances  from  people  in                                                                                         had used his power to ad-
            America  to  Cubans  won’t                                                                                          just  the  rules  that  imple-
            be cut off.                                                                                                         ment  the  embargo  to  ex-
            But  individual  “people-to-                                                                                        pand  built-in  loopholes.
            people”  trips  by  Ameri-                                                                                          Obama  and  his  aides  ar-
            cans to Cuba, allowed by                                                                                            gued that commerce and
            Obama  for  the  first  time                                                                                        travel  between  the  coun-
            in  decades,  will  again  be                                                                                       tries, which has blossomed
            prohibited.  And  the  U.S.                                                                                         since he relaxed the rules,
            government     will   police   President Donald Trump shows a signed executive order on Cuba policy, Friday, June 16, 2017, in   would make his policy irre-
            other trips to ensure travel-  Miami. From left are, Rep, Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., Florida Gov. Rock Scott, Cary Roque, and Vice   versible.
                                         President Mike Pence.
            ers are pursuing a “full-time                                                                 (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)  Ben  Rhodes,  the  former
            schedule  of  educational                                                                                           deputy  national  security
            exchange activities.”        unreleased  list  of  entities   about  the  political  over-  eager to invest in Cuba.  adviser  who  negotiated
            The  changes  won’t  go      associated  with  Cuba’s     tones of his election victory  The U.S. Chamber of Com-   Obama’s opening with the
            into effect until new docu-  military  and  state  security,   and  Friday’s  announce-  merce, typically supportive   Cubans, said it was disap-
            ments laying out details are   including  a  conglomerate   ment:                      of  GOP  presidents,  pre-   pointing  Trump  was  halt-
            issued. Once implemented     that  dominates  much  of    “You  went  out  and  you  dicted the changes would       ing  the  momentum  that
            Trump’s policy is expected   Cuba’s economy, such as      voted, and here I am, like I  limit prospects for “positive   had built but added that it
            to curtail U.S. travel by cre-  many hotels, state-run res-  promised.”                change  on  the  island,”    could have been worse.
            ating  a  maze  of  rules  for   taurants and tour buses.  Cheered by Cuba hardlin-    while  Rep.  Tom  Emmer,  R-  “This is a limitation on what
            Americans  to  obey.  The    Surrounded    by    Florida   ers in both parties, Trump’s  Minn.,  said  Trump’s  policy   we  did,  not  a  reversal  of
            policy  bans  most  financial   Republican  officials,  the   new  policy  is  broadly  op-  was  “misguided”  and  will   what we did,” Rhodes said
            transactions  with  a  yet-  president  was  unabashed    posed  by  U.S.  businesses  hurt the U.S. economically.  in an interview. q

            Many Cuban exiles embrace

            Trump policy but want more

            By ADRIANA GOMEZ LICON       ists  about  evenly  divided
            Associated Press             between  supporters  and
            MIAMI (AP) — Many Cuban  opponents  of  the  presi-
            exiles in Miami are embrac-  dent chanted and held up
            ing  the  changes  President  signs  outside  the  venue,
            Donald  Trump  announced  the Manuel Artime Theater,
            Friday  to  his  predecessor’s  named after a late political
            policies  of  engagement  leader of Cuban exiles who
            with  the  communist  island  launched the failed Bay of
            —  but  some  want  even  Pigs uprising in 1961.
            more.                        Cuban-born  poet  Arman-
            President Barack Obama’s  do  Valladares,  who  was
            restoration  of  diplomatic  imprisoned for 22 years by
            relations  with  Cuba  and  the  government  of  then-
            easing   of   decades-old  Cuban  leader  Fidel  Cas-
            travel  and  business  restric-  tro,  said  at  a  weekly  lun-
            tions  had  divided  Cuban-  cheon of Cuban exiles that
            Americans.  Hard-line  ex-   he  is  vexed  that  not  all  of
            iles  agreed  with  Trump’s  Obama’s  changes  were
            move to roll back some of  rolled back.
            the  changes  by  restricting  “President  Trump  prom-
            commerce  with  entities  ised  that  he  would  repeal
            linked  to  Cuba’s  military,  everything  Obama  had
            restoring  tougher  travel  done with Cuba,” said Val-
            rules  and  other  moves  in  ladares, who was appoint-
            hopes of forcing Cuba to-    ed ambassador to the U.N.
            ward democracy.              Commission    on   Human
            While  Trump  gave  his  Rights by President Ronald
            speech,  a  hundred  activ-  Reagan in 1988. q
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