Page 4 - aruba-today-20170617
P. 4
Saturday 17 June 2017
Trump acknowledges for first time he’s under investigation
general whose role leading dent is sending through his
the federal investigation tweets is that he believes
has become increasingly the rule of law doesn’t ap-
complicated. The White ply to him and that anyone
House has used a memo who thinks otherwise will
he wrote to justify Trump’s be fired,” Feinstein said.
decision to fire FBI Direc- “That’s undemocratic on its
tor James Comey, but that face and a blatant viola-
Trump action may now be tion of the president’s oath
part of the probe. Thursday of office.”
night, Rosenstein issued an Yet Trump’s angry tweets
unusual statement com- on Friday underscored the
plaining about leaks in the near-impossible challenge
case. his advisers and legal team
Trump advisers and confi- have in trying to get him to
dants describe the presi- avoid weighing in on an
dent as increasingly angry active probe.
over the investigation, yell- The president has denied
ing at television sets in the that he has any nefarious
White House carrying cov- ties to Russia and has also
erage and insisting he is disputed that he’s attempt-
the target of a conspiracy ed to block the investiga-
to discredit — and poten- tion into his campaign’s
tially end — his presidency. possible role in Russia’s
Some of his ire is aimed at election-related hacking.
In this June 13, 2017 photo, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testifies on Capitol Hill in Rosenstein and investiga- It was unclear whether his
Washington. President Donald Trump confirmed Friday, June 16, 2017, he was under investiga-
tion and appeared to take aim at a senior Justice Department official, in a tweet that seemed to tive special counsel Rob- tweet about being under
encapsulate his frustration with the ongoing focus on Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election. ert Mueller, both of whom investigation was based on
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon) the president believes are direct knowledge or new
biased against him, associ- media reports that suggest
By JULIE PACE probe into Russia’s election “I am being investigated ates say. Mueller is examining wheth-
JONATHAN LEMIRE meddling. He lashed out at for firing the FBI Director by Dianne Feinstein, top Dem- er the president obstructed
Associated Press a top Justice Department the man who told me to ocrat on the Senate Ju- justice by firing Comey.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- official overseeing the in- fire the FBI Director! Witch diciary Committee, said The tweets came shortly
dent Donald Trump ac- quiry, reflecting his mount- Hunt,” the president wrote she was “increasingly con- after Rosenstein issued his
knowledged for the first ing frustration with the un- on Twitter. cerned” that Trump will fire unusual statement that
time Friday that he is un- relenting controversy that His morning missive appar- both Mueller and Rosen- appeared to be warning
der federal investigation has consumed his early ently referred to Rod Rosen- stein. about the accuracy of
as part of the expanding presidency. stein, the deputy attorney “The message the presi- such reports.q
GOP, Dem governors call for
changes in House health bill
By THOMAS BEAUMONT ity and ensure affordable
Associated Press cover.
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — The Associated Press ob-
A group of Republican and tained a copy of the letter
Democratic governors are Friday.
echoing President Donald The governors said they op-
Trump’s criticism of a House pose the bill the House nar-
GOP health care bill, say- rowly passed last month,
ing it threatens coverage citing its deep cuts to Med-
for the most vulnerable. icaid, the federal-state
Instead, they’re asking Sen- health insurance program
ate leaders to work togeth- for low-income Americans.
er on an overhaul of Dem- Republicans have said the
ocrat Barack Obama’s House bill is aimed at lower-
health care law.
In a letter to Senate Majori- ing premiums and expand-
ty Leader Mitch McConnell ing consumers’ insurance
and Minority Leader Chuck choices while getting rid of
Schumer, seven governors, the mandates in “Obam-
including three moderate acare” that require peo-
Republicans, argue that ple to buy coverage. The
“true and lasting reforms nonpartisan Congressional
are best approached by Budget Office has said the
finding common ground House measure would raise
in a bipartisan fashion.” costs for many older and
The governors implore the lower income people while
leaders to focus on stabiliz- causing 23 million people
ing the individual insurance to lose insurance over a
markets, give states flexibil- decade.q