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A6   U.S. NEWS
                   Saturday 17 June 2017
                Minnesota officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

            By STEVE KARNOWSKI           dered by the police of Min-
            AMY FORLITI                  nesota,” his mother, Valerie
            Associated Press             Castile said, referring to the
            ST.  PAUL,  Minn.  (AP)  —  A  fact that her son was shot
            Minnesota  police  officer  seconds  after  he  volun-
            was  acquitted  of  man-     teered to the officer, “Sir, I
            slaughter Friday in the fatal  have to tell you, I do have
            shooting  of  Philando  Cas-  a firearm on me.”
            tile, a black motorist whose  “He  didn’t  deserve  to  die
            girlfriend  streamed  the  af-  the way he did,” Philando
            termath live on Facebook.    Castile’s sister, Allysza, said,
            Jeronimo  Yanez  was  also  through tears.
            cleared    of   two   lesser  “I  will  never  have  faith  in
            charges  in  the  July  traffic  the system.”
            stop  in  a  St.  Paul  suburb,  Supporters  of  the  family
            drawing  an  emotional  re-  planned a 7 p.m. CDT rally
            action  from  Castile  family  at the Capitol.
            members who stormed out  Meanwhile,  the  city  of  St.
            of the courtroom.            Anthony swiftly announced
            “The  fact  in  this  matter  is  plans to dismiss Yanez, say-
            that my son was murdered,  ing it had concluded “the
            and  I’ll  continue  to  say  public will be best served”
            murdered, because where  if he left the department.
            in this planet (can you) tell  Jurors   deliberated   for   Valerie Castile, mother of Philando Castile, spoke with passion about her reaction to a not guity
            the truth, and you be hon-   about  29  hours  over  five   verdict for Officer Jeronimo Yanez at the Ramsey County Courthouse in St. Paul, Minn., on Friday
            est,  and  you  still  be  mur-  days  before  reaching  the   June 16, 2017.
                                                                                                                    (Renee Jones Schneider/Star Tribune via AP)
                                                                                                   verdict  in  the  death  of  ed his actions.
                                                                                                   Castile,  who  had  a  per-  Yanez  stared  ahead  with
                                                                                                   mit  for  the  weapon.  Pros-  no  reaction  as  the  verdict
                                                                                                   ecutors argued that Yanez  was read.
                                                                                                   had overreacted and that  Afterward,  one  of  his  at-
                                                                                                   Castile,  a  school  cafeteria  torneys, Tom Kelly, said the
                                                                                                   worker, was not a threat.    defense was “satisfied.”
                                                                                                   Yanez,  who  is  Latino,  testi-  Prosecutors  declined  to
                                                                                                   fied that Castile was pulling  comment.
                                                                                                   his  gun  out  of  his  pocket  Castile’s   shooting   was
                                                                                                   despite his commands not  among  a  string  of  killings
                                                                                                   to do so.                    of blacks by police around
                                                                                                   The  defense  also  argued  the U.S., including two oth-
                                                                                                   Castile  was  high  on  mari-  er cases on trial this week in
                                                                                                   juana and said that affect-  Ohio and Wisconsin. q

                                                                                                   Girlfriend whose texts urged
                                                                                                   suicide guilty of manslaughter

                                                                                                   By DENISE LAVOIE             the circumstances of Roy’s
                                                                                                   AP Legal Affairs Writer      death,  but  she  was  stoic
                                                                                                   TAUNTON,  Mass.  (AP)  —  A  when  the  verdict  was  for-
                                                                                                   woman who sent her boy-      mally   pronounced.     As
                                                                                                   friend  a  barrage  of  text  spectators  and  members
                                                                                                   messages  urging  him  to  of both the Roy and Carter
                                                                                                   kill himself when they were  families left the courtroom,
                                                                                                   both  teenagers  was  con-   she  sat  at  the  defense  ta-
                                                                                                   victed  Friday  of  involun-  ble, sobbing, while her law-
                                                                                                   tary manslaughter in a trial  yers tried to comfort her.
                                                                                                   that raised questions about  The  judge  focused  his  rul-
                                                                                                   whether words can kill.      ing  on  three  words  Carter
                                                                                                   The  judge  found  that  Mi-  said to the 18-year-old Roy
                                                                                                   chelle  Carter  caused  the  after he climbed out of his
                                                                                                   death  of  Conrad  Roy  III,  truck  as  it  was  filling  with
                                                                                                   who  intentionally  filled  his  toxic  gas  and  told  her  he
                                                                                                   truck  with  carbon  monox-  was scared. “Get back in,”
                                                                                                   ide in a Fairhaven, Massa-   Carter  told  Roy,  accord-
                                                                                                   chusetts, store parking lot in  ing to a friend who testified
                                                                                                   July 2014.                   that  Carter  described  the
                                                                                                   Carter, who faces up to 20  conversation in a text mes-
                                                                                                   years  in  prison,  cried  and  sage to her about a month
                                                                                                   clutched a handkerchief to  after Roy died.
                                                                                                   her face as Juvenile Court  The judge said those words
                                                                                                   Judge  Lawrence  Moniz  constituted  “wanton  and
                                                                                                   detailed  her  conduct  and  reckless conduct.”q
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