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Saturday 17 June 2017
Macron promotes pro-Europe views with other leaders in Paris
By SYLVIE CORBET joy. Netherlands for the Brexit gency financial help and with high standards of wel-
PARIS (AP) — French presi- Estonia will lead the work negotiations led by the EU help the eurozone better fare.
dent Emmanuel Macron of the 28 EU member states executive body. react to a financial crisis. The French leader called
promoted his pro-Europe- for six months starting from Rutte stressed that “Brexit It would be managed by a on European authorities
an views in a series of meet- July. also means that we have newly created joint finance to do more to solve the is-
ings Friday with leaders of Defense and security is- to protect our citizens from minister for the eurozone. sue of low-paid workers
The Netherlands, Spain and sues, migration and cli- the economic impact that Rajoy agreed that “we coming from central and
Estonia in Paris, as Brexit ne- mate change are among might happen.” must start discussing about eastern Europe to work in
gotiations are set to start France’s priorities for a Eu- The newly elected Macron the (eurozone) budget” the continent’s western na-
next week. ropean summit scheduled campaigned on a strong but stressed it’s a long-term tions, including France, on
Macron met with Dutch next week. pro-European stance. goal. temporary assignment.
Prime Minister Mark Rutte In a joint statement in the He notably proposed a Macron pushed for a Eu- “We must change the
and Estonian Prime Minis- Elysee courtyard, Macron shared budget for the rope that protects its citi- rules,” he said, insisting
ter Juri Ratas and had a said his meeting with Rutte countries that use the euro zens through cooperation that the situation is gen-
working lunch with Spanish helped define “common currency to allow for joint on defense and security erating unfair economic
Prime Minister Mariano Ra- goals” of France and The investments, provide emer- but also by providing them competition.q
EU says divorce bill, citizens’ rights focus of Brexit talks
of future ties or trade are tionship must be agreed
discussed. alongside each other,” the
The unprecedented ne- department said in a state-
gotiations at the Commis- ment Friday. “We believe
sion’s offices come almost that the withdrawal pro-
exactly a year after Britons cess cannot be concluded
voted last June 23 to leave without the future relation-
the EU. The talks must be ship also being taken into
completed and endorsed account.”In Luxembourg,
by parliaments by the end Britain’s finance minister
of March 2019. said that protecting jobs
The Commission said the and the economy should
high-priority issue of the be the main focus in up-
shared border between coming discussions.
Northern Ireland, which is At talks with his counter-
part of the U.K., and Ire- parts in the 28-country EU,
land, an EU member, will Philip Hammond said his
also be discussed. “clear view and I believe
Both sides are keen to en- the view of the majority of
sure that people and goods people in Britain is that we
keep moving smoothly should prioritize protect-
across the border and that ing jobs, protecting eco-
nothing undermines the nomic growth and pro-
Police officers patrol Westminster Bridge with the Houses of Parliament in the background in Lon-
don, Thursday, June 8, 2017. Brexit negotiators will discuss Monday Britain’s financial obligations to peace agreement that tecting prosperity as we
the European Union as the long, complicated and potentially perilous process of the U.K. leaving ended decades of bloody enter those negotiations
the bloc finally gets underway. conflict in Northern Ireland. and take them forward.”
(AP Photo/Markus Schreiber) Britain’s Department for Ex- He wouldn’t be drawn on
iting the European Union whether he supported Brit-
By LORNE COOK plicated and potentially be part of a “sequenced denied that the country ain’s continued member-
PAN PYLAS perilous process of the U.K. approach to the talks.” has given up on its aim of ship in the single market
Associated Press leaving the bloc finally gets The EU has insisted that discussing all aspects of its and said Prime Minister The-
BRUSSELS (AP) — Brexit ne- underway. this sequence involve sort- departure and future rela- resa May’s minority gov-
gotiators will discuss Mon- The EU’s executive Com- ing out Britain’s departure tions simultaneously. ernment will negotiate in a
day Britain’s financial ob- mission said in a statement and urgent issues like the “Our view is that a with- “pragmatic” manner, striv-
ligations to the European Friday that the first round of rights of citizens affected drawal agreement and ing for a solution that works
Union as the long, com- negotiations in Brussels will by Brexit before the shape terms of the future rela- for both sides. q
UN envoy: Cyprus leaders aim for peace deal in Switzerland
By MENELAOS HADJICOSTIS starting June 28 could “last “It’s not getting easier just Mustafa Akinci. It will focus determine whether there
Associated Press for weeks.” because we’re going to on a security structure af- will be an overarching
NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — He said if there’s success, Switzerland, but there is a ter the island is reunified as peace deal. The issue is ex-
Cyprus’ rival leaders hope more work will be needed determination and a will- federation and will include tremely difficult and that’s
to achieve a breakthrough to finalize a peace accord ingness that I can register Cyprus’ “guarantors” — why it hasn’t been tackled
reunification agreement that would be put to a vote now that we go with that Greece, Turkey and Britain. until now.It revolves around
when they meet in Crans- in both the Greek and Turk- ambition.” Other outstanding issues, the 35,000-plus troops that
Montana, Switzerland, later ish Cypriot communities. The summit is seen as the like how much territory will Turkey kept in place in the
this month, a United Na- “This is really a historic op- culmination of more than make up each side’s fed- island’s breakaway, Turkish
tions envoy said Friday. portunity,” Eide said after two years of negotia- eral zones, will be discussed Cypriot north when it invad-
Espen Barth Eide said the talks with the island’s Greek tions between Anastasia- in parallel but in a separate ed in 1974 following a coup
U.N. is preparing for the Cypriot President Nicos An- des and the leader of the room.An agreement on se- by supporters of union with
possibility that the summit astasiades. breakaway Turkish Cypriots, curity will to a large extent Greece. q