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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 17 June 2017

               Yoko Ono, a co-producer on

               ‘Imagine,’ gets writing credit

             NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Yoko
             Ono,  who  was  previously
             credited as a co-producer
             on  John  Lennon’s  “Imag-
             ine,” will earn a co-writing
             credit on the 1971 song.
             David  Israelite,  the  presi-
             dent and CEO of the Na-
             tional  Music  Publishers’   In this Oct. 17, 2016, file photo,
             Association,  said  Wednes-  Yoko Ono appears before the
                                         dedication  ceremony  for  her
             day at an event that Ono    permanent  art  installation,  a
             would  earn  the  co-writing   sculpture called SKYLANDING,
             recognition on the song 48   at Jackson Park in Chicago.
             years after its release.                Associated Press
             “Imagine” received the Centennial Song Award at the
             annual  event  by  the  organization.  Israelite  told  Variety
             that the process of officially getting Ono the credit is un-
             Rolling Stone magazine ranked “Imagine” at No. 3 on its
             list of “The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time” in 2004.q

               Bob Seger catalog now                                  This April 7, 2011 file photo shows Carrie Fisher at the 2011 NewNowNext Awards in Los Angeles.

                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
               available for streaming                                Coroner: Sleep apnea among

             By MESFIN FEKADU
             AP Music Writer                                          causes of Carrie Fisher’s death
             NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Bob
             Seger  is  finally  letting  you                         By ANTHONY McCARTNEY         the  National  Institutes  of  electroshock  therapy  and
             stream his music.                                         AP Entertainment Writer     Health.                      medication.
             The  72-year-old  singer  an-
             nounced Friday that 12 of                                LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Car-  Fisher, 60, suffered a medi-  “I am not shocked that part
             his albums would be avail-                               rie  Fisher  died  from  sleep  cal emergency on an inter-  of her health was affected
             able for streaming on Spo-  In this Oct. 16, 2014 file photo,   apnea and a combination  national  flight  on  Dec.  23.  by drugs,” Todd Fisher said.
             tify, Apple Music and other   singer  Bob  Seger  poses  for  a   of other factors, but inves-  Her mother, longtime mov-  He  said  his  sister’s  heart
             platforms. Ten of the Seger   portrait  in  a  Capitol  Records   tigators  were  not  able  to  ie  star  Debbie  Reynolds,  condition  was  probably
             albums  are  also  available   studio in Los Angeles.    pinpoint  an  exact  cause,  died the following day.      worsened  by  her  smoking
             for  digital  download  for             Associated Press  coroner’s  officials  said  Fri-  The  actresses  were  laid  habit, as well as the medi-
             the  first  time,  including   his music to be streamed. It   day.                    to  rest  together  at  Forest  cations  she  took.  “If  you
             his  1969  debut,  “Ramblin’   wasn’t immediately known   Among  the  factors  that  Lawn-Hollywood  Hills,  a  want  to  know  what  killed
             Gamblin’  Man.”  His  al-   what led to the change.      contributed    to   Fisher’s  cemetery where numerous  her, it’s all of it,” he said.
             bums  will  also  stream  on   Seger, a Rock and Roll Hall   death  was  buildup  of  fat-  celebrities are buried.  Todd  Fisher  said  it  was  dif-
             iHeartRadio,  Napster  and   of  Famer,  announced  this   ty tissue in the walls of her  Fisher’s brother, Todd Fisher,  ficult to blame doctors who
             Slacker Radio.              month  that  his  Runaway    arteries,  the  Los  Angeles  said  he  was  not  surprised  treated  his  sister  because
             Seger was one of the few    Train tour will begin Aug. 24   County  coroner’s  office  by  the  results.  He  added  they  were  trying  to  help
             artists who would not allow   in Toledo, Ohio.           said in a news release late  that his family did not want  her.
             Margaret Atwood to get literary                          Friday.  The  release  states  a  coroner’s  investigation  “They were doing their best
                                                                      that  the  “Star  Wars”  ac-
                                                                                                   of his sister’s death. “We’re  to  cure  a  mental  disor-
             lifetime achievement award                               tress  showed  signs  of  hav-  not enlightened.          der. Can you really blame

            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Mar-                                   ing  taken  multiple  drugs,  There’s  nothing  about  this  them?”  Todd  Fisher  said.
                                                                      but investigators could not  that  is  enlightening,”  he  “Without her drugs, maybe
            garet  Atwood  is  receiving                              determine  whether  they  said.                           she  would  have  left  long
            a  lifetime  achievement                                  contributed to her death in  “I  would  tell  you,  from  my  ago.”
            award  from  one  of  the                                 December.                    perspective  that  there’s  Carrie  Fisher  made  her
            world’s oldest literary orga-                             Her manner of death would  certainly no news that Car-    feature  film  debut  oppo-
            nizations.  PEN  Center  USA                              be listed as undetermined,  rie  did  drugs,”  Todd  Fisher  site  Warren  Beatty  in  the
            announced      Wednesday                                  the agency said.             said. He noted that his sister  1975  hit  “Shampoo.”  She
            that  Atwood  will  accept
            the  honor  at  the  group’s   In this July 28, 2016 file photo,   The  agency  did  not  im-  wrote extensively about her  also  appeared  in  “Austin
                                         author  Margaret  Atwood  sits
            annual Literary Awards Fes-  for a portrait while promoting   mediately respond to a re-  drug  use,  and  that  many  Powers,”  ‘’The  Blues  Broth-
            tival in October.            her  new  books  “Angel  Cat-  quest for additional details  of the drugs she took were  ers,”  ‘’Charlie’s  Angels,”
            Atwood  has  written  more   bird”  and  “Hag-Seed”  in  To-  about whether a full autop-  prescribed by doctors to try  ‘’Hannah  and  Her  Sisters,”
            than  40  books  of  fiction,   ronto.                    sy report and toxicology re-  to  treat  her  mental  health  ‘’Scream  3”  and  “When
            poetry  and  essays.  The                Associated Press  sults were available.       conditions.                  Harry Met Sally ...”
            television  adaptation  of   leased in 2018.              Sleep apnea is a condition  Fisher long battled drug ad-  She  will  reprise  her  role  as
            her novel “The Handmaid’s    PEN  Center  USA  says  the   in which a person’s breath-  diction  and  mental  illness.  Leia  Organa  in  the  eighth
            Tale”  premiered  on  Hulu   77-year-old  author  will  be   ing  pauses  during  sleep.  She  said  she  smoked  pot  installment  of  the  core
            earlier  this  year  and  has   recognized  at  an  Oct.  27   The  pauses  may  be  brief  at 13, used LSD by 21 and  “Star Wars” franchise, “The
            been  renewed  for  a  sec-  ceremony  at  the  Beverly   or last several minutes, ac-  was  diagnosed  as  bipolar  Last Jedi,” which will be re-
            ond season that will be re-  Hilton Hotel.                cording to information from  at 24. She was treated with  leased in December.
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