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BUSINESS                 Saturday 17 June 2017

               Tech stocks trip away from highs, but few expect bigger drop

            By MARLEY JAY                                                                                                       The  stocks  have  simply  ris-
            AP Markets Writer                                                                                                   en a lot more than the rest
            NEW YORK (AP) — Technol-                                                                                            of  the  market.  That  can’t
            ogy  stocks  have  taken  a                                                                                         continue  indefinitely  with-
            stumble over the last week                                                                                          out a break.
            after  soaring  to  heights                                                                                         While  the  possibilities  of
            they last saw just before the                                                                                       technology     companies
            dot-com bubble collapsed                                                                                            seemed intoxicating in the
            17  years  ago.  Here’s  why                                                                                        late 1990s, today it’s easier
            this time might be different.                                                                                       to  argue  that  the  stock
            Technology      companies                                                                                           gains make sense because
            are  the  main  reason  the                                                                                         the  really  have  changed
            stock  market  has  climbed                                                                                         the world. They’ve remade
            in  recent  months.  The                                                                                            entertainment,  and  video
            technology  index  of  the                                                                                          game  makers  Activision
            Standard  &  Poor’s  500  in-                                                                                       Blizzard and Electronic Arts
            dex  is  up  17  percent  this                                                                                      are some of the highest-fly-
            year, twice as much as the                                                                                          ing technology companies
            broader S&P 500.                                                                                                    this year.
            Last  week  they  got  close                                                                                        Design  software  maker
            to the highs they set all the                                                                                       AutoDesk  and  Salesforce.
            way  back  in  March  2000.   A conference worker passes a demo booth at Facebook’s annual F8 developer conference, in   com  have  rallied  as  new
            At that time, Mark Zucker-   San Jose, Calif. Technology companies are on track to reach all-time highs soon, and Facebook   technology  has  reshaped
            berg  was  in  high  school,   is one of the most valuable companies on the U.S. stock market today.   (AP Photo/Noah Berger)  business. With so much crit-
            the  iPod  didn’t  exist,  and                                                                                      ical data now stored in the
            few people had any idea      deal further.                pared to then. After adjust-  ing at about 21 times their   cloud,  cloud  computing-
            how  a  company  could       That  might  bring  up  bad  ing  for  inflation,  the  three  earnings,  a  number  that  is   focused  companies  like
            make money from internet     memories of the tech bub-    largest  technology  com-    much closer to where S&P     Microsoft  and  Adobe  Sys-
            searches.                    ble  and  its  aftermath:  the  panies  of  2000,  Microsoft,  500 companies are usually   tems have surged. So have
            What’s  different  now?  Un-  technology  index  peaked  Cisco Systems and Intel, re-  valued.                      numerous chipmakers.
            like then, many of the mar-  on  March  27,  2000,  but  it  ported $113 billion in com-  To put it another way, inves-  That said, some of the gains
            ket’s favorite tech compa-   nosedived  following  nu-    bined  revenue  that  year.  tors  value  the  technology   this  year  have  been  stag-
            nies  are  actually  making   merous  high-profile  com-  Apple alone reported $217  sector  at  almost  $5  trillion   gering. Despite their recent
            gobs of money.               pany failures, the disastrous  billion in revenue in 2016.  now.  After  adjustments  for   losses,  Apple  is  up  23  per-
            “The sector is delivering on   AOL-Time  Warner  merger,  “We don’t look at this to be  inflation, it was worth about   cent  this  year  and  Face-
            a  lot  of  the  promises  that   and  the  recession  and  the  beginning  of  the  end  $6.4  trillion  in  March  2000.   book  has  jumped  27  per-
            investors  hoped  for  during   stock market slump that fol-  for  the  sector,”  said  Terry  That’s for a group of com-  cent.  Alphabet,  Google’s
            the  bubble  years,”  Jack   lowed the September 11th  Sandven, chief equity strat-    panies  that  were  newer,   parent    company,     has
            Ablin,  chief  investment  of-  terrorist  attacks.  By  late  egist  for  U.S.  Bank  Wealth  less tested, had far smaller   climbed 19 percent. Micro-
            ficer for BMO Private Bank.  2002,  the  tech  index  had  Management.  “Conditions  profits and fewer sales, and   soft has gained 11 percent.
            And  yet  last  week,  when   fallen a staggering 80 per-  are good for growth-orient-  paid smaller dividends.     Those  are  four  of  the  five
            the tech index seemed to     cent from its peak.          ed companies like tech.”     According to numerous ex-    most  valuable  companies
            be just minutes away from    Few  investors  expect  that  Before  the  2000  bubble  perts, the problem today is   on  the  U.S.  stock  market
            breaking  a  record,  the    kind  of  catastrophe  this  burst,  S&P  500  technology  not  that  technology  com-  today.  The  other  member
            stocks  went  into  a  steep   time.  One  reason  is  that  companies were trading at  panies are trading on over-  of  the  top  five  is  Amazon,
            slump. Some analysts think   technology companies are  about  68  times  their  earn-  ly  rosy  growth  projections   which  isn’t  classified  as  a
            the  stocks  will  fall  a  good   very  profitable  now  com-  ings.  Today  they  are  trad-  or  profits  that  may  never   technology company.q
              Walmart to acquire online men’s clothing retailer Bonobos

            By  ANNE D’INNOCENZIO        seller Moosejaw as it focus-                                                           lennial   customers.While
            AP Retail Writer             es on brands appealing to                                                              Walmart  keeps  trying  to
            NEW YORK (AP) —              younger shoppers.                                                                      compete against Amazon
            Walmart  is  buying  online  Bonobos, which started out                                                             by pushing harder into on-
            men’s    clothing   retailer  selling  pants  online,  caters                                                       line,  Amazon  announced
            Bonobos  for  $310  million  to  male  shoppers  looking                                                            a  bold  move  into  brick-
            in  cash,  showing  that  its  for help putting together a                                                          and-mortar stores Friday by
            appetite  for  hip  clothing  wardrobe.Targeting  Bono-                                                             saying it would buy Whole
            brands  shows  no  sign  of  bos  is  a  good  move  for                                                            Foods in a deal valued at
            abating as it looks for ways  Walmart as it tries to com-                                                           about $13.7 billion.
            to gain on Amazon.           pete  with  Amazon,  which                                                             The  Bonobos  deal,  an-
            It’s  a  sign  of  the  aggres-  has  been  quickly  expand-                                                        nounced  Friday,  is  ex-
            sive  direction  Walmart  is  ing  its  clothing  business,                                                         pected to close at the end
            taking  since  buying  Jet.  says  internet  consultant                                                             of  the  second  quarter  or
            com last year and keeping  Sucharita Mulpuru-Kodal.“If    A man walks by the Bonobos Guideshop in New York’s Financial   the  beginning  of  the  third
            that company’s founder as  you roll up enough of these    District. Walmart says it’s buying online men’s clothing retailer   quarter  of  this  fiscal  year.
            head  of  its  online  division.  online  startups,  you  cre-  Bonobos for $310 million in cash, showing that its appetite for   Bonobos  CEO  and  found-
            Walmart  has  since  bought  ate a meaningful share” of   hip clothing brands shows no sign of abating as it looks for ways   er  Andy  Dunn  will  report
            clothing  seller  ModCloth,  business, she said.          to  gain  on  Amazon.  Bonobos,  which  started  out  selling  pants   to  Marc  Lore,  the  CEO  of
            footwear  retailer  ShoeBuy.    She  noted  that  Walmart   online, caters to male shoppers looking for help putting together   Walmart’s  U.S.  online  op-
                                                                      a wardrobe.
            com  and  outdoor  gear  can  learn  from  these  mil-                                  (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)  erations. q
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