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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 17 June 2017
               Ward, Kovalev do it again in light heavyweight title bout

            By TIM DAHLBERG                                                                                                     “When  I  see  his  face
             AP Boxing Writer                                                                                                   I  want  to  bash  him,”
            LAS  VEGAS  (AP)  —  An-                                                                                            Kovalev  said.  “I  don’t
            dre  Ward  won’t  apolo-                                                                                            like this guy.”
            gize  for  the  close  deci-                                                                                        Ward  (31-0,  15  knock-
            sion that Sergey Kovalev                                                                                            outs) isn’t about to invite
            insists should have gone                                                                                            Kovalev over for dinner,
            his  way  when  the  light                                                                                          either.  He’s  not  happy
            heavyweights  fought  in                                                                                            about  what  he  said
            November.                                                                                                           were racist overtones in
            Still,   he’s   eager   to                                                                                          videos sent out by Kova-
            clear  up  any  remain-                                                                                             lev  and  his  team,  and
            ing  doubts  when  they                                                                                             unhappy Kovalev keeps
            meet Saturday night in a                                                                                            questioning  the  legiti-
            175-pound title rematch.                                                                                            macy  of  his  win  in  the
            “I am looking forward to                                                                                            first fight.
            making  a  statement  in                                                                                            “I’ve  been  through  ad-
            this  fight,  and  removing                                                                                         versity in and out of the
            any doubt that may be                                                                                               ring,”  Ward  said.  “I’m
            out  there,”  Ward  said.                                                                                           not  perfect  but  I  make
            “Some of you think I lost                                                                                           an effort to be an asset
            the fight, but you’ve got    Andre Ward, left, and Sergey Kovalev pose for photographers during a weigh-in Friday, June 16,   to the game.”
                                         2017, in Las Vegas.
            to look at the other side                                                                          Associated Press  The  fight  will  be  tele-
            of that coin. There a lot                                                                                           vised  on  HBO  pay-per-
            of people who are con-       The rematch is as intrigu-   they  were  not  afraid  to  ing  to  buy  our  fight  are   view, which has some in
            vinced I won it.”            ing as the first fight, when  voice  this  week.  There’s  still  going  to  buy  it  and   boxing  scratching  their
            Ward  is  among  those       the question was wheth-      also  a  bit  of  an  under-  come  out,”  Ward  said.    heads.  The  first  bout
            people,  and  the  fact      er  Kovalev’s  vaunted  current  about  a  Russian  “I don’t feel like it affects      was  on  pay-per-view,
            that  he  rallied  from  a   power  would  carry  the  meeting  an  American,  me. It is what it is.”               too, and drew only a re-
            second-round       knock-    day  against  a  fighter  though  Kovalev  spends  Anyone  who  watched                ported 150,000 buys, de-
            down to win makes him        who never really excites  much  of  his  time  in  Los  the first fight would have     spite it being an attrac-
            even  more  confident        fans  but  always  leaves  Angeles.                       to  be  intrigued  by  the   tive matchup for boxing
            about     the    rematch.    the  ring  with  his  hand  Unfortunately  for  both  rematch.  Kovalev  ap-           fans.
            Kovalev faded in the first   raised.                      fighters,  those  outside  peared  on  his  way  to       Though  Kovalev  (31-1-1,
            fight, and Ward plans to     Ward, the 2004 Olympic  boxing  don’t  seem  ter-         beating Ward in Novem-       26  knockouts)  made  his
            do  everything  he  can      gold medalist, hasn’t lost  ribly interested. The fight  ber before Ward gained        mark as a power punch-
            to  ensure  that  happens    since  age  12,  though  at  the  Mandalay  Bay  control  midway  through              er, he was unable to put
            again.                       Kovalev  is  convinced  resort  is  being  held  in  a  the  fight  and  eked  out     Ward  away  after  put-
            “When he can’t get you       there should be one big  smaller  arena  than  the  a  one-point  win  on  all         ting him down in the first
            out  of  there  he  fades,”   loss on his record.         first,  and  pay-per-view  three scorecards.              fight.
            Ward said. “You kind of      “I know I will get my belts  sales are expected to be  Kovalev       claimed     he    Ward said that will play in
            see a theme in his fights.   back,”  Kovalev  said.  “I  tepid.                        overtrained  for  the  first   his favor in the rematch.
            He’s  so  used  to  people   was  empty  in  the  first  And any efforts to gener-     bout  and  had  nothing      “I’m  not  averse  to  get-
            trying to get away from      fight.  For  him  it  was  like  ate buzz this week were  when  he  went  into  the    ting hit,” Ward said.
            his power that he’s able     fighting a heavy bag.”       dashed when Floyd May-       ring.                        “But I’m not going to put
            to rest between the ac-      If  the  matchup  isn’t  at-  weather  Jr.  and  Conor  Regardless,  he  said,  he     my head out there on a
            tion.                        tractive enough, the two  McGregor  announced  plans to not only win the               platter. I’m not into tak-
            He’s  not  used  to  some-   fighters  have  a  genuine  their own fight.              fight but take out his frus-  ing two (punches) to get
            one pushing the action.”     dislike  for  each  other  “The people who are go-        trations on Ward.            one.”q
            Lopez upsets Berdych, Zverev

            stops Haas at Stuttgart Open

            STUTTGART,  Germany  (AP)  defeated  Roger  Federer  Zverev  said  he  was  “a  bit
            —  Feliciano  Lopez  upset  in  the  second  round  on  sorry,  especially  because
            Tomas Berdych 6-7 (4), 6-3,  Wednesday,     was    play-  I  could  always  hear  his
            6-4 and Mischa Zverev end-   ing for the last time at the  daughter,  who  shouted,
            ed  veteran  Tommy  Haas’  grass-court     tournament,  ‘Come on, Daddy!’ They’re
            participation  in  the  Stutt-  and he was accompanied  special  moments.  He’s  a
            gart Open quarterfinals on  by  his  six-year-old  daugh-  champion.”
            Friday.                      ter  Valentina  at  the  post-  Also,  the  fourth-seeded
            Lopez saved all nine break  match  news  conference,  Lucas       Pouille   defeated
            points he faced against the  where she sat on his lap.    Philipp  Kohlschreiber  6-4,
            third-seeded Berdych.        “She  is  the  biggest  reason  2-6,  6-3  for  a  semifinal
            Zverev defeated Haas 6-4,  why I still do it,” said Haas,  against  French  compatriot   Germany’s Mischa Zverev returns the ball to Germany’s Tommy
            6-4  for  a  semifinal  against  who  plans  to  retire  at  the  Benoit Paire, who beat Po-  Haas during their quarterfinal match at the Mercedes Cup tennis
            Lopez.                       end of the season. “On the  land’s  Jerzy  Janowicz  6-1,   tournament in Stuttgart, Germany Friday, June 16, 2017.
            The 39-year-old Haas, who  whole it was a nice week.”     7-6 (4).q                                                             Associated Press
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