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Saturday 17 June 2017 BUSINESS

               Amazon-Whole Foods deal slams grocery stores; Dow ticks up                                                       Housing starts

            By MARLEY JAY                firm  Global  Data  Retail,   industrial  average  added   already runs AmazonFresh,   drop for third
            AP Markets Writer            said  Amazon  is  likely  to   24.38  points,  or  0.1  per-  a  grocery  delivery  service   straight month
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Ama-     push  supermarkets  and      cent,  to  a  record  high  of   that  costs  $14.99  a  month
            zon’s  $13.4  billion  deal  for   grocery  stores  to  slash   21,384.28.   The   Nasdaq   for  members  of  its  Prime
            Whole  Foods  sent  grocery   prices, which will affect the   composite fell 13.74 points,   service,  and  it  recently   By JOSH BOAK
            stores,  big  retailers,  and   companies that make and   or 0.2 percent, to 6,151.76.   opened  a  few  grocery    AP Economics Writer
            food  makers  and  distribu-  distribute those products.  The  Russell  2000  index  of   stores.  Investors  dumped   WASHINGTON    (AP)   —
                                                                                                   retailers,  drugstores,  and   Homebuilders     slowed
                                                                                                   even    discount   chains.   down  the  pace  of  con-
                                                                                                   Many of them have started    struction   for   the   third
                                                                                                   trying to sell more groceries   straight  month  in  May,  a
                                                                                                   in the last few years to try   possible sign that the short-
                                                                                                   to  capitalize  on  shoppers’   age  of  houses  for  sale
                                                                                                   yen for fresher, more natu-  might worsen.
                                                                                                   ral food. That was a trend   The  Commerce  Depart-
                                                                                                   Whole Foods helped start.    ment said Friday that hous-
                                                                                                   Wal-Mart had its worst day   ing starts fell 5.5 percent in
                                                                                                   in  more  than  a  year  as  it   May to a seasonally adjust-
                                                                                                   fell $3.67, or 4.7 percent, to   ed annual rate of 1.09 mil-
                                                                                                   $75.24. Costco took its big-  lion  units.  This  comes  after
                                                                                                   gest loss in almost six years   a 2.7 percent monthly de-
                                                                                                   as it sank $12.95, or 7.2 per-  cline in April and a 7.7 per-
                                                                                                   cent,  to  $167.11.  Target   cent drop in March. Home
                                                                                                   tumbled  $2.85,  or  5.1  per-  construction  is  still  3.2  per-
                                                                                                   cent, to $52.61.             cent  higher  year-to-date,
                                                                                                   Amazon is a unique threat    but that increase has been
                                                                                                   to many retailers because    too modest to address the
                                                                                                   it doesn’t mind losing mon-  dwindling supply of homes.
                                                                                                   ey  for  long  stretches.  The   Homebuilders  remain  op-
                                                                                                   company might be able to     timistic  about  their  sales
            Trader Joseph Lawler works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Friday, June 16, 2017.   sell  inexpensive  groceries   prospects,  but  the  level
            Amazon’s $13.4 billion deal for Whole Foods sent grocery stores, big retailers, and food makers   as it makes its money from
            and distributors plunging Friday.                                                                                   of  construction  has  done
                                                                           (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  its  cloud  computing  busi-  little to meet demand from
                                                                                                   ness and its gigantic online   would-be buyers. The num-
            tors  plunging  Friday.  En-  “As  Amazon  enters  the    smaller  company  stocks     marketplace.“Is  the  future   ber of existing homes listed
            ergy companies rose while    grocery  market  proper,     shed 3.36 points, or 0.2 per-  of  grocery  store  shopping   for  sale  has  been  register-
            other  stocks  were  little   it  will  put  a  lot  more  pres-  cent, to 1,406.73.   going  to  be  a  point  and   ing  annual  declines  for
            changed.                     sure  on  existing  grocers,”   Online juggernaut Amazon   click  experience,  or  is  it   roughly two years — creat-
            It’s rare for a single deal to   he said. “Those grocers will   said it pay $42 a share for   going  to  be  going  to  a   ing  a  dearth  of  properties
            have  a  big  effect  on  the   respond  by  cutting  prices   Whole Foods. Whole Foods   grocery  store?”  said  Dan   on the market.
            broader stock market, but    and that will cut profits for   had  been  the  target  of   Morgan,  senior  portfolio   “The  lack  of  inventory  of
            Amazon’s  agreement  to      the distributors.”           sale  rumors  for  about  two   manager at Synovus Trust.  homes for sale is one of the
            buy  Whole  Foods  Market    Elsewhere,  energy  com-     months,  and  investors  ap-  Supermarkets and grocery    most  pressing  challenges
            did.  Investors  wondered  if   panies  rose  as  oil  futures   peared  to  wonder  Friday   stores  had  also  plunged   in  the  housing  market  to-
            Amazon will do to grocery    bounced  back  from  their   if another bidder may step   Thursday  after  Kroger  cut   day,”  said  Mark  Fleming,
            stores  and  supermarkets    lowest  price  this  year  and   in.  Its  stock  jumped  $9.62,   its annual forecast. Kroger,   chief  economist  at  First
            what it’s done to sellers of   utilities  and  industrial  and   or  29.1  percent,  to  a  two-  which  plunged  19  per-  American Financial, a title
            goods like clothing and of-  basic materials ground out   year  high  of  $42.68.  Ama-  cent  a  day  ago,  lost  an-  insurance company.
            fice supplies: force them to   modest gains.              zon climbed $23.54, or 2.4   other $2.27, or 9.2 percent,   The  monthly  declines  in
            make  big  changes  or  be   Thanks  to  a  late  gain,  the   percent, to $987.71.    and  hit  a  three-year  low   housing  starts  come  de-
            supplanted.                  Standard  &  Poor’s  500  in-  Many  investors  had  ex-  of  $22.29.  Sprouts  Farmers   spite  a  solid  job  market
            Neil  Saunders,  managing    dex  inched  up  0.69  points   pected  Amazon  to  get   Market  skidded  $1.41,  or   with  a  relatively  healthy
            director  of  the  research   to 2,433.15. The Dow Jones   into the grocery business. It   6.3 percent, to $21.01. q  unemployment  rate  of  4.3
              Genesis HealthCare to pay $53M to settle probes                                                                   percent.  Many  analysts
                                                                                                                                expect  the  job  gains  to
                                                                                                                                translate  into  more  home
            By MICHAEL BALSAMO           violated  federal  statutes  pice services for patients at  The  settlement  also  re-  construction.  What  has
            Associated Press             by  submitting  false  claims  a  Las  Vegas,  Nevada  fa-  solved   allegations   that   generally  happened  is  a
                                                                                                                                decline in the construction
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Gene-     to  Medicare  and  Medic-    cility, even though the pa-  some services provided by    of apartment buildings that
            sis  HealthCare  has  agreed  aid  for  medically  unnec-  tients were not terminally ill,  nursing  homes  owned  by   has been more than offset
            to pay $53.6 million to set-  essary  therapy,  hospice  prosecutors said.             Genesis  were  “grossly  sub-  by the gains in the building
            tle  allegations  that  it  sub-  service  and  substandard  Subsidiaries   of   Genesis  standard  and/or  worthless   of single-family houses.
            mitted  false  claims  to  the  nursing  care.The  compa-  HealthCare  were  also  ac-  and therefore ineligible for   Groundbreakings      in
            federal  government  for  ny, headquartered in Ken-       cused  of  submitting  false  payment.”Jeanne  Moore,     the  Northeast  were  un-
            unnecessary  therapy  and  nett  Square,  Pennsylvania,  Medicare  and  Medicaid  a  spokeswoman  for  Gen-         changed  in  May  and  de-
            substandard  nursing  care,  owns and operates nursing  claims,  providing  therapy  esis HealthCare, confirmed     clined in the Midwest and
            the  Justice  Department  facilities,  senior  living  facili-  to  patients  longer  than  the  settlement  in  a  state-  South.  Housing  starts  rose
            said  Friday.The  settlement  ties and rehabilitation cen-  medically  necessary  and  ment and said the compa-     slightly  in  the  West.Build-
            resolves six federal lawsuits  ters in several states.    billing  for  more  therapy  ny “operates in a in a heav-  ing  permits,  an  indicator
            and  investigations  alleg-  The company was alleged  time  than  patients  actu-      ily regulated industry and is   of upcoming construction,
            ing  Genesis  HealthCare  to  have  submitted  false  ally received, according to  pleased  to  resolve  these      tumbled  4.9  percent  na-
            companies  and  facilities  claims to Medicare for hos-   prosecutors.                 legacy matters.” q           tionwide to 1.17 million.q
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