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A22      SPORTS
                   Saturday 17 June 2017

                                                                                                     Brooke Henderson stumbles

                                                                                                     late, keeps Meijer LPGA lead

                                                                                                     GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -- Brooke Henderson bo-
                                                                                                     geyed the final two holes for a 4-under 67, leaving
                                                                                                     the 19-year-old Canadian with a two-stroke lead Fri-
                                                                                                     day in the Meijer LPGA Classic.
                                                                                                     Henderson had seven birdies - four in a row on Nos.
                                                                                                     9-12 - and three bogeys to reach 12-under 130 and
                                                                                                     break  the  36-hole  record  at  Blythefield.  She  had  a
                                                                                                     one-stroke lead Thursday after an opening 63.
                                                                                                     Her  approach  on  the  par-4  17th  rolled  down  a  hill
                                                                                                     and she two-putted.
                                                                                                     “Could  have  been  really  close  to  being  a  great
                                                                                                     shot,” Henderson said. “I practiced that shot in the
                                                                                                     practice  rounds  and  it  jumped  forward  on  the  first
                                                                                                     bounce there and I don’t think I got that today. So,
                                                                                                     unfortunately, it’s a tough hole and I just came away
                                                                                                     with bogey, which is not really what I was looking for.”
                                                                                                     On the par-4 18th, she missed the green, left her chip
                                                                                                     well short and missed the long par putt.
            Driver Jimmie Johnson puts on his helmet before practice for Sunday’s NASCAR Cup Series Pocono
            400 auto race, Friday, June 9, 2017, in Long Pond, Pa.                                   “I kind of let emotions get into things and I was chas-
                                                                                  Associated Press   ing  birdie  to  try  and  get  it  back,”  Henderson  said.
                                                                                                     “Unfortunately, two bogeys to finish. Hopefully, that
            Still going strong at 41, Johnson                                                        just gives me a little bit more motivation going into
                                                                                                     Fellow  major  champion  Lexi  Thompson,  coming  off
            agrees to 3-year extension                                                               a playoff loss to Ariya Jutanugarn on Sunday in Can-
                                                                                                     ada, followed her opening 64 with a 68 to join 2016
                                                                                                     runner-up Carlota Ciganda (64) and Mi Jung Hur (66)
            BY NOAH TRISTER              ago,    and    now    Dale  in  the  race  car  today  as   at 10 under.
            AP SPORTS WRITER             Earnhardt  Jr.  is  in  his  final  he’s ever been.”        Thompson closed with a birdie on 18.
            BROOKLYN,     Mich.    (AP)  season . Johnson, however,  Johnson tied a record with      “I kind of peeked with about five holes to go and I
            —    Fresh   off   another  won  the  title  last  year  at  his seventh Cup Series title,   think it said minus 14 was leading, and then I just saw
            championship     —     and  age 41 and has no interest  and  he  leads  all  drivers     on the last minus 12 was,” Thompson said. “But I try
            with  three  more  victories  in  stepping  aside.  Maybe  with three victories in 2017.   not to look at leaderboards, just try to focus on my
            already  this  season  —  this will be his final contract,  He’s  tied  for  sixth  on  the   own game, that’s all I can control.”
            Jimmie Johnson is showing  maybe it won’t.                career  list  with  83  wins  —   Ciganda lost a playoff to Sei Young Kim last year at
            no signs of slowing down.    “I think in all fairness to the  one  behind  Bobby  Allison   Blythefield.
            Now, he’s ready for at least  questions  and  to  myself,  and Darrell Waltrip and 10    “I’ve  been  playing  good,”  the  Spanish  player  said.
            three more years of racing.  any contract I sign right now  behind Gordon.               “I’m just excited. It was a good week for me here last
            Beyond  that,  Johnson  is  with  my  age  is  probably  “I’ve  never  honestly  been    year so I have great memories. Yeah, I like the course.
            leaving his options open.    going  to  raise  questions,”  driven  by  stats  and  I’ve   I like the greens. I think the crowds are always good,
            Johnson agreed to a three-   Johnson said. “I get it, but I  said  it  so  many  times,  but   so I’m very excited.”
            year  contract  extension  don’t have a vision of if it’s  it’s  hard  to  ignore  where  I   Henderson  won  twice  last  year,  taking  the  KPMG
            with  Hendrick  Motorsports  three, if it’s five, if it’s seven,  sit  on  the  wins  list  and  not   Women’s PGA Championship for her first major, and
            through    2020.   Hendrick  I don’t know. I do know I’m   let  my  competitive  spirit   successfully defending her title in the Cambia Port-
            announced  the  deal  with  having  a  great  time  and   kick  in  and  want  more,”
            the  seven-time  NASCAR  I  don’t  want  to  stop  right   Johnson  said.  “Certainly,   land Classic. She has a 36-hole lead for the first time
            Cup     Series   champion  now.”                          would love to climb further    since late last September in China in the Reignwood
            Friday.                      Hendrick  also  announced    up  the  ladder  there.  Eight   LPGA Classic.
            “I’ve  said  it  before  and  that Lowe’s has signed an   championships,  I  would       “It’s great to see my name up there,” she said. “It’s
            continued  to  say  that  agreement  to  continue         love  to  stand  alone  at     been a little bit of a rough season so far, you know,
            when  the  fire  does  go  its  primary  sponsorship  of   that.”                        not getting the results that I’ve been looking for. But
            out, I will step down,” said  Johnson’s No. 48 Chevrolet   Johnson   said   he   and     this week seems to be a turnaround week and, hope-
            Johnson,  who  is  preparing  through  next  year.  Lowe’s                               fully, I can just finish strong the next two days.”
            for  this  weekend’s  race  has been Johnson’s primary    Hendrick  have  had  an        Moriya Jutanugarn was 9 under after a 66.
            at  Michigan  International  sponsor for each of his 557   informal  agreement:  He’ll   “It  was  great,”  Moriya  Jutanugarn  said.  “I’ve  been
            Speedway.  “I  don’t  have  career Cup starts.            always  have  a  spot  at      playing solid. I rolled the ball good on the green. Ev-
            any  framework  now  on  a  “Jimmie  is  one  of  the  best   Hendrick and he won’t go   erything seems to be good.”
            timeline.                    to   ever   drive,”   owner   anywhere  else.  Johnson,     Shanshan  Feng  (70)  topped  the  group  at  8  under.
            “I  just  know  that  I’ve  got  Rick  Hendrick  said  in  a   Hendrick  and  crew  chief   The Chinese player is trying to complete a Michigan
            three  more  years  of  trying  statement.   “We’re   so   Chad  Knaus  have  formed     sweep after winning the LPGA Volvik Championship
            to  go  out  there  and  win  fortunate  to  have  him  as   one of the most successful   three weeks ago in Ann Arbor.
            championships  and  win  part  of  our  organization,     partnerships  in  any  sport   Ariya  Jutanugarn,  Moriya  Jutanugarn’s  younger  sis-
            races. I’m as hungry as I’ve  and  I  feel  even  luckier  to   over the past 16 years, and   ter, was tied for 30th at 4 under in her first event as
            ever been and as focused  call  him  a  friend.  He’s  a   the  relentless  consistency   the No. 1 player in the world. Lydia Ko, at No. 2 after
            and  dedicated  on  doing  great  champion,  a  terrific   of the No. 48 car has stood   an 85-week run at the top, was 6 under after a 71.
            my job.”                     advocate  for  Lowe’s  and   out even more of late.         Michelle Wie also was 6 under after her second 68.
            Hendrick  already  lost  Jeff  a  true  ambassador  for   Johnson is the only driver to   Kim had her second 70 to make the cut on the num-
            Gordon,  who  announced  NASCAR. There’s no better        win  for  Hendrick  since  the   ber.
            his  retirement  two  years  person,  and  he’s  as  good   start of the 2016 season.
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