P. 10
10 AWEMainta Diamars, 8 Augustus 2017
Music Workshop “Exportando
Creatividad” Edicion 2017
AUCTION DEPARTAMENTO di Asuntonan Economico,
Comercio y Industria (DEACI), patrocina pa COMSE
ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba ta invita Musico, Productor y Compositor pa par-
ticipa na e prome edicion di e Proyecto Exportando
THURSDAY AUGUST 24, 2017 Creatividad.
Riba 29, 30 y 31 di augustus lo tuma luga un Tayer
On Thursday August 24, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the
Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be auctioned in Musical caminda cu e experto Carlos Delgado di Nex
public: Consulting y Guira Music Publishing Company lo ta
presente pa comparti su experticio y conocemento
1. A residential house, locally known as riba diferente tereno cu ta regarda e industria musical.
Carlos Delgado tin mas cu 15 aña di experencia den
PONTON 73-H establece y conseha companianan (den e sector ra-
dial y di publicacion musical) con pa comercialisa y
standing on a parcel of full ownership land, 270 m2 size, situated in exporta nan musica.
Ponton in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section K number
2577. Topiconan manera distribuicion y publicacion di
musica, live music y industria musical Arubano, y su
Starting price: Afl. 147.000,--
potencial pa exportacion ta algun di e topiconan cu
2. A residential house, locally known as e experto lo toca durante e tres dianan di workshop
aki. DEACI su meta principal ta pa conscientisa y
SAVANETA 485 informa e sector musical di e potential grandi cu nos
musico, productor, y compositornan tin riba nivel
standing on full ownership land, 400 m2 size, situated in Savaneta in
Aruba, locally recorded as Fourth Division Section E number 573, E industria musical global ta representa 50 biyon
indexnumber D 5360. dollar Americano y ta proyecta pa crece na un total
di 57 biyon dollar Americano na aña 2021.
Starting price: Afl. 199.700,--
DEACI kier fungi a traves di su Exprodesk como un
3. A residential house locally known as:
di e catalisadornan pa crea mas actividad economico
por medio di exportacion di producto y servicio. E
MADIKI 95-B tayer musical aki ta e prome actividad di un serie
di proyectonan programa pa tuma lugar durante e
standing on a parcel of public land, 606 m2 in size, situated at period nos dilanti.
Madiki in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section N number Registracion ta completamente GRATIS, pero e cu-
The lease rights expire on July 7, 2056 ponan ta limita.
P’esey, registra awor y no perde e oportunidad aki pa
Starting price: Afl. 200.529,-- siña con pa exporta bo creatividad musical exitosa-
mente. Deadline pa registra ta dia 11 di augustus
Cinco participante lo ricibi un ‘Export Business Plan’
• The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and y guia personalisa, haciendo nan cla pa cuminsa ex-
special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R. porta despues di e tayer aki.
Johnson. Pa mas informacion por tuma contacto cu un di e
• The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by representantenan di Exprodesk na DEACI via email:
decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session. Susanne van Nes na: of
• Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion. Sharon Meijer na
• Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal
to the auction costs.
• A private written bid can be submitted until August 9, 2017.
For more information: