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Wednesday 14 January 2015

Playa Linda Honors ‘Best of the Year’ at the Marriott

est, enjoyed a delicious
meal and then took high
cheer to new heights,
dancing to popular favor-
ites provided by the live
band, D’Licious, and en-
joying the cultural classic
of the visit by Dande. The
award ceremony helped
further define the evening,
with excellence recog-
nized among the entire
staff and especially for its
�representatives for the
‘Best of the Year’.q

PALM BEACH - High marks ee of the Year; Sebastian
in hospitality and job per- Cardenas, also from the
formance were rewarded Front Office, named Rook-
during Playa Linda Beach ie of the Year; and Victo-
Resort’s recent year-end rine “Toya” Lopez, from
celebration. The entire Housekeeping, named
staff enjoyed a festive gala the Supervisor of the Year.
held in the ballroom of the Other special awards, in-
Marriott, sharing dinner, cluding the Star Award,
merriment and award cer- was given to Adeliz Godet
emony to top of a success- from Loss Prevention, and
ful year. the overall Department of
A highlight of the eve- the Year was shared by the
ning was the announce- team members of IT, HR,
ment of the ‘Best of the Accounting and Member-
Year’ awards with Diego ship Accounting.
Vazquez, from the Front Playa Linda employees,
Office, named the Employ- dressed in their holiday fin-
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