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  SPORTSFriday 26 February 2016

NBA Capsules 

  Curry too hot for Heat as Warriors win 118-112 

MIAMI (AP) — Stephen              Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry (30) hits a 3-point                         first 5 minutes of the fourth,    the arc. Barnes was 5 of 9
Curry scored 42 points            shot over Miami Heat center Hassan Whiteside (21) during the                          the last on a dunk to finish      on 3s and P.J. Hairston, who
and made the go-ahead             final minute of an NBA basketball game, Wednesday, Feb. 24,                           Oklahoma City’s 15-0 run          had 17 points, was 4 of 7.
3-pointer with 38 seconds         2016, in Miami. The Warriors defeated the Heat 118-112.                               for a 102-81 lead.                Mike Conley scored 24
left, Klay Thompson scored                                                                                              Dirk Nowitzki had a sea-          points and added eight
17 of his 33 points in the                                                                            Associated Press  son-high 33 points to lead        assists as Memphis won its
fourth quarter and the                                                                                                  the Mavericks, who went           second straight and third in
Golden State Warriors beat        Bradley Beal led the Wiz-       rebounds and five blocks.                             0-4 against a possible first-     the last four.
the Miami Heat 118-112 on         ards with 19 points. Gar-       Cousins had 21 of his 22                              round playoff opponent.           Jordan Clarkson scored 21
Wednesday night.                  rett Temple scored 18 and       points in the second half                             PACERS 108, KNICKS 105            of his 28 points in the sec-
Harrison Barnes scored 11         Ramon Sessions and John         and added 10 rebounds                                 INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Paul          ond half to lead the Lak-
and Draymond Green had            Wall added 16. Markieff         for the Kings, who had their                          George scored 25 of his 27        ers, who lost their seventh
10 points and 11 rebounds         Morris had 10 rebounds for      three-game win streak                                 points in the second half         straight. D’Angelo Russell
for the Warriors, who trailed     the Wizards.                    snapped.                                              to lead Indiana over New          and Lou Williams added
by 12 in the early going          SPURS 108, KINGS 92             THUNDER 116, MAVERICKS                                York.                             22 points each, and Bryant
and improved to 51-5 on           SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)         103                                                   Kristaps Porzingis missed a       finished with 13 points, but
the season.                       — Tony Parker scored 12         DALLAS (AP) — Kevin Du-                               3-point shot that would’ve        was 5 of 14 from the field —
Dwyane Wade scored a              of his 25 points in the fourth  rant and Russell Westbrook                            given the Knicks the lead         including 2 for 7 on 3s.
season-high 32 points for         quarter and San Antonio         scored 24 points apiece                               with 1.9 seconds remaining.       NUGGETS 87, CLIPPERS 81
Miami, which got 21 points        beat Sacramento for its         and Oklahoma City com-                                Myles Turner then made            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ken-
and 13 rebounds from Has-         third straight victory.         pleted a season sweep of                              one free throw at the other       neth Faried had 21 points
san Whiteside and 16 points       The Spurs took the lead for     Dallas.                                               end.                              and 11 rebounds, and Den-
and 11 rebounds from Luol         good with just over 4 min-      Westbrook also had 13 as-                             George, who shot 1 of 9 in        ver beat the Clippers for its
Deng. Rookie Josh Richard-        utes left in the third quar-    sists and seven rebounds as                           the first half, had 10 points     first victory since the All-Star
son added 15 points for Mi-       ter, then pulled away in        the Thunder scored the first                          in the third quarter and 15       break.
ami.                              the fourth in winning for the   15 points of the fourth quar-                         in the fourth. He finished hit-   Gary Harris added 17 points
CAVALIERS 114, HORNETS            ninth time in 10 games. San     ter and weathered a 14-0                              ting 10-of-23 shots.              and Danilo Gallinari 16 for
103                               Antonio continued its dom-      Dallas run to avoid match-                            Porzingis led New York with       the Nuggets, who snapped
CLEVELAND (AP) — LeB-             inance against the Kings,       ing a season high with a                              22 points and Jose Calder-        a three-game skid while
ron James and Kyrie Irving        beating Sacramento for          third straight loss in their                          on had 20. Calderon made          improving to 7-13 on the
each scored 23 points and         the 35th time in 39 games.      first game since a blowout                            all four of his 3-point at-       road against Western Con-
Cleveland beat Charlotte.         Kawhi Leonard had 18            defeat at home against                                tempts.                           ference opponents. Nikola
The Cavaliers bounced             points and Danny Green 16       Cleveland.                                            RAPTORS 114, TIMBER-              Jokic matched Faried with
back from a home loss             for the Spurs. Kyle Anderson    The addition of David Lee                             WOLVES 105                        11 rebounds.
Monday to Detroit in which        scored 14, while LaMarcus       didn’t help the Maver-                                TORONTO (AP) — DeMar              The Clippers were led by
James tied a season low           Aldridge struggled offen-       icks inside. Steven Adams                             DeRozan scored 31 points          J.J. Redick and Jamal
with 12 points.                   sively but played solid de-     scored 11 of his 15 points in                         and Kyle Lowry added 21           Crawford with 20 points
Kemba Walker had 20               fense on DeMarcus Cous-         the third quarter and Enes                            as Toronto beat Minnesota         apiece, and Chris Paul
points for Charlotte, which       ins, and finished with nine     Kanter scored eight in the                            for a franchise record-tying      had 17 points and 10 as-
had won four straight on                                                                                                ninth straight home victory.      sists. They had won five of
the road and five straight                                                                                              DeRozan had eight points          seven, but were outclassed
overall.                                                                                                                in the final quarter while        in nearly every category by
Cleveland used a 40-point                                                                                               Lowry scored 12 as the Rap-       the struggling Nuggets.
second quarter to build a                                                                                               tors (38-18) pulled away          Denver outscored them 44-
63-52 halftime lead and                                                                                                 over the closing minutes          22 in the paint and 19-9 in
dominated the second                                                                                                    to match a home winning           fast-break points.
half, pushing the lead to 24                                                                                            streak set back in 1999.          PISTONS 111, 76ERS 91
points in the fourth quarter.                                                                                           The Raptors will have a           AUBURN HILLS, Mich. (AP)
BULLS 109, WIZARDS 104                                                                                                  chance to better the              — Tobias Harris led a bal-
CHICAGO (AP) — Taj Gib-                                                                                                 mark on Friday against the        anced offense with 22
son and E’Twaun Moore                                                                                                   Cleveland Cavaliers.              points and Andre Drum-
each scored 17 points,                                                                                                  Andrew Wiggins had 26             mond had 18 rebounds as
Tony Snell added 16 and                                                                                                 points, four rebounds and         Detroit beat Philadelphia.
a thrown-together roster                                                                                                three assists for the Timber-     Playing in front of a tiny
of Chicago backups beat                                                                                                 wolves (18-40), while Gor-        crowd because of a snow-
Washington.                                                                                                             gui Dieng added 21 points         storm in metro Detroit, the
Three of the Bulls’ top four                                                                                            and eight rebounds.               Pistons led by 16 points
scorers missed the game                                                                                                 GRIZZLIES 128, LAKERS 119         in the first quarter and
and the fourth was sick.                                                                                                MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) —             were never threatened
Derrick Rose was a last-min-                                                                                            Matt Barnes scored a sea-         while winning their second
ute scratch with right ham-                                                                                             son-high 25 points as the         straight after a five-game
string tendinitis.                                                                                                      Grizzlies led from start to fin-  losing streak.
Pau Gasol, who missed                                                                                                   ish, beating Los Angeles in       Hollis Thompson scored 19
practice on Tuesday and                                                                                                 Kobe Bryant’s final game in       points to lead the 76ers,
was playing with the flu,                                                                                               Memphis.                          who lost their sixth straight.
narrowly missed a triple-                                                                                               Six Grizzlies finished in dou-    Jahlil Okafor had 13 points,
double, finishing with 15                                                                                               ble figures as Memphis fin-       but just two rebounds. No
rebounds, 10 points and                                                                                                 ished with season highs in        other Philadelphia start-
nine assists in the Bulls’ third                                                                                        scoring and 3-pointers, go-       er had more than eight
straight victory.                                                                                                       ing 13 of 27 from beyond          points.q
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