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SPORTSFriday 26 February 2016

Column: Pro boxing in Rio? A bad idea in so many ways 

TIM DAHLBERG                    In this Monday, Sept. 9, 2013 file photo, Ching-Kuo Wu of Taiwan,                     Those who have been              fighters ever, from Muham-
AP Sports Columnist             executive board member of the International Olympic Commit-                           around Mayweather find           mad Ali to Sugar Ray Leon-
Not that long ago  box-         tee (IOC) and IOC presidential candidate, attends a report ses-                       that just a bit laughable.       ard to Lennox Lewis.
ing was on the verge of be-     sion during the 125th IOC session in Buenos Aires, Argentina.                         His motivation to fight          Take away that path and
ing kicked out of the Olym-                                                                                           hasn’t been a trinket to         you take away much of
pics because corruption,                                                                            Associated Press  hang around his neck, but        the amateur system. With
ineptitude and head-shak-                                                                                             big checks to cash. And          no incentive to remain
ing decisions had made a        almost a given.                    Who knows, Wladimir                                the $25,000 that goes to a       amateurs, fighters will turn
mockery of the sport.           Permanent brain damage             Klitschko might want an-                           gold medal American ath-         pro before they are ready
Maybe it’s time to bring up     isn’t on the list, but that’s for  other gold medal to add                            lete wouldn’t pay for an oil     and most will end up on the
the idea again.                 the fighters themselves to         to the one he won in 1996.                         change on one of his Bu-         scrap heap or toiling away
Boxing  in Rio this summer      deal with down the road.           The former heavyweight                             gattis.                          for $1,500 a fight on an un-
was going to be different,      A death in the ring isn’t out      champion shouldn’t have                            Ridiculous? Yes, though          dercard somewhere.
no matter what. The most        of the question, either, with      much trouble knocking out                          don’t sell these dreamers        Yes, the Olympics have
notable change is that          the incompetents who run           the kids they put in front of                      short. If not this year, then    long been in need of seri-
headgear will come off, at      what used to be called             him, and hopefully they’ll                         2020 looms for pros of all       ous change when it comes
least for the men, an idea      amateur  boxing  in charge         be able to complete a sen-                         sorts to descend on Tokyo.       to the sport of  boxing. The
that has stirred more than      of the matchups.                   tence afterward.                                   “Do I think it’s going to        incompetency of Olym-
just a little controversy by    Imagine, if you will, some of      There are already sugges-                          happen this year? No,”           pic  boxing  officials cannot
itself.                         the possibilities.                 tions that Floyd Mayweath-                         said Mike Martino, execu-        be overstated, from the
But now the head of the or-     Gennady Golovkin already           er Jr. may want to come                            tive director of USA Boxing.     robbery of Roy Jones Jr.
ganization that runs Olym-      knocks out everyone they           out of retirement to win the                       “But it’s something that’s       in Seoul to the decision to
pic  boxing  has gone a bit     put in front of him, and           gold medal that eluded                             been on our radar screen,        disqualify Evander Holyfield
too far. Taiwan’s Ching-        bringing a gold home to            him in 1996. Mayweather                            something we’ve talked           after he knocked his oppo-
Kuo Wu, president of the        Kazakhstan might entice            got the bronze in Atlanta                          about for the last four          nent silly in 1984 in Los An-
International  Boxing  Asso-    him. It might, however, not        after incompetent judges                           years, knowing that AIBA         geles.
ciation (AIBA), suggested       be the kind of match the           using a scoring system in-                         pro boxers were going to         But the idea of tossing pros
this week that the best pro     parents of a teenage Gold-         vented in some third-world                         be in the Olympics. We’ve        into the games in Rio is both
fighters in the world should    en Gloves winner want their        country went against him                           talked to the USOC about         shortsighted and hare-
be eligible to compete for      son to have in his Olympic         in a semifinal bout with Bul-                      how it impacts the sport,        brained. It accomplishes
their countries in the up-      debut.                             garia’s Serafim Todorov.                           and it’s huge. The Dream         nothing, and almost surely
coming games.                                                                                                         Team changed basketball          wouldn’t draw the biggest
It’s a proposal born out of                                                                                           in the Olympics forever. This    stars anyway.
desperation for a sport that                                                                                          will obviously change  box-      Let the Dream Team keep
is its own worst enemy. It’s                                                                                          ing forever.”                    its historic place in open-
also a recipe for disaster                                                                                            It will do that, no doubt. Un-   ing the Olympics to pros.
should it be allowed to                                                                                               fortunately, it will be for the  Remember, though, that
happen.                                                                                                               worse.                           there’s a difference be-
You want knockouts to                                                                                                 The Olympics have always         tween dunking basketballs
boost the ratings? Not a                                                                                              been a goal for young            and getting punched in
problem.                                                                                                              fighters coming up in the        the face.
A little blood to spice things                                                                                        amateur system. Gold             Let amateur boxers con-
up? No worries, because                                                                                               medals launched the ca-          tinue chasing an Olympic
without the headgear it’s                                                                                             reers of some of the best        dream of their own.q

British lawmakers write to NFL about
Redskins nickname 

LONDON (AP) — Two British       to represent the sport, one        Oct. 30 at Wembley Sta-                            Washington Redskins head coach Jay Gruden speaks during
lawmakers have written to       that does not promote a            dium.                                              a press conference at the NFL football scouting combine in
NFL Commissioner Roger          racial slur.”                      The letter from the lawmak-                        Indianapolis, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016. 
Goodell to complain about                                          ers said that there is “delib-
the nickname of the Wash-       The NFL said it received           erate insensitivity and ap-                                                                                         Associated Press
ington Redskins ahead of        a letter co-authored by            parent hostility to a promi-
the team’s visit to London      Smeeth and Austin.                 nent minority group” by                            team has maintained that owner Dan Snyder has said
next season.                    “A team’s name is a club           using the Redskins name. It                        it is meant to honor Native he will never change the
Ruth Smeeth and Ian Aus-        decision,” NFL spokesman           said the “exportation of this                      Americans, and Redskins nickname.q
tin, who are members of         Brian McCarthy said. “We           racial slur ... directly contra-
the Labour Party, wrote in      recognize there are strong         venes the values that many
a letter dated Feb. 2 that      views on both sides of this.”      in Britain have worked so
the NFL “should consider        The NFL has been playing           hard to instill.”
changing the name of the        regular-season games in            Many Native Americans
Washington franchise or,        London since 2007. Wash-           and other groups have
at a minimum, send a dif-       ington is scheduled to play        called for the team to do
ferent team to our country      the Cincinnati Bengals on          away with its name. The
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