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SPORTSFriday 26 February 2016

Djokovic retires in Dubai QFs with infected eyes 

SANDRA HARWITT                                                                                                                                                       course clay-court season.”
Associated Press
DUBAI, United Arab Emir-                                                                                                                                             The last time Djokovic re-
ates (AP) — Top-ranked
Novak Djokovic retired                                                                                                                                               tired from a match was
during his quarterfinal in
the Dubai Tennis Champi-                                                                                                                                             against Juan Martin del
onships with an infection
in both eyes on Thursday,                                                                                                                                            Potro of Argentina in a Da-
ending his global run of 17
consecutive final appear-                                                                                                                                            vis Cup semifinal in 2011.
“It’s an eye problem,”                                                                                                                                               He’s played 350 matches
Djokovic, wearing dark
sunglasses, said at his post-                                                                                                                                        since then for a 312-38 win-
match news conference.
“I have had it ever since I                                                                                                                                          loss record.
arrived to Dubai. Started
with an infection, and then                                                                                                                                          Playing Feliciano Lopez,
severe allergy.”
Djokovic said the infec-                                                                                                                                             Djokovic called for the ATP
tion started in his right eye
but then presented in both                                                                                                                                           trainer while trailing 1-2. He
eyes. He was instructed not
to wear his contact lenses                                                                                                                                           kept pointing to his face as
except for during matches
because it aggravates the                                                                                                                                            he spoke to the trainer but
“It’s gotten worse the last                                                                                                                                          eventually got up to play.
two days, unfortunately,”
he added. “It’s the first                                                                                                                                            However,
time that I have had such
a problem with the eye. It                                                                                                                                           he quit the match after the
was ultrasensitive today,
the lights, and just wasn’t                                                                                                                                          Spaniard closed out the
to be.”
The retirement ended                                                                                                                                                 first set 6-3.

                                                                                                                                                                     Lopez will play unseeded

                                                                                                                                                                     Marcos Baghdatis of Cy-

                                                                                                                                                                     prus in the semifinals. Bagh-

                                                                                                                                                                     datis upset fourth-seeded

                                                                                                                                                                     Roberto Bautista Agut of

                                                                                                                                                                     Spain 7-5, 6-0.

                                                                                                                                                                     Second-seeded     Stan

                                                                                                                                                                     Wawrinka set up a semi-

                               Novak Djokovic from Serbia returns the ball to Malek Jaziri from Tunisia during the third day of                                      final with unseeded Nick
                               Dubai Tennis Championships in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016. 
                                                                                                                                                                     Kyrgios by beating eighth-
                                                                                                                                                   Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                                     seeded Philipp Kohlsch-

                               Djokovic’s run of 17 straight  from tying Ivan Lendl’s         in the next couple of days,”                                           reiber 7-5, 6-1.
                               finals dating to the 2015      Open era record of 18           he said. “I got a lot of im-
                               Australian Open. He had        straight in 1981-82. But he     portant events waiting for                                             Kyrgios, who is making his
                               won 13 of those finals, in-    wasn’t worried about his        me in the next period. Of
                               cluding the last seven since   streak ending.                  course, Davis Cup back                                                 Dubai debut, advanced
                               the U.S. Open in Septem-       “I just hope this problem       home (next week) and In-
                               ber. He was one final away     with the eye will fade away     dian Wells, Miami, and of                                              by beating third-seeded

                                                                                                                                                                     Tomas Berdych 6-4, 6-4 de-

                                                                                                                                                                     spite having treatment on

                                                                                                                                                                     his back in the first set.q

Galaxy, Santos Laguna draw 0-0 in CONCACAF Champions League

CARSON, Calif. (AP) — Dan and the new-look Los An- Laguna to a 0-0 draw in the                Champions League quar-                                                 good result,” Gerrard said.
Kennedy made five saves geles Galaxy held Santos first leg of the CONCACAF                    terfinals on Wednesday                                                 “We’ve been banging the
                                                                                              night.                                                                 drum all preseason about
Los Angeles Galaxy midfielder Nigel de Jong, center, shoots against Santos Laguna during the  After failing to defend its                                            being solid defensively and
first half of a CONCACAF Champions League soccer quarterfinal in Carson, Calif., Wednesday,   MLS title last season, the                                             keeping clean sheets, and
Feb. 24, 2016.                                                                                Galaxy underwent another                                               that’s the basis we can be
Associated Press                                                                              roster overhaul heavy on                                               successful from.”
                                                                                              star power. Five newcom-                                               The tie will be settled in
                                                                                              ers were in the starting                                               Torreon, Mexico on March
                                                                                              lineup, including English                                              1. It became particularly ill-
                                                                                              defender Ashley Cole and                                               tempered in the final min-
                                                                                              Dutch midfielder Nigel de                                              utes when Keane got into
                                                                                              Jong, and it didn’t take                                               an animated discussion
                                                                                              long for that class to show                                            with Santos Laguna man-
                                                                                              itself.                                                                ager Luis Zubeldia before
                                                                                              Jelle Van Damme’s head-                                                the two were separated.
                                                                                              er off a corner kick forced                                            “Could be worse,” Gal-
                                                                                              Santos Laguna goalkeeper                                               axy manager Bruce Arena
                                                                                              Agustin Marchesin to make                                              said of the result. “For our
                                                                                              a dramatic one-handed                                                  first time out I thought we
                                                                                              save in the opening min-                                               played well. ... We’re not
                                                                                              ute. The Galaxy continued                                              going to change much be-
                                                                                              to create chances early,                                               tween now and Tuesday.
                                                                                              with Robbie Keane slipping                                             In a couple months, we’ll
                                                                                              behind three defenders in                                              see what kind of team we
                                                                                              the 17th minute but unable                                             have.”The match opened
                                                                                              to head Steven Gerrard’s                                               up late in the second half,
                                                                                              pass on goal.                                                          with chances developing
                                                                                              “If we had scored a goal                                               on both ends of the pitch.
                                                                                              it would have been the                                                 Carlos Izquierdoz redirect
                                                                                              perfect result, but it is still a                                      q
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