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                                                                                                                        Friday 26 February 2016

Eagle Beach this Saturday:
Flip Flop Festival 2016 to Bring Good Vibes to the Beach!

EAGLE BEACH - This Satur-       Outkast has gained the          mashup of EDM and World        It did not take long for Nutz-  MC, the one and only: MC
day February 27, 2016 Chill     respect of A-list artists by    beats. He has rightfully       beatz a.k.a Eldrick Boek-       SAMIL
and Balashi Beer will have      supporting the likes of Lu-     earned the title of Global     houdt, born in Aruba to         Starting his MC career
their annual Flip Flop Fes-     dacris, Fabolous, Damian        Ambassador of Music and        become the biggest EDM          back in December of 2011
tival at Eagle Beach. The       Marley, Wyclef, Fatman          Culture. Together with the     DJ on the island. Nutzbeatz     as the resident Mc of a well
festival will start at 2pm      Scoop, Beenie Man and           Grammy-Award winning           began his DJ career at a        know Club in Aruba called
and will go on till 2am. En-    many others.                    crew Black Chiney, Major       young age. He went from         “Senor Frogs”. In the year
trance policy for this free     Ritmo Real, a talented art-     Lazer and as a solo per-       small parties to residence      of 2012, Samil has hosted
event is 18+.                   ist, entertainer, producer,     former Walshy is known for     is most clubs in Aruba to       in every club & bars on the
The lineup for this year will   and composer. Ritmo Real        his ability to rock crowds of  the largest events on the       island and has continued
be as follow DJ Yeimy -         has hits with different art-    every background or size.      islands. He successfully        to expand to big events &
Buleria- DJ Outkast - Ritmo     ist like Nutzbeatz, Fellow,     He reinforces his technique    proved his skills to be inno-   festivals. But it wasn’t un-
Real - T.O.K - DJ Outkast-      Ataniro, Jeon, Ir sais, Keizer  with style and swagger,        vative and quickly made         til his first Debut on a big
Gyptian - Walshy Fire- Nutz     Ori, Immorales and many         both of which give him an      a name for himself. He has      stage Back in January 2013
Beatz                           more. Ritmo also has a few      awesome stage presence.        a large fan base and is         performing alongside Nutz-
In 1995 DJ YEIMY, moved         hits together with Upgrade      In 2015, Walshy thrust even    fan favorite in this region.    beatz in front of 10.000+
to Aruba , and began to         Music.                          further into the spotlight     Nutzbeatz has had the op-       people, his name and tal-
work as a DJ in popular dis-    T.O.K .is one of the best       with the release of Major      portunity to play alongside     ent got noticed and ever
cos like Whisky Roadhouse       dancehall groups to have        Lazer’s album “Peace Is        DJ’s such as Dimitri Vegas,     since that night, things
Café, E – Zone , Crobar ,       originated from Jamaica.        the Mission”. The hit single   Chuckie, Sunnery James &        have never been the
Tantra , Café Bahia and         The group broke into the        “Lean On” has almost a         Ryan Marciano, Nero, Erick      same. Since his debut in
Havana Beach Club. DJ           U.S. market with a 2001 de-     billion views on YouTube       Morillo, Hardwell, Afrojack,    early 2013, Samil has quick-
YEIMY has also been part        but album, “My Crew, My         and was named the most         Nicky Romero, Fatboy Slim,      ly grown to be one of the
of many important events        Dawgs,” which peaked            streamed song ever on          and many more.                  best MC on Aruba and his
on the Island , playing with    at No. 6 on Billboard’s Top     Spotify. Other hits include    Of course the Festival will     name is only growing big-
many popular DJ’s from          Reggae Albums chart. Hits       “Bumaye”,and “Get Free         be hosted by the residence      ger throughout the region.
Latin America, Europe and       include “Gal You A Lead”                                                                       With the demand of Mc
the USA. DJ YEIMY also was      and “Footprints”. T.O.K re-                                                                    Samil growing more and
very successful on the ra-      united again at the end                                                                        more, he had the oppor-
dio, he hosted and played       of 2015, and will perform                                                                      tunity to perform alongside
in his own program called       exclusively at the Flip Flop                                                                   Djs such as Chuckie, Funk D,
RITMO , for more than 15        Festival.                                                                                      Genairo Nvilla, Cedric Ger-
years, playing, dance,          Gyptian is one of the lead-                                                                    vais, Nutzbeatz, Karixon,
house ,retro, techno music      ing young artists in the new                                                                   Bamfstarz And Many More.
whilst also promoting local     lovers rock reggae genre,                                                                      He also had the chance to
and international DJ’s.         mixing elements of dance-                                                                      share the stage with; Fat
Buleria will be also perform-   hall and urban music to                                                                        Boy Slim, Nero, Eric Morillo,
ing at the Flip Flop Festival!  create hits such as “Hold                                                                      baggi begovic, Dimitri Ve-
Buleria won the band of         Yuh”, his Billboard charted                                                                    gas, Quintino, Alex Sargo,
the year award in Aruba         breakout hit. Nominated                                                                        MC Roga & many more.
and Curacao in 2015! With       for Best New Entertainer
many hits under their name      at the 2006 International
they will surely make you       Reggae and World Music
swing and sing mama mia         Awards. Gyptian contin-
buleria!                        ues to role out hits such
An official member of Emi-      as “wine slow”, “beautiful
nem’s Shadyville Crew           lady”, “Nah Let go”, and
AND 50 Cent’s G-Unit The        recently released “All on
Cut Creator, DJ Outkast         me”. Word of his intense
has one of the most po-         sets and professionalism
tent mixes of talent, expe-     has led to performances
rience, performance and         in Europe, Latin America,
swag in the Caribbean.          Asia, the Pacific and be-
Considered the top DJ on        yond. Outkast has been
his island and one of the       featured on BET’s 106 and
best in the region he has       Park.
served residencies in SXM’s     Walshy Fire has been cir-
hottest clubs and is the cur-   cling the planet introduc-
rent host of the daily “Pow-    ing audiences at major
er Hour” on Lazer 101.1 FM.     Festivals, genre-defying
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