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WORLD NEWSFriday 26 February 2016
Mumbai sets no-selfie zones as deaths linked to selfies rise
RISHABH R. JAIN Indians take a selfie in Mumbai’s coastline. India is home to the highest number of people who with a fine of 1,200 rupees,
MANISH MEHTA have died while taking photos of themselves, with 19 of the world’s 49 recorded selfie-linked or about $18.
Associated Press deaths since 2014, according to San Francisco-based data service provider Priceonomics. The After the woman’s death
MUMBAI, India (AP) — Look statistic may in part be due to India’s sheer size, with 1.25 billion citizens and one of the world’s last month, the city’s po-
around in any major In- fastest-growing smartphone markets. lice conducted a survey
dian city, and you will find to identify such danger-
someone with an arm out- (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool) ous places, police official
stretched, mobile phone in Dhananjay Kulkarni said.
hand, smiling widely and dent on a class picnic lost a popular tourist spot. ing train approaching, and The city also plans to run an
clicking away. Even Prime his balance while taking a An engineering student sus- were hit. They’d been on awareness campaign.
Minister Narendra Modi has selfie atop a rock near a tained fatal head injuries their way to visit the Taj Ma- Despite clearly marked
embraced the medium, dam near the central Indi- when a rock he was stand- hal. signs demarking the selfie-
posting pictures online he’s an city of Nashik. He fell into ing cracked and sent him In Mumbai, police have free zones, people can still
snapped with various world the water and drowned, tumbling. He’d been trying declared selfies off-limits be seen clicking away, and
leaders. along with a classmate to take a selfie with friends in areas perceived as risky often going to the edges or
But the pursuit of the most who jumped in to try and in front of the Kolli Hills in — particularly along the standing on ledges to get
epic selfie can have lethal save him. Last month, an Tamil Nadu. coastline in spots with no the most thrilling shots.
consequences. 18-year-old woman fell and And in January 2014, three railings or barriers. Anyone “When you are traveling
India is home to the high- drowned in the sea while students aged 20 to 22 venturing into off-limits ar- alone, and do not have
est number of people who taking a photo of herself at died when they stopped to eas, even if they take no anyone to take your pic-
have died while taking Mumbai’s Bandstand Fort, take a photo with a speed- photos, risks being slapped tures, then it’s only selfie,”
photos of themselves, with said Murtuza Rangwala, a
19 of the world’s 49 re- student in Mumbai.
corded selfie-linked deaths Mumbai psychologist Keerti
since 2014, according to Sachdeva said she doesn’t
San Francisco-based data expect the constant pursuit
service provider Priceo- of selfies to end any time
nomics. The statistic may in soon, saying one probable
part be due to India’s sheer reason is the need for ac-
size, with 1.25 billion citizens ceptance and love.
and one of the world’s fast- “You know people have
est-growing smartphone this sort of feeling in adoles-
markets. cent age, especially that
Alarmed by the trend, they need to get this ac-
Mumbai has declared 16 ceptance from everyone,
no-selfie zones across the that I am a smart person,
city, as authorities warn I am a good-looking per-
people against taking un- son,” Sachdeva said. “So
necessary risks. for acceptance and rec-
Earlier this month, an ognition they are indulging
18-year-old college stu- in taking of selfies.”
China criticizes Philippines over South China Sea dispute
M. PENNINGTON responsible to the Filipino kered deal. It contends pines for shutting the door ute to the Philippines’ eco-
Associated Press people and the future of that China’s massive terri- to negotiations with Chi- nomic development.”
WASHINGTON (AP) — Chi- the Philippines.” torial claims in the strategic na over their dispute and Wang was in Washington
na on Thursday accused China has refused to partic- waters do not conform with seeking arbitration with- this week for talks with his
the U.S.-allied Philippines of ipate in the proceedings. A the 1982 U.N. out China’s consent. counterpart, Secretary of
“political provocation” in ruling is expected later this Convention on the Law of He said China was pre- State John Kerry. Differ-
seeking international arbi- year, after the tribunal de- the Sea and should be de- pared to negotiate “tomor- ences over the South Chi-
tration over territorial claims cided last October that it clared invalid. The Philip- row.” na Sea have strained U.S.-
in the South China Sea. could hear the case. pines also asserts that some “We are neighbors just sep- China relations. The U.S.
Chinese Foreign Minister The Philippines initiated ar- Chinese-occupied reefs arated by a narrow body accuses China of militariz-
Wang Yi said the decision bitration in early 2013 after and shoals do not gener- of water,” Wang told the ing a key conduit for world
by Philippine leaders to Beijing refused to withdraw ate, or create a claim to, Center for Strategic and trade. China says Washing-
lodge a case with a tribu- its ships from a disputed territorial waters. International Studies think ton and its allies are respon-
nal in The Hague was “ir- shoal under a U.S.-bro- Wang blamed the Philip- tank. “We want to contrib- sible for raising tensions.