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WORLD NEWSFriday 26 February 2016
Syrian army recaptures town in Aleppo from IS Australia warns of
possible Indonesia
ZEINA KARAM Khanaser, around 50 kilo- ating table in Geneva. Thursday, saying he is wor-
Associated Press meters (30 miles) southeast The U.N. special envoy ried that Russia will contin- terror attack: AP
BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian gov- of Aleppo city, after three for Syria, Staffan de Mis- ue to hit Syrian civilians or
ernment troops backed days of heavy battles and tura, said he will convene the moderate opposition SYDNEY (AP) — Australia’s
by Russian airstrikes recap- that intense fighting was still the first meeting of a task during the truce. Ahmet government warned on
tured a town in Aleppo underway to reopen the force meant to monitor Davutoglu has accused Thursday that terrorists may
province from Islamic State be in the advanced stages
militants on Thursday in a Civilians carry supplies in Aleppo, Syria. Syrian government troops backed by Russian airstrikes of preparing attacks in In-
key advance just two days recaptured a town in Aleppo province from Islamic State militants on Thursday. donesia, and urged travel-
ahead of a U.S. and Russia- ers to exercise a high level
engineered cease-fire that (Alexander Kots/K. Pravda via AP) of caution when visiting
is set to take effect in Syria. the Southeast Asian nation,
In the rebel-held suburb of road. On Tuesday, IS seized the cease-fire. Speaking Russia of striking the moder- including the popular tour-
Daraya, opposition activists Khanaser and surrounding to reporters Thursday in ate opposition in Syria over ist island of Bali.
said the army escalated its hills, severing the govern- Geneva, he predicted a the past five months under The Department of Foreign
attacks, dropping dozens ment’s main land route to “crucial” day ahead of the the guise of hitting militants. Affairs and Trade issued
of barrel bombs from heli- the city. start of the truce brokered Davutoglu said the cease- the travel advisory, which
copters on the devastated In the push on Khanaser, by the United States and fire would have “no mean- said only that there were
town located a few kilome- the Syrian army and pro- Russia. ing if Russia continues with “recent indications” an
ters southwest of the Syrian government Shiite militias The Syrian opposition has its irresponsible bombings.” attack may be in the ad-
capital, sending plumes of were backed by Russian agreed to abide by the Meanwhile, Turkey’s For- vanced planning stages,
smoke rising into the sky. airstrikes, The Observatory truce but expressed major eign Minister Mevlut Ca- and warned people to be
Russia and the United said. The cease-fire meant concerns and reservations vusoglu told state-run An- vigilant at places of wor-
States have set a deadline to start on midnight Friday is about what it said were adolu Agency that Saudi ship and during holiday pe-
of midnight on Friday for aimed at achieving a tem- ambiguities and the lack aircraft would arrive “today riods. The department did
the temporary cease-fire porary “cessation of hostili- of any clear mechanism to or tomorrow” at the Incirlik not raise its overall warning
to take effect between the ties” that would bring back implement the agreement. Air Base in southern Turkey level for Australians visiting
Syrian government and op- the Syrian government and Turkey’s prime minister to join the fight against Is- the country.
position forces. But fighting its opponents to the negoti- echoed those concerns on lamic State in Syria. q The advice comes just days
is expected to continue after Australia warned that
in many places, because terrorists may be plotting
the deal excludes groups attacks in and around
deemed terrorist by the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s
U.N. Security Council in- largest city.
cluding Islamic State and In its warning for Indonesia,
the al-Qaida branch in Syr- the department cited the
ia, the Nusra Front. Jan. 14 attacks in the capi-
The town of Khanaser cap- tal, Jakarta, that left eight
tured by the army Thursday people dead, saying the
was seized earlier this week assaults demonstrated an
by the Islamic State group, ongoing threat.
cutting state forces’ ac- “We continue to receive
cess to the provincial capi- information that indicates
tal, also called Aleppo, that terrorists may be plan-
said the Syrian government ning attacks in Indonesia,”
and the London-based Syr- the department wrote.
ian Observatory for Human “An attack could occur
Rights, an opposition moni- anywhere at any time.”
toring group. The agency did not im-
SANA said the army took mediately to a request for
more details.
Saudis rebuke Lebanon for siding with Iran Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry
said it had no information
BASSEM MROUE proxy wars in Syrbia, Yemen January. citizens from traveling to about possible attacks.
and, to a lesser extent, in Riyadh announced Friday Lebanon and withdrew a “We want to emphasize
Associated Press Iraq. Saudi’s punitive mea- it was halting $4 billion in number of diplomats from that our security authori-
sures against Lebanon be- aid grants due to what it the country. ties continue to be work-
BEIRUT (AP) — Saudi Arabia gan last week after the described as stances taken Lebanon’s political elite is ing and vigilant,” ministry
Lebanese foreign minister, by Lebanese officials which deeply divided between spokesman Arrmanatha
has lashed out at Lebanon, Gibran Bassil, an ally of the “were not in harmony with two powerful Saudi and Nasir said in a statement.
Iranian-backed Hezbollah the ties between the two Iran-backed coalitions. The “They have not conveyed
cutting off billions of dollars group, declined to support countries.” spat has exacerbated di- any indication of an in-
Saudi resolutions against This week, Saudi Arabia visions among Lebanon’s creased threat.”
of aid and telling its citizens Iran during two meetings called on its citizens not to notoriously fractious politi- In recent years, Indonesian
of Arab and Muslim foreign travel to Lebanon for safety cians, who traded accusa- counterterrorism forces
to leave the country, after ministers. reasons and ordered those tions over the billions of dol- successfully eradicated
The resolution sought to staying there to leave. Its lars lost. Lebanon has been the extremist group Je-
Beirut sided with Iran in the condemn Iran over attacks Gulf allies Bahrain, Kuwait without a president since maah Islamiyah that was
on Saudi diplomatic mis- and Qatar predictably fol- May 2014 and parliament responsible for several at-
fallout over the execution sions following Riyadh’s ex- lowed suit, issuing similar has failed to elect a new tacks, including the 2002
ecution of prominent Shiite warnings. The United Arab head of state because of bombings of bars in Bali
of a Saudi Shiite cleric, in cleric Nimr al-Nimr in early Emirates also banned its lack of a quorum.q which killed 202 people, as
well as two hotel bombings
a diplomatic dispute that in Jakarta in 2009 that killed
seven people.q
threatens Lebanon’s strug-
gling economy.
The tension reflects the
worsening Sunni-Shiite
conflict in the Middle East,
which is driven by regional
powerhouses Saudi Arabia
and Iran, who are fighting