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                                                                                                                                                                       Friday 26 February 2016

House chairman: Military files, emails deleted amid probe

House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., speaks at a House                                             ployees from CENTCOM re-       to “get closure on exactly
Intelligence Committee hearing on world wide threats on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday,                                   sponded to the survey.         the extent of this allega-
Feb. 25, 2016.                                                                                                                  The official spoke on con-     tion,” he cannot control
                                                                                                                                dition of anonymity to dis-    the pace of the watch-
                                                                                                      (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)  close details of the internal  dog’s investigation.
                                                                                                                                survey.                         He said that while the in-
      Continued from front     cent of Central Command        ducted between August                                             A report on the survey is-     vestigation proceeds, intel-
                               analysts believe there are     and October of last year,                                         sued in December 2015          ligence officials continue to
“While it would be inappro-    problems with the integrity    approximately 120 em-                                             indicated that 40 percent      look into ways to improve
priate to discuss the details  of the intelligence analyses                                                                     of those who responded at      the process of producing
of that investigation, I can   and process.                                                                                     CENTCOM answered “yes”         the assessments, and he
tell you that as a matter of   “To me, it seems like 40 per-                                                                    to the question: “During the   noted that the DIA’s om-
CENTCOM policy, all senior     cent of analysts who are                                                                         past year, do you believe      budsman had looked into
leader emails are kept in      concerned at CENTCOM                                                                             that anyone attempted to       a particular incident.
storage for record-keep-       — that’s just something                                                                          distort or suppress analysis   The New York Times, which
ing purposes, so such re-      that can’t be ignored,”                                                                          on which you were working      first disclosed the inves-
cords cannot be deleted,”      Nunes said.                                                                                      in the face of persuasive      tigation, reported that
Raines said. It’s unclear if   A senior intelligence of-                                                                        evidence?”                     the probe began after at
emails written by lower-       ficial said that each year                                                                       Asked whether he consid-       least one civilian DIA ana-
level staff were also main-    the DNI conducts a sur-                                                                          ered 40 percent an unusu-      lyst told authorities he had
tained.                        vey at all 17  U.S. intelli-                                                                     ally high number, Lt. Gen.     evidence that officials at
Nunes, R-California, also      gence agencies to gain                                                                           Vincent Stewart, director      Central Command were
said the Office of the Di-     feedback on the integrity,                                                                       of the Defense Intelligence    improperly reworking con-
rector of National Intel-      standards and objectiv-                                                                          Agency, told the commit-       clusions of assessments pre-
ligence briefed the com-       ity of the process used to                                                                       tee that he did.               pared for President Barack
mittee on a survey indicat-    analyze intelligence. In the                                                                     Stewart said that while it     Obama and other top
ing that more than 40 per-     most recent survey, con-                                                                         would be favorable for all     policymakers.q

Nevada governor withdraws name
from Supreme Court consideration 

MICHELLE RINDELS               Barack Obama a chance
Associated Press               at breaking Senate Repub-
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Ne-           licans’ planned blockade
vada’s Republican gover-       of any election-year confir-
nor said Thursday he is not    mation.
interested in being consid-    “Earlier today, I notified
ered for the  U.S. Supreme     the White House that I do
Court at this time, and he     not wish to be considered
has told the White House       at this time for possible
so.                            nomination to the Supreme
Brian Sandoval, Nevada’s       Court of the United States,”
first Hispanic governor and    Sandoval wrote.
a supporter of abortion        “The notion of being con-
rights, issued a statement     sidered for a seat on the
the day after                  highest court in the land
The Washington Post re-        is beyond humbling, and
ported the White House         I am incredibly grateful to
was considering him as a       have been mentioned.”
potential replacement for      He offered no reason for
the late conservative Jus-     his decision. Sandoval, 52,
tice Antonin Scalia.           is a former federal judge
The choice of Sandoval         and popular second-term
could have given President     governor.q
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