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U.S. NEWSFriday 26 February 2016
Apple asks judge to vacate order on locked iPhone
ERIC TUCKER National Counterterrorism Center Director Nicholas Rasmussen, left, FBI Director James Comey, to steal it.”
TAMI ABDOLLAH third from left, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, second from left, depart fol- A hearing is scheduled for
Associated Press lowing a House Intelligence Committee hearing on worldwide threats on Capitol Hill in Washing- next month.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Ap- ton, Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016. The dispute broke into
ple Inc. on Thursday asked public view last Tuesday
a federal magistrate to (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) when Pym directed Apple
reverse her order that the to help the FBI gain ac-
company help the FBI ing use of the judicial pro- could bring disastrous re- ernment knows those state- cess to a phone used by
hack into a locked iPhone, cess, and the Constitution percussions, the company ments are not true,” law- one of the assailants in the
accusing the federal gov- forbids it,” Apple said. warned in a memo sub- yers for Apple wrote. San Bernardino, California,
ernment of seeking “dan- The Justice Department mitted to Magistrate Sheri They said that if Apple attacks. Federal agents
gerous power” through the is proposing a “boundless Pym that aggressively chal- were required to build the haven’t been able to open
courts and of trampling on interpretation” of the law lenges policy justifications software the FBI wants, the phone of Syed Farook
its constitutional rights. that, if left unchecked, put forward by the Obama “criminals, terrorists and because they don’t know
The filing represents Ap- administration. hackers will no doubt view the passcode. The Justice
ple’s first official response “The government says: the code as a major prize Department wants Apple
since the judge’s order ‘Just this once’ and ‘Just and can be expected to to create specialized soft-
last week and builds upon this phone.’ But the gov- go to considerable lengths ware for the iPhone that
arguments voiced by the would bypass some secu-
company’s chief execu- rity features so that the FBI
tive and supporters. can try as many passcodes
It marks the latest salvo in a as possible without the
court fight that could cre- data being erased.
ate meaningful precedent The filing was made the
and establish new legal same day that FBI Director
boundaries in the policy James Comey defended
between national security the government’s ap-
and digital privacy. proach during separate
“No court has ever autho- appearances on Capitol
rized what the government Hill, where he stressed that
now seeks, no law supports the agency was seeking
such unlimited and sweep- specialized software for
only one phone as part
of an investigation into an
act of terror that left 14
dead. q
Obama bans imports of slave-produced goods
MARTHA MENDOZA forced labor was suspect- briefing Friday to explain
Associated Press ed and block further im- how they’ll be implement-
Federal officials are prepar- ports, was last used in 2000, ing the new law.
ing to enforce an 86-year- and has been used only 39 “If the U.S. government
old ban on importing times all together largely works to really keep out
goods made by children or because of two words: goods made with forced
slaves under new provisions “consumptive demand” — labor, this change will have
of a law signed by Presi- if there was not sufficient a profound ripple effect on
dent Barack Obama. supply to meet domestic supply chains worldwide,”
“This law slams shut an un- demand, imports were al- said David Abramowitz,
conscionable and archa- lowed regardless of how who advocated for the
ic loophole that forced they were produced. change as vice president
America to accept prod- The Trade Facilitation and for Humanity United.
ucts made by children or Trade Enforcement Act To start an investigation,
slave labor,” said Sen. Ron signed by Obama on Customs needs to receive
Wyden, an Oregon demo- Wednesday eliminated a petition from anyone
crat who worked on the that language, allowing — a business, an agency,
legislation. stiffer enforcement. US even a non-citizen — show-
The Tariff Act of 1930, which Customs and Border Pro- ing “reasonably but not
gave Customs and Border tection Commissioner Gil conclusively” that imports
Protection the authority Kerlikowske and agency were made at least in part
to seize shipments where leaders are planning a with forced labor.q