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U.S. NEWSFriday 26 February 2016

Snacks nation:                                                                                                                  Judge: NYC can penalize chains

Food makers turning everything into snacks  that don’t post warnings on salt 

CANDICE CHOI                  is comparable in size to a      it’s inspiring some compa-                                        JAKE PEARSON                    This undated provided by
AP Food Industry Writer       bag of potato chips).           nies to try and transform                                         Associated Press                the New York City Health
NEW YORK (AP) — There         Even Hershey is try-            everyday foods into more                                          NEW YORK (AP) — Large           Department shows an icon
are no meals anymore,         ing to become more              exciting snacks.                                                  chain restaurants and fast-     of a salt shaker that serves
only snacks.                  of a  snacks  player with       Snacks  can have good                                             food eateries in the na-        as a graphic warning to
As around-the-clock graz-     “snack  mixes” that seem        profit margins, too. Prices                                       tion’s most populous city       NYC consumers of high salt
ing upends the way peo-       like trail mix, except with     will vary depending on the                                        can be fined up to $600         content in foods.
ple eat, companies are rei-   Reese’s peanut butter cups      retailer, but the suggested                                       beginning next week for         (NYC Health Department via
magining foods that aren’t    and mini chocolate bars         retail price for a snack pack                                     not posting salt warnings       AP)
normally seen as snacks to    (280 calories per package).     of Hillshire’s grilled chicken                                    on menu items that con-
                                                                                                                                tain more than the recom-       third of the city’s restau-
Spam Snacks, left, Skippy P.B. Bites, center, and Hillshire Genoa Salami with cheese and crackers                               mended daily dose of sodi-      rant business. Panera, Ap-
are arranged for a photo, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, in New York. As around-the-clock graz-                                      um, a judge ruled Wednes-       plebees and other chains
ing upends the way people eat, companies are reimagining foods that aren’t normally seen as                                     day.                            have already started post-
snacks to elbow in on the trend.                                                                                                “Some people love salty         ing salt-warning labels.
                                                                                                                                food and are just going to      Preston Ricardo, who
                                                                                                      (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)  eat those salty foods re-       represented the National
                                                                                                                                gardless of whether there’s     Restaurant Association,
elbow in on the trend. That   “People are snacking more       is $2.49, while Kellogg’s To                                      a salt icon next to it,” Su-    likened the salt-shaker
means everything includ-      and more, sometimes in-         Go pouch sells for about $2.                                      preme Court Justice Eileen      icons to warnings for bio-
ing grilled chicken, cereal,  stead of meals, sometimes       Kellogg is also marketing                                         Rakower said from the           hazardous material that
chocolate, peanut butter      with meals, and sometimes       regular bowls of cereal as a                                      bench.                          would confuse consum-
and even Spam are now         in between meals,” said         late-night snack, and says it                                                                     ers, steer them to restau-
being marketed as snacks.     Marcel Nahm, who heads          can do more to push Pop-                                           “I believe information is      rants not required to post
Some are trying to jump       North American  snacks  for     Tarts as an anytime  snack.                                       power.”                         them and violate the First
into the party by playing     Hershey. He said Hershey’s      Hormel recently introduced                                        The ruling dismissed a chal-    Amendment rights of res-
up protein. Meat process-     research shows some peo-        Skippy P.B. Bites, which are                                      lenge from the National         taurant owners forced to
ing giant Tyson launched      ple snack “10 times a day.”     candy-like balls of peanut                                        Restaurant Association          post them.
HillshireSnacking  this year  Snacking  has been en-          butter marketed as filling                                        brought just days after         “The irreparable harm is
with packs of cut-up chick-   croaching on meals for          treats for kids.                                                  the first-of-its-kind rule was  real,” he said, arguing
en that people are sup-       years, of course, fueled in     A serving has 160 calories                                        enacted in December. It         that there’s controversy
posed to grab and eat with    part by the belief that sev-    and 8 grams of sugar, with                                        is but the latest in a series   among scientists them-
their hands (120 calories     eral smaller meals a day        each canister containing six                                      of healthy eating mea-          selves about how much
per pack). Canned meat        are better than three big       servings. The canister costs                                      sures pioneered by New          salt is too much. The as-
maker Hormel is testing       ones. Snacks now account        around $3.50 and isn’t sup-                                       York City public health of-     sociation planned to ap-
“Spam  Snacks,” which are     for half of all eating occa-    posed to be a single snack,                                       ficials that have been chal-    peal the ruling, he said.
dried chunks of the famous    sions, with breakfast and       but Hormel president Jim                                          lenged in the courts, in-       The average American
meat in re-sealable bags      lunch in particular becom-      Snee says “unfortunately it                                       cluding an overturned rule      consumes about 3,400
(220 calories per bag).       ing “snackified,” according     can end up being that.”                                           limiting the size of sugary     mg of sodium per day
People with a sweet tooth     to the Hartman Group, a         Prescribing an ideal eat-                                         drinks and an upheld re-        and experts say too much
aren’t being forgotten. Af-   food industry consultancy.      ing pattern for everyone                                          quirement that chains post      salt can increase the risk
ter years of slumping ce-     But more recently, the blur-    is difficult given people’s                                       calorie counts on menus.        of high blood pressure,
real sales, Kellogg recently  ring lines are making peo-      varying lifestyles, said                                          “This is really good news for   heart disease and high
introduced Kellogg’s To       ple reach for  snacks  with     Claudia Zapata, a regis-                                          the health of New Yorkers,”     blood pressure. The fed-
Go pouches, which hold        benefits they might other-      tered dietitian in San An-                                        said Dr. Mary Bassett, the      eral government recom-
slightly larger pieces of     wise get from a meal, like      tonio, Texas. But she noted                                       city’s health commissioner.     mends people consume
cereal the company says       protein or fiber. That has led  that  snacks  should gener-                                       The fines take effect March     less than 2,300 mg of salt
were “specifically created    to ingredients like chick-      ally be 250 calories at most                                      1.                              per day.
to be eaten by hand” (190     peas, lentils and quinoa        and are meant to tide peo-                                        Under the rule, restaurant      The salt-warning labels,
calories per pouch, which     popping up in snacks. And       ple over between meals. q                                         owners must now post dis-       initiated by current Demo-
                                                                                                                                tinct triangle icons with       cratic Mayor Bill de Blasio,
                                                                                                                                salt-shaker images inside       follow a string of public
                                                                                                                                on menus next to items          health initiatives cham-
                                                                                                                                that top the recommend-         pioned by former Mayor
                                                                                                                                ed daily limit of 2,300 milli-  Michael Bloomberg, such
                                                                                                                                grams of sodium, about a        as an attempt to ban
                                                                                                                                teaspoon’s worth.               oversized sugary drinks,
                                                                                                                                Public health officials have    restrict the use of trans fats
                                                                                                                                long argued that Ameri-         in restaurants and pro-
                                                                                                                                cans consume too much           hibit smoking in bars and
                                                                                                                                salt, and point to cheddar      restaurants.q
                                                                                                                                bacon burgers with nearly
                                                                                                                                4,300 mg and boneless
                                                                                                                                Buffalo chicken salads with
                                                                                                                                more than 3,000 mg as
                                                                                                                                The warnings will apply
                                                                                                                                to chains with at least 15
                                                                                                                                outlets nationwide, which
                                                                                                                                health officials estimate
                                                                                                                                account for about one-
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